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[Kerbalism 3.14] Kerbalism Lab Experiments Expanded


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Kerbalism Lab Experiments Expanded

Adds 65 new lab experiments that can be configured and run in any Kerbalism lab module. Stock KSP labs were too OP so Kerbalism nerfed them and in my opinion went a bit too far and made the mobile labs and scientists mostly useless. I made these in an attempt to make the labs somewhat more useful and give me an incentive to put up stations and crew them with appropriately level scientists.

Each experiment is in it's own config file so you can only include the experiments you are interested in. The zip file also includes a template file you can use to create your own experiments. In game in the VAB when you are configuring the lab experiment you will see an S<number> at the beginning of each description - S means science value and the number is the base science value you get for running the experiment.

Almost all of these experiments require a science instrument attached to the station to be able to run the experiment. The ones in this file are configured to use instruments from DMagic Orbital Science, SCANsat and Universal Storage 2. You can edit the files however you like to configure the experiment to suit your play style.

NOTE: All of these config files are using a duration designed for JNSQ. If you are using stock scale the times will be twice as long.


    DMagic Orbital Science (Can be removed if you edit the config files and remove the part requirement)
    SCANsat (Can be removed if you edit the config files and remove the part requirement)
    Universal Storage II (Can be removed if you edit the config files and remove the part requirement)
    Community Tech Tree (Can be removed if you edit the config files and change the required tech)

    Copy the KerbalismLabExperimentsExpanded folder to the gamedata dir. There is also an optional file called SSPX-Kerbalism-Labs.cfg that you can put in this folder or another one if you like that will enable the Kerbalism lab feature on the Stockalike Station Parts Redux parts that have lab modules if you have that mod installed.



The contents of this pack are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode).
You are free to share and adapt the materials only for non-commercial purposes and when providing appropriate attribution. Any derivatives must be distributed under the same license.


List of experiments:

