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Window Split mod

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Is there some sort of mod that splits up KSP into 2 windows, where one window is for the controls, and the other shows the display. A bit like Nintendo xDS systems, where the game is displayed on the top screen, and the bottom shows the technical details. I think this would also help for cinematic productions so you don't have the UI cluttering up the screen. Although I guess you could set the recording program to record only the part that focuses on the rocket instead of the UI. But this would be a cool idea.

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no - but KSP has no issues splaying out across multiple monitors. 

easy way to do this is to use the mod AnyRes by @linuxgurugamer.

if you are running two monitors at say 1920x1080 , then just double the width and keep the height - press make it so Bill... and now you have two monitors to spread out on. Or make it 1.5x and use a monitor and a half - so that the center of the screen isn't between screens or in a bezel.

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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