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[1.12.5] Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack (v1.1.8) - A journey to a black hole (Aug 31, 2024)

Jason Kerman

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On 7/28/2023 at 6:38 AM, davidmakurin said:

i used 1.1.1 version, and russian localization not working

Currently we have planet names, planet descriptions, and biome names translated into Russian. Science definitions haven't been translated yet. Does the translated part work on your side? If not, can you upload your logs so I can check what issue it is?

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Hey guys,

If you'd like to run this planet pack with Parallax 2.0 and you get an infinite loading screen upon installing both Kcalbeloh and Parallax 2.0 (and stock planet textures and stock scatterer textures), then you have to do 2 steps:

1. Go to Gamedata\Parallax_StockTextures and delete _Configs folder there.
Go to Gamedata\Parallax_StockTextures\Scatterer and delete _Configs folder there too.

Here is how it looks for me (I haven't change any settings, just deleted the folders):

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Release v1.1.2 - Principia and Delta-V Map


Installtion Guide

  1. Install Kcalbeloh System
    • If you have an older version of the Kcalbeloh System installed, please completely delete it before proceeding with the new version.
    • Download Kcalbeloh-System-(v1.x.x).zip.
    • Extract the zip file and put all three folders in /GameData (000_NiakoUtilsKcalbelohSystem and KopernicusExpansion) to your [KSP installation folder]/GameData/ folder.
    • Do NOT download KcalbelohExtras.zip unless you know what it is used for.
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Install Visuals
    The planet pack works fine without visual mods, but it will lose a large part of its aesthetic.
    • EVE Redux: for clouds, dust storms, and auroras.
    • Scatterer: for realistic atmosphere, oceans, and sun flares.

Changes since v1.1.1

  1. Added support for Principia. System stability verified for at least 2000 years. With Principia:
    (1) Kerbol will be forced to orbit Kcalbeloh;
    (2) Wormholes, homeswitch, and rescale will be disabled automatically;
    (3) Skybox will be turned black to avoid visual error with Principia + Singularity;
    (4) It's NOT compatible with RSS and other system-replacer planet mods.
  2. Delta-v map is now available!
  3. Changed Anehta's internal name from its old name (Aciore) to Anehta. Be careful if you have any craft orbiting Anehta before loading your save.
  4. Updated for compatibility with Kopernicus release-176.
  5. Updated the sunflare without scatterer.
  6. Added sunflare for Kerbol if no system-replacer planet mod is installed.
  7. Fixed compatibility of homeswitch and Parallax (infinite loading screen error).
  8. Decreased Aralc-B's inclination.
  9. Other minor changes and fixes.
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9 hours ago, stickman050 said:

Hey guys,

If you'd like to run this planet pack with Parallax 2.0 and you get an infinite loading screen upon installing both Kcalbeloh and Parallax 2.0 (and stock planet textures and stock scatterer textures), then you have to do 2 steps:

1. Go to Gamedata\Parallax_StockTextures and delete _Configs folder there.
Go to Gamedata\Parallax_StockTextures\Scatterer and delete _Configs folder there too.

Here is how it looks for me (I haven't change any settings, just deleted the folders):

It's fixed in v1.1.2.

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19 hours ago, Jason Kerman said:

В настоящее время у нас есть названия планет, описания планет и названия биомов, переведенные на русский. Научные определения еще не переведены. Работает ли переведенная часть на вашей стороне? Если нет, можете ли вы загрузить свои журналы, чтобы я мог проверить, в чем проблема?

log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ohFCiu7AFClZFZtIG5TIWsv9MjUR4Yia/view?usp=drive_link

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16 hours ago, Jason Kerman said:

what is the folder's name for the sunflare you used in GameData?

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Scatterer\config\Sunflares\Sun

then there are 5 .png files for the effects. 

Also is it possible that after updating from 1.0.4 to 1.1.2 that i got aroumd 2k less Module Manager patches?

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On 7/25/2023 at 2:22 AM, Jason Kerman said:

You also need a visual pack for RSS. However, I don't remember which visual RSS mods are compatible with other planet packs. You may need to try several ones.

I tried RSSVE, RVE64k and EVO and they didn't work. Are there any other ones?

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On 7/30/2023 at 6:11 AM, davidmakurin said:

I don't have permission to access the file.

On 8/2/2023 at 11:16 AM, M - Kerbonaut said:


Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Scatterer\config\Sunflares\Sun

then there are 5 .png files for the effects. 

Also is it possible that after updating from 1.0.4 to 1.1.2 that i got aroumd 2k less Module Manager patches?

You can remove this file: GameData/KcalbelohSystem/Scatterer/Sunflares/Kerbol.cfg

I didn't notice MM patch number but many patches in 1.1.2 are better than 1.0.4. 

On 8/2/2023 at 12:35 PM, namreK haidebeJ said:

I tried RSSVE, RVE64k and EVO and they didn't work. Are there any other ones?

I took a look at RSSVE and EVO, and found I can add a patch to make Kcalbeloh compatible with them. Also, I'm working on an improved version so there is no need to replace the file in RSS folder. There is a test version available in my discord server. You can download and test it if you want.

