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A home away from home

kops said

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So far, I've just played 333.3 hours of KSP. On average, 40 hours a week, and spend most of the rest of the time on this sweet home.:D

At first, I was confused and helpless. There were so many unknowns, and I didn't even have a flashlight to light the way. And then I found this place, and I was ecstatic

I really want to say how much you've helped me. Without your revelatory discussions and ideas, the game would not be where it is today. 

I would like to thank all of you for your contributions and the hard work of the forum administrators. You guys really brought this game to life, and that's why I'm playing this great game.

For a long time, I didn't sign up for an account, because most of the problems can be solved by existing content. And I don't think I'm in a position to make any valuable observations. 

But now that I'm here, it's like coming home. Because I think it's a warm, inclusive place that treats users of any level with the utmost kindness. I hope you will continue to keep your enthusiasm for KSP and build a fantastic KSP2 environment together in the future. 

Finally, thank you all again for your efforts.


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