Short Name Long Name Description Situation SciVal DurDays Tech Requirements CrewReq
Lab In Space                
AMS-02 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Looks for evidence of dark matter, dark energy and antimatter, along with very high-energy radiation coming from distant stars that could harm crew members traveling in space. InSpaceHigh 50 364.1 advConstruction dmSolarCollector Scientist:4
ADVASC Advanced Astroculture Understanding the effects of gravity, radiation and solar light intensity on plant life is essential in preparation for future interplanetary exploration. BodyGlobal 40 200 advExploration Greenhouse Scientist:2
ISSAC International Space Station Agricultural Camera Takes frequent infrared and visible-light images with an emphasis on forests, grasslands and agricultural fields. Improves agricultural management decisions. InSpaceLow@Biomes
10 1 basicScience Part:dmscope
Platan PLAstic Track ANalyzer Measuring microparticle streams in the environment surrounding the Space Station according to damage, in the form of through-and-through holes in heat shielding placed above a nuclei detector. InSpaceLow
25 30 advExploration dmRoverMat Scientist:3
BTN-Neutron Study of the Fluxes of Fast and Thermal Neutrons Focuses on the spatial and temporal distribution of neutron fluxes and spectra. These investigations help researchers to improve current in-orbit radiation models and examine the complete radiation dose crew members receive during EVAs. VirtualBiome=InnerBelt
Situation = InSpaceLow@VirtualBiomes
Situation = InSpaceHigh@VirtualBiomes
20 10 advExploration kerbalism-geigercounter Scientist:2
Tanpopo Astrobiology Exposure and Micrometeoroid Capture Experiments Designed to test key questions of the “panspermia” hypothesis, a theory for the origin of life and their transport among celestial bodies. InSpaceLow
25 180 advExploration GooExperiment Scientist:3
ECOSTRESS ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station Provides the first-ever high spatiotemporal (space-time) resolution thermal infrared measurements of the surface of Kerbin. InSpaceLow@Biomes
12 2 advExploration dmImagingPlatform Scientist:3
ASIM Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor Studies Upper-atmospheric lightning, known as transient luminous events or terrestrial gamma-ray flashes from the external payload platform on the space station. InSpaceLow
25 60 advExploration SunAngleMin:95 dmImagingPlatform Scientist:2
ASTERIA Arcsecond Space Telescope Enabling Research in Astrophysics Tests new technologies for astronomical observation, such as the detection of exoplanets. Requires repeated observation of stars over a long period of time from a dark environment. BodyGlobal
300 364.1 advExploration Shadow
SPOC The Spectral Ocean Color (SPOC) Satellite 3U CubeSat with an adjustable multispectral sensor used to create images with high spectral resolution that can detect a wide range of environmental phenomena. InSpaceLow@Biomes
10 2 advExploration dmImagingPlatform
IT-SPINS Ionosphere Thermosphere Scanning Photometer for Ion-Neutral Studies Produces two-dimensional (2D) tomographic imaging of a planet's ionosphere in order to increase fundamental understanding of its structure. InSpaceLow
30 90 advExploration scansat-multi-msi-1
JAGSAT Spatially Resolved Measurements of Plasma Density Irregularities Tests using a Time Domain Impedance Probe (TDIP) to measure variation in electron density in the upper layer of the ionosphere. InSpaceLow
20 45 electrics Prat:rpwsAnt Scientist:2
STP-H6-NIRAC Space Test Program-Houston 6-Near InfraRed Airglow Camera Demonstrates using a near-infrared camera to make nighttime observations of airglow, the faint emission of light in the upper atmosphere. InSpaceLow
50 30 advExploration SunAngleMin:95 dmImagingPlatform Scientist:2
BeaverCube Project BeaverCube Uses multiple cameras in a 3U CubeSat to take color images of a planet’s oceans and detect the temperature of cloud tops and the ocean surface.  InSpaceLow@Biomes
10 3 advExploration Part:dmscope
Volny Observation, in the Near-IR Range of the Spectrum, of Wave Disturbances in the Middle Atmosphere Records and maps wave processes in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere of a planet’s atmosphere. InSpaceLow
30 110 advUnmanned scansat-recon-worldview-3-1 Scientist:3
NICER Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer Studies the extraordinary physics of neutron stars, providing new insights into their nature and behavior. Situation = Space
300 728.2 scienceTech InfraredTelescope Scientist:4
CXBN-2 Cosmic X-Ray Background Nanosatellite second-generation nanosatellite that refines critical measurements for explaining the origin of the Universe using an advanced materials detector system. Situation = Space
300 728.2 advExploration scansat-sar-tandem-l-1 Scientist:4
Vsplesk Seismic Effects Bursts of High-Energy Particles Studies seismo-magnetospheric phenomena linked to a dependence between the dynamics of fluxes of high-energy, charged particles in near-Earth space and seismic activity. InSpaceLow
35 180 electrics rpwsAnt Scientist:3
MAXI Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image Designed to continuously monitor, through a systematic survey, X-ray sources and variabilities as the space station orbits a planet. InSpaceHigh
50 225 advConstruction dmSolarCollector Scientist:3
xMeteor Meteor Composition Determination Space-based observations of the chemical composition of meteors. Situation = Space 250 15 advExploration InfraredTelescope
HaloSat Hot Galactic Halo  Examines X-rays from oxygen atoms surrounding the Milky Way to determine how much matter is in the halo of our galaxy. Situation = Space
500 1820.5 advExploration InfraredTelescope Scientist:5
GEDI Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Provides laser ranging observations of Kerbin’s forests and topography to advance the understanding of carbon and water cycling processes, biodiversity, and habitat. InSpaceLow@Biomes
10 1 advExploration Part:dmscope
