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More problems! - Having trouble with launching craft, among other things.

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This happened almost just after I fixed a previous problem I had (Click here) with KSP.

I opened KSP, opened the correct savegame (Is that what they are called?), bla bla bla... I went into the SPH, and loaded my KTM 1120-4.1, to modify it and make it the KTM 1060-3.1. It worked fine. Then, after making the necessary modifications, I tried to launch it, and it just went out to the KSC! To where I can click on all the different facilities, and not to the runway where I wanted to go. I tried again, but this time, I did it from the runway directly.

The same thing happened. :mad: 

I went back into the SPH, opened the saved KTM 1060 up, and when I opened up the "Add crew to vessel" thing, there were no parts with crew capacity, even though I knew there were 3 external command seats. I was going to just place new seats, but in the parts toolbox, the parts that couldn't be the first part on a vessel were grayed out, like nothing was open!!!!!!!!! I tried to save, and it asked me if I wanted to overwrite, since there was already a craft with the name "KTM 1060-3.1". It does that every time I save it. I don't know why, but it doesn't bother me. Anyway, I clicked overwrite, and nothing happened. It acknowledged that I clicked it, but it didn't do anything. I also couldn't leave, open a different craft, build a new craft, move or add parts to the craft, or even switch between the VAB/SPH! I don't know what happened, but it is weird. I have S.A.V.E.D. KSP recently, but I don't know if it something was corrupted at the time I saved too? 

(Does S.A.V.E. just save your craft, or does it save everything? Meaning, if there is a problem with the game, will S.A.V.E. save that problem, or does it just save your craft files and stuff?)

Is this post clear, annoying, confusing, or otherwise not pleasant to read?


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  On 4/14/2021 at 12:37 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

This happened almost just after I fixed a previous problem I had (Click here) with KSP.

I opened KSP, opened the correct savegame (Is that what they are called?), bla bla bla... I went into the SPH, and loaded my KTM 1120-4.1, to modify it and make it the KTM 1060-3.1. It worked fine. Then, after making the necessary modifications, I tried to launch it, and it just went out to the KSC! To where I can click on all the different facilities, and not to the runway where I wanted to go. I tried again, but this time, I did it from the runway directly.

The same thing happened. :mad: 


You know, it happened something weird to me too. On KSC, while trying to enter VAB, somehow the TechTree scene entered instead...

At that time, I thought I had screwed up something (as I was testing Recall), but now that you report something more or less similar...


  On 4/14/2021 at 12:37 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

I went back into the SPH, opened the saved KTM 1060 up, and when I opened up the "Add crew to vessel" thing, there were no parts with crew capacity, even though I knew there were 3 external command seats. I was going to just place new seats, but in the parts toolbox, the parts that couldn't be the first part on a vessel were grayed out, like nothing was open!!!!!!!!!


That happened to me too. The solution for me was to exit the VAB/SPH, and then enter it again...


  On 4/14/2021 at 12:37 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

I tried to save, and it asked me if I wanted to overwrite, since there was already a craft with the name "KTM 1060-3.1". It does that every time I save it. I don't know why, but it doesn't bother me. Anyway, I clicked overwrite, and nothing happened


This happens because you are using non alphanumerical chars on the name, as dashes, slashes, etc. The explanation for this is a bit technical, I will try to simplify it:

Unity, the mega-uber-library that KSP uses to do things like graphics, sounds, etc, is aimed to be multiplataform, i.e., it aims to work on many kinds of computers, from Macs to Androids, iPhones, Game Consoles and, obviously, Windows. So a lot of things need to be "abstracted" in a way that differences between these different computers would not get in the way of the developer.

One of these things is filenames. Different operating systems have different meanings for some chars: on Linux, Android, Macs, etc, the slash "/" is used to separate directories on pathnames, but on Windows, a back-slash  "\" is used for it.  A double-colon ":" cannot be used on filenames on Windows, but can on my Mac. And so on.

So Unity convert everything into a thingy called "URI" (Uniform Resource Identifier"), that is a stunt meant to allow naming things on every type of computer in the World on the same way. The problem is that the way Unity uses that URI stunt makes us lose track of the some characters, as they are all converted into a dot "." on the URI thing. So, "KTM 1060-3.1" ends up being "KTM.1060.3.1" on the URI thing, and with the URI different from the filename, KSP thinks they are two different things and so alerts you that you are going to overwrite a file that looks different, but it's the same.

(yeah, computers can be very messy!)


