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Rover repair problems

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Was told to repair an rover on the Mun. Looked at it and its was simple it was out of power, added a battery and can control it but the wheels just spins. 
Set traction and friction control to max. 

wonder if the problem is the wheel orientation as they are tilted forward or backward? 
Is a bit afraid modifying an so small rover with large suspended tires.

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I think the problem is with the wheel angles- try rotating them so they’re pointing “down” and it might work. KSP wheels are a bit weird and only a small area at the bottom of the wheel actually generates any traction, so rotating them so they’re oriented correctly could make it move.

One other thing- traction control is BAD. Traction control reduces wheel torque to stop the wheels spinning when you have low grip- great when you’re driving your car on an icy road, not so great when you’re driving a rover on a low gravity moon with questionable wheel friction and traction. Friction control to maximum to get some grip, traction control down below 1 (preferably below 0.5) so you actually move when you press the keys. Oh, and make sure you set the wheel controls to something different than