CubeRRT CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation: Microwave radiometers provide data such as soil moisture, atmospheric water vapor, sea surface temperature and sea surface winds. InSpaceLow@Biomes
10 1 advExploration dmImagingPlatform Scientist:2
CATS  Cloud-Aerosol Transport System uses a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system to measure the location, composition and distribution of pollution, dust, smoke, aerosols and other particulates in the atmosphere. HomeBody
10 1 electrics SunAngleMax:80
CALET CALorimetric Electron Telescope Searches for dark matter and provides the highest measurements of the cosmic ray spectrum in order to observe discrete sources of high energy particle acceleration in our local region of the Galaxy. Situation = Space
350 728.2 electronics dmSIGINT.End Scientist:5
PWM-4  Plant Water Management 4 Demonstrates a hydroponic method for ensuring adequate hydration and aeration in no and low gravity environments to the root zone in order to sustain plants from germination through harvest. Situation = Space
75 200 electrics Greenhouse Scientist:1
PK-3plus Plasma Crystal Research PK-3 will give investigators a better understanding of plasma in space and will determine the critical points for the plasma. BodyAllowed=Planets
30 90 advExploration Prat:rpwsAnt Scientist:2
HPRGPE-2 Haze Production Rates on Gaseous Planet Experiments Haze particles substantially impact atmospheric temperature structures and may provide organic material to the surface of a world, potentially affecting its habitability. Gaseous
Not HomeBody
25 45 advExploration SunAngleMax:80
TAPAR-1 Theory and application of the polarization-albedo rules Studies scattering of light from porous, particulate surfaces. This information provides a straightforward method of measuring optical and structural properties of the major soil constituents leading to mineral identification. NonAtmospheric
Non Gaseous
15 2 experimentalScience SunAngleMax:80
SLAC-LCLS SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser Measures warm dense matter, a super-hot, super-compressed mixture at the heart of gaseous planets. Gaseous
35 90 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:3
GPAC-DFE Gaseous Planet Atmospheric Composition and Dynamic Flow Experiments. Tests gaseous planets with instruments providing high-precision bolometric and Bond albedo measurements, phase functions, and mid- and far-infrared thermal luminosity experiments. Gaseous
30 60 advExploration SunAngleMax:80
JUNO-GSE JUNO Gravity Science Experiment Determine the internal structure of gaseous planets by mapping its gravity field from polar orbit. InSpaceHigh
40 180 advExploration OrbitMinInclination:85
JUNO-MWR JUNO Microwave Radiometer Experiment Experiment that allows observing the previously unseen atmospheric features and chemical abundances hundreds of miles/km into a gas planet's atmosphere. Gaseous
35 90 scienceTech DMagic: dmmagBoom Scientist:3
JUNO-MAG JUNO Vector Magnetometer Experiment Experiment designed to detect and map the magnetic field of gaseous planets. VirtualBiome=InnerBelt
Situation = InSpaceLow@VirtualBiomes
Situation = InSpaceHigh@VirtualBiomes
30 60 advExploration DMagic: dmmagBoom Scientist:3
JUNO-JEDI JUNO Jupiter Energetic-particle Detector Instrument Experiment designed to collect data on energy, spectra, mass species (H, He, O, S), and angular distributions of charged particles. Gaseous
40 60 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:2
JUNO-WAVES JUNO Radio and Plasma Waves Waves is oriented towards understanding fields and particles in a gaseous planets magnetosphere. VirtualBiome=InnerBelt
Situation = InSpaceLow@VirtualBiomes
Situation = InSpaceHigh@VirtualBiomes
35 180 advExploration DMagic: dmmagBoom Scientist:3
JUNO-UVS JUNO Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer Experiment making remote observations of a gas planets aurora, detecting the emissions of gases such as hydrogen in the far-ultraviolet. Gaseous
45 90 scienceTech dmImagingPlatform Scientist:3
JUNO-JIRAM JUNO Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper Experiment to probe the upper layers of a gas planets  atmosphere down to pressures of 5–7 bars at infrared wavelengths in the 2–5 μm interval using an imager and a spectrometer. Gaseous
35 60 advExploration dmImagingPlatform Scientist:2
SOLAR-FIELDS Electromagnetic Fields Investigation This investigation will make direct measurements of electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, Poynting flux, absolute plasma density, and electron temperature. Suns 45 180 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:3
SOLAR-ISOIS Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun This investigation will measure energetic electrons, protons and heavy ions. Suns 40 180 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:3
SOLAR-WISPR Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe These optical telescopes will acquire images of the corona and inner heliosphere. Suns 35 90 advExploration dmImagingPlatform Scientist:3
SOLAR-SWEAP Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons This investigation will count the electrons, protons and helium ions, and measure their properties such as velocity, density, and temperature. Suns 35 90 advExploration dmImagingPlatform Scientist:3
SOCP-7 Satellite Observation and Classification Project Record and map satellite biomes and surface features of planetary moons. Moons 10 2 advExploration scansat-multi-abi-1
Lab On Ground                
ChemCam-2 Chemistry & Camera An instrument that first uses a laser to vaporize materials then later analyzes their elemental composition using an on-board spectrograph. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
12 10 spaceExploration dmsurfacelaser Scientist:1
MastCam-1   A camera that takes color images and color video footage of the terrain. The instrument is also used to study the landscape and support the driving and sampling operations of rovers. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
10 15 spaceExploration dmscope