  On 4/14/2021 at 12:37 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

It acknowledged that I clicked it, but it didn't do anything. I also couldn't leave, open a different craft, build a new craft, move or add parts to the craft, or even switch between the VAB/SPH! I don't know what happened, but it is weird.


I think I know, but again it's a very technical issue: probably an Exception happened inside KSP guts, and when this happens, whatever it was going to do, it's halted and left uncompleted.

So, imagine that by saving the craft, KSP would need to do what follows:

  1. Gray out all buttons that would change the craft (or it may save a half-baked craft!)
  2. Gray out the buttons that would change the scene (otherwise Unity will kill the save code before it finishes!)
  3. Now it save the craft to a file
  4. Then it enables back the buttons that change the scene
  5. Then it enables back the buttons that can change the craft.

Let's imagine that on step 3, something pretty weird happened, so weird that the developer didn't coded a workaround for it - this is what we call a uncaught Exception. When this happens, Unity gets the Exception, logs it on the log file, and promptly kills the running code that launched the Exception thing. If this happens on step 3, the steps 4 and 5 will not be executed anymore.

Of course I don't now if the problem you got was really on saving the craft - it can be anything, I just used the "save craft" as plausible example.

In a way or another, the KSP.log and the Player.log will have the problem logged. If you can post them here, we can try to check what happened - most of the time, it's something missing on the game, as an asset or an dll deleted by accident.


  On 4/14/2021 at 12:37 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

I have S.A.V.E.D. KSP recently, but I don't know if it something was corrupted at the time I saved too? 

(Does S.A.V.E. just save your craft, or does it save everything? Meaning, if there is a problem with the game, will S.A.V.E. save that problem, or does it just save your craft files and stuff?)


S.A.V.E. saves the craft, and all the information on the savegame - it's a lot of stuff. And yeah, if the current stuff is broken, S.A.V.E will save them broken as they are.

The nice thing abot S.A.V.E. is that it does not delete the previous copy, it keeps the many older copies, creating a historic of your saves.

So, when something bad happens and you just realise it some time later, you can try to load an older version where the problem didn't happened. You lose some things, but don't lose everything.

But... If I'm right and your installment is missing a file or two, loading a older and good copy will not solve, as it will be screwed on memory due that problem I think your rig may have.

Do you know how to locate and send the KSP.log and Player log into a dropbox or something?


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My explanation is less complicated, but may still help.
1) the external chairs are obstructed and ksp wont let you put kerbals in them (as a result the craft wont launch)
2) The game simply needs a restart. Sometimes these things happen and a simple restart usually fixes it.
3) Your game may just be missing a few files. A simple workaround is (assuming you got it from steam) to just remove all your mods into a separate folder and update the game (usually this fixes mods missing code)
Other than that, this one seems to bewilder me. I specialise in mod fixes, but this could be either a stock or modded bug.
If you have any mods that change the space centre (custom barn kit ect…)
This may change the hitboxes of various things but not the space centres appearance (may have been installed incorrectly)
However, the only way to really find out is to remove all your mods and open a new save and see if the issue persists.
If it does not, slowly add back mods until it does and try running the game without those one.
If the issue does persist, I recommend creating a new tread in the stock bugs and errors as most people here fix mod issues. Which tend to (but not always) be easier then stock issues.
The people there will know more about your issue and most likely be able to fix it.
Hope it helps

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Are these the right logs?




 I am switching over to a different computer pretty soon, and will probably play KSP on the new (It's not new, as in bought and/or manufactured recently. but new as in "It's the computer I am switching over to from the one I am using now") computer without going through Steam since I have heard with modded KSP it's better not to use Steam. All I really care about are my craft files. I don't even care about the other savegames since I am always in sandbox mode. I still need to download KSP and all my mods onto the new computer* , but I also need to transfer the craft. I was thinking about using the Steam cloud, but since I might not use steam (For KSP, there are other Steam games I have that I want to keep), and since the files are weird, I can't really do that.

Is there a way to take a flashdrive, transfer all the craft files onto it, go to the new computer, put the craft files into some folder in the KSP folder, and have all the craft show up on KSP on the new computer?

*Is there a single ksp.exe file that I can transfer over instead of downloading KSP from the internet? I only ask since I have slow internet. I could easily go to McDonalds and use the McWifi, but I was just wondering.

I understand that this post is a little hard to read, and I am sorry, but I am anxious to get KSP working. I think all of these problems may have been started by Steam trying to update KSP.

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