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Am I the only one who likes exploring surfaces?

king of nowhere

Am I the only one who likes exploring surfaces?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I the only one who likes exploring surfaces?

    • Stay away from me, you horrible freak!
    • Exploring surfaces is bad and you should feel bad
    • Eeww, why would any sane person want to do that?
    • No, I don't like it, but I can see the appeal
    • No, I don't like it. Well, actually I do, but I am ashamed to admit it
    • Yes, you are not alone in the universe

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I like surface exploration too, but I dislike rovers specifically. My exploration vehicles are mostly hoppers.

When propellers were added, my Eve exploration vehicle of choice became a quad-copter. Before that, I had designed a rover with a roll cage and flip-righting  mechanism and drove several tens of kilometers with it, some manned, some not. It's fun trying to get up a crater edge and back down without eating dirt. But in the end, wheeled vehicles are too slow for instant-gratification me.

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20 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

We lost many rovers because they got dust on their solar panels, this would have been easily fixed by a a crew member with a broom.

Imagine if that was your job on a mission to Mars. “This is Mission Specialist Smith our SPS (solar panel sweeper). He trained for 3 years learning broom handling in low gravity environments”.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only surface I have really explored is Dres. It took me a Few IRL hours to drive 20 kilometers. I’m sure I would like surface exploration more if I went to a less boring planet celestial body.


I can see why people say Dres doesn’t exist. It is very boring. 


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Yes, I like moving around! What's the point of going to other planets and not exploring? I recently have mostly done short test trips on Kerbin (Mostly KSC) with new cranes, trucks, cars, and other regular ground vehicles I have built.

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