PPME-1 Planetary Portable Magnetometer Experiment Studies changes in local planetary magnetic fields by making measurements over several months. Allows differentiation between local and remote fields. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
10 10 spaceExploration DMagic: dmmagBoom Scientist:2
PPSE-1 Planetary Passive Seismic Experiment Studies the propagation of seismic waves through the planet and provides a detailed look at the planet's internal structure. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
8 5 spaceExploration sensorAccelerometer Scientist:1
ALSEP-2 Heat Flow Experiment Measures the rate at which temperature increases with depth. This can be used to determine the rate of heat loss from the interior of a planet. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
10 1 spaceExploration sensorThermometer Scientist:1
Strata-1   Investigates the properties and behavior of regolith on airless bodies. Studies how to set anchors in regolith, how to safely move and process large volumes of regolith, and predict and prevent risk to spacecraft and astronauts visiting these small bodies. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not HomeBody
10 10 scienceTech ResourceRates = Ore@0.001 Scientist:1
SODI-Colloid Selectable Optical Diagnostics Instrument - Aggregation of Colloidal Suspensions Studies the growth, mixing, and ordering effects and aggregation from solutions of colloids on airless planets. SrfLanded
Not homebody
25 60 advExploration Part:science_module Scientist:2
Qucopartex-22   Tests how exposure to the space environment affects various materials, including their rate of deterioration and stability. The materials include high quality beryl and volcanic glass pebbles. SrfLanded
Not homebody
25 45 advExploration Part:science_module Scientist:2
BASM-4 Broadband Angular Selective Material experiments Polymer Convection examines the effect of gravity on formation and crystallization of Broadband Angular Selective Material, an optical material with the ability to control the reflection and absorption of light. SrfLanded
Not homebody
25 60 advExploration Part:science_module Scientist:2
TPSMMO Thermophysical Properties of Supercooled Molten Metal Oxides Measures thermophysical properties (density and viscosity) of high-temperature oxide melts using the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF)  SrfLanded
Not homebody
30 90 advExploration sensorThermometer Scientist:3
EGOMDOAF Experiments with a Global Ocean Model Driven by Observed Atmospheric Forcing Studies the magnitude and phase of midlatitude heat storage with wind forcing and associated upwelling and downwelling of heat plumes. Oceanic
20 60 advExploration dmBathymetry Scientist:3
MEGCO Mesoscale Eddies in the General Circulation of the Ocean Tests a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic, general circulation model of the ocean with fine horizontal resolution on planets with oceans. Oceanic
20 45 advExploration dmBathymetry Scientist:3
SWE-NEMO Surface wave effects in the NEMO ocean model Experiments are done with NEMO in ocean-only (forced) mode and coupled to the ECMWF atmospheric and wave models. Oceanic
20 60 advExploration dmBathymetry Scientist:3
GLACE-2 Global Land–Atmosphere Coupling Experiment Measures land–atmosphere coupling strength, or the degree to which anomalies in land surface state (e.g., soil moisture) can  affect  rainfall  generation  and  other  atmospheric  processes. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not homebody
12 90 scienceTech sensorAtmosphere Scientist:3
RSA-CA Reactions at surfaces in the atmosphere-chemistry of aerosols Study of the nature of particle surfaces and how this determines interactions with gases in the atmosphere, including water, which is important for cloud formation and properties. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not homebody
12 90 advExploration sensorAtmosphere Scientist:3
CRISTA-1 Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere Instrument used to determine whether and to what extent small-scale structures in global trace gas distributions and in dynamics are present in the middle atmosphere. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not homebody
10 30 scienceTech USFluidSpectroWedge Scientist:1
IBATE-IWC Interactions between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems: influence on weather and climate Examins short-term and long-term influences of the land surface on weather and climate. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not homebody
10 30 advExploration Part:dmscope
DCT-APB1 Dust charging and transport on airless planetary bodies Tests theories on dust charging and transport that have been suggested to explain a variety of unusual phenomena on the surfaces of airless planetary bodies. SrfLanded@Biomes
15 180 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:3
SWAB-5 Space weathering on airless bodies Tests the optical properties of soils which are shown to be highly dependent on the cumulative amount of npFe, which varies with different starting materials and the energetics of different parts of the solar system. SrfLanded@Biomes
10 30 advExploration Part:science_module Scientist:2
MILV-ELDAPB Measurements of initial launch velocities of electrostatically lofted dust on airless planetary bodies Tests electrostatic dust loftings role in surface evolution of airless bodies as indicated from a number of unexplained observations, including the munar horizon glow and dust ponding on asteroids SrfLanded
40 180 advExploration rpwsAnt Scientist:4
ORZS-3 Optimization of Root Zone Substrates Tests methods for growing and sustaining plants on other planets with the goal of minimizing imports of food for ground based kerbonaughts. SrfLanded
Not homebody
35 200 advExploration Greenhouse Scientist:2
GV-SSPB Gravity Variations in Substrate Structures on Planetary Bodies Analyses minute differences in gravity to determine the interior structure of planets. SrfLanded@Biomes
Not homebody
12 200 advExploration Part:sensorGravimeter Scientist:2
Edited by RoadWarrior9
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  On 12/2/2021 at 9:35 PM, Nathangun said:

