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Mod with MFD's for IVA cockpits


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I tend to do mass mod dumps from CKAN so I'm not always sure what comes from which mod.

In previous installs, I had a mod that would add digital Multi Functional Displays to the stock aircraft cockpits. I could then use the JSI mod's external camera, and then view it from menus in the mFD's in IVA mode.

For some reason, I had it in my head that it may have come from Custom Barn Kit mod, but upon looking into it, I'm not so sure.

Does this ring any bells for anyone? I'd love to have that functionality in my current install.

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You might want to try these two mods additionally, which add quite complex IVAs for stock (first one) and Making History DLC (second one):

Note that these both have dependencies on other mods, like RPM, so I recommend using CKAN to install the first one. The second one is a manual install but depends on the same things I think from memory.

Also note that MAS is the successor to RPM, you can install both and get some improvements (which is what I do).

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