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Your landers


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Hey all. So one thing I have noticed is that all of my landers are basically the same. They all have room for 3 in a MK1-3 Command Pod(I like to bring a pilot, scientist and engineer on every trip). My ship to the Mun is the same as the one I use to Minmus. My ship to Duna, Dres, Eeloo, Jool and the Eve system are all essentially the same. There are some minor differences in that Eeloo has some RTGs because solar isn’t very effective that far from the sun. My Duna ship has air brakes which I am not even sure help lol. I find things that I feel work well and go with it. This ship is stable on the ground with its landing struts and flies well, this has lots of thrust, etc. Then essentially, all of my landers are the same. Doesn’t matter where I am going. 

Do you guys have different ships depending on where you are going? Do you have an Eeloo ship, a Dres ship, a Duna ship, etc it do you essentially use the same ship for everything? Do you design a ship specific for what you need at the time?


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1 minute ago, Rylant said:

Do you design a ship specific for what you need at the time

Different ships for different missions, depending on what they need to do. I have different designs for crew transport, resource harvesting, cargo transport etc.  

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Pretty much the same design for me (well 2 Mun/Minmus and then all others). Like you I might make slight changes (rtgs on eeloo, chutes for Duna) but the overall design is fairly generic. Sometimes I’ll use a different pod just for variety but that’s about it.

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Everytime I make a lander I think yeah this is gonna be my go to design in future missions and then I forget about it and I make a lander and I think yeah this is gonna be my go to design in future missions. 

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I have just about the same lander for everything. Only very minor modifications. The only difference is the transfer stage. That get bigger or smaller depending on where I am going.

My SSTO's are the same. I mostly use what I know will work, but at the moment, I am in the process of updating all my landers so I don't really have a fixed one at the moment.

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Yeah I tend to go with a few tried and tested designs when I'm in career mode, and the only major changes that are likely to be made is scaling up the amount of fuel for harder destinations.  I tend to mix things up a lot more when I'm dicking around in sandbox though, where the only thing most of my landers have in common is being unnecessarily large.

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My landers tend to be cargo carrying dropships.



for modular surface bases:




Robotics ftw:




When they aren't, they have wings if appropriate:



And other aerodynamic surfaces when appropriate as well:






But that is an old design, the new design keeps the folding wings for airbrakes, but uses the rotation system seen on the Mun cargo dropship (operating on a 3x mun, but still overkill)



An alternate Mun design, since Mun is airless, and there's no need for the cargo to be restricted to an enclosed mk3 bay:


cargo goes underneath and is held by a robot arm.

This monstrosity was meant for a 3x Rald:


Other designs


An alternate attempt at a 3x Duna cargo lander, it worked, but was hard to fly with thin margins.


Another attempt at a duna lander, this one needed a crew to repack the chutes after each flight, but cargo was not restricted to a mk3 bay





On 5/24/2021 at 3:03 AM, Rylant said:

Do you guys have different ships depending on where you are going? Do you have an Eeloo ship, a Dres ship, a Duna ship, etc it do you essentially use the same ship for everything? Do you design a ship specific for what you need at the time?

Different ships for sure. Different landers too. Although once the destination gets to be Mun sized or smaller, I tend to used the same lander, or highly similar

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