I wouldn't know were to start.


Look at the template file !LabExperimentTemplate.cfg.txt. This should have some comments that can help with the config files. The section you are looking for is the 'requirements =' section.


			ECCost = 4.62			// Value in game is times 5 (kerbalism cfg does this)
			size = 22568			// units in MB. Sample slot size is 1 per 1024 units.
			value = 24			// Default science value
			duration = 4320000		// 21,600 = 1 day. (x2 for JNSQ)
			SetupMass = 3.55		// Mass in tons
			SetupCost = 12800		// Cost added to part
			UnlockTech = advExploration	// Must have this tech to unlock the experiment.
			requirements = Greenhouse	// To remove requirements delete everything after the = sign
			CrewRequirement = Scientist:4	// Type of crew required. Blank is none required. True is any crew. Scientist is any scientist. Scientist:3 is a scientist with 3 stars (level 3).



Edited by RoadWarrior9
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Would it be possible to provide the table of experiments in spreadsheet format please?  It would be useful to filter by body allowed etc to figure out which experiment to install.

Also I guess this is a general Kerbalism question, but I assume it's not possible to change the experiment installed in a lab after it's launched?

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I'm new to these forums and all posts have to be approved by a moderator which is really annoying. Hopefully this is the 5th post and they will free me...

How do you attach a file to a post? Don't see any way to put a csv file here. You have to be careful when changing config settings used by the lab. I have done it in my playthrough and it worked for me but have seen posts where the labs already deployed have been borked and had to be relaunched.

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  On 12/2/2021 at 10:53 PM, RoadWarrior9 said:

I'm new to these forums and all posts have to be approved by a moderator which is really annoying. Hopefully this is the 5th post and they will free me...

How do you attach a file to a post? Don't see any way to put a csv file here. You have to be careful when changing config settings used by the lab. I have done it in my playthrough and it worked for me but have seen posts where the labs already deployed have been borked and had to be relaunched.


Google sheets might be an easier way to share a spreadsheet.  I've just added this to my game so will have a play.  It'll be easy enough to relaunch the science lab part of my mini station if needed.  If I was into roleplaying I'd think of the first launch as a proof of concept.  It's currently full of pilots because that's what the contract demanded.

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  On 1/10/2022 at 1:26 AM, Gordon Dry said:

Could you please alleviate the strcitness of allowed science parts to fulfill the requirements, for example more magnetometer boom parts than just the one "dmmagBoom" etc?


Yeah - would be ideal if it could be done by experiment type, rather than specific parts

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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