Edited by Jason Kerman
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16 hours ago, Jason Kerman said:

Не могли бы вы попробовать внести небольшие изменения в этот файл: /GameData/KcalbelohSystem/OtherFeatures/Localization/ru-ru.cfg

Откройте его в любом текстовом редакторе и измените 'ru-ru' (в строке 102) на 'ru'?

Thanks, worked

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On 8/5/2023 at 10:41 AM, Jason Kerman said:

I don't have permission to access the file.

You can remove this file: GameData/KcalbelohSystem/Scatterer/Sunflares/Kerbol.cfg

I didn't notice MM patch number but many patches in 1.1.2 are better than 1.0.4. 

I took a look at RSSVE and EVO, and found I can add a patch to make Kcalbeloh compatible with them. Also, I'm working on an improved version so there is no need to replace the file in RSS folder. There is a test version available in my discord server. You can download and test it if you want.


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2 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

Sorry to be so questiony about this mod, but are there any anomalies or easter eggs on the planets for us to discover? I was thinking about using the Kcalbeloh System as part of a future story in my mission report.

No. Kcalbeloh features most on various interesting terrains (like mountains, canyons, and volcanoes),  unique space sceneries, and challenging gameplay experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Great mod! But I have encountered a problem. I'm not sure if it's on my part, but I have used CKAN for all downloads. 

When I use this mod with Galaxies Unbound mods, the load screen that loads up the KSC gets stuck in an infinite loop of loading. 

The mod works great without the Galaxies Unbound mods and vice versa, so I'm sure it's these two mods conflicting. 

It seems to work with The Vulture System, so it might be to do with something specific within Galaxies Unbound.

Galaxies Unbound also works with The Vulture System. 

I did try to increase the distance of Kcalbeloh from Kerbol, but that didn't work. 

If anyone can help, that would be great! 

Have a good day! 

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On 8/17/2023 at 6:09 PM, xdross said:


Great mod! But I have encountered a problem. I'm not sure if it's on my part, but I have used CKAN for all downloads. 

When I use this mod with Galaxies Unbound mods, the load screen that loads up the KSC gets stuck in an infinite loop of loading. 

The mod works great without the Galaxies Unbound mods and vice versa, so I'm sure it's these two mods conflicting. 

It seems to work with The Vulture System, so it might be to do with something specific within Galaxies Unbound.

Galaxies Unbound also works with The Vulture System. 

I did try to increase the distance of Kcalbeloh from Kerbol, but that didn't work. 

If anyone can help, that would be great! 

Have a good day! 

Do you have parallax installed? If so you can try to remove it for now and let me know if it helps. Also, it will be good if you can post your logs.

Kcalbeloh Loading Screen Contest
If you like this mod and enjoy the view on your journey, we invite you to our screenshot contest. The most epic ones will be selected as loading screens for the upcoming update.

- Post only one picture at a time, with a maximum of five entries per participant.
- Share your pictures in the designated #loading-screen-contest channel in Kcalbeloh discord server
- Show your appreciation for your favorite submissions by reacting with :star:. The entries with the highest :star: count will be chosen for loading screens.
- Your pictures should be KSP screenshots or artwork related to Kcalbeloh.
- Ensure the resolution is 1920x1080 or higher with the same aspect ratio.
- Screenshots must include Scatterer and EVE enhancements.
- The deadline for submission is Sep 19.

- Parallax and TUFX are also recommended.
- Nice-looking interstellar starships are encouraged.
- Don't use TUFX profiles with significant color differences.
- Use the newest Kcalbeloh release if possible.
- CameraTools or other tricks to make screenshots are recommended.
- For those who don't have a screen with enough resolution, this mod can be a possible solution.

Good luck!

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On 8/19/2023 at 4:46 PM, Jason Kerman said:

Do you have parallax installed? If so you can try to remove it for now and let me know if it helps. Also, it will be good if you can post your logs.

Kcalbeloh Loading Screen Contest
If you like this mod and enjoy the view on your journey, we invite you to our screenshot contest. The most epic ones will be selected as loading screens for the upcoming update.

- Post only one picture at a time, with a maximum of five entries per participant.
- Share your pictures in the designated #loading-screen-contest channel in Kcalbeloh discord server
- Show your appreciation for your favorite submissions by reacting with :star:. The entries with the highest :star: count will be chosen for loading screens.
- Your pictures should be KSP screenshots or artwork related to Kcalbeloh.
- Ensure the resolution is 1920x1080 or higher with the same aspect ratio.
- Screenshots must include Scatterer and EVE enhancements.
- The deadline for submission is Sep 19.

- Parallax and TUFX are also recommended.
- Nice-looking interstellar starships are encouraged.
- Don't use TUFX profiles with significant color differences.
- Use the newest Kcalbeloh release if possible.
- CameraTools or other tricks to make screenshots are recommended.
- For those who don't have a screen with enough resolution, this mod can be a possible solution.

Good luck!

Hi, I uninstalled parallax and that seemed to work. Is that due to a conflict with parallax? Or could it just be a memory thing? The game only uses around 8gb of RAM when running. Thanks again for the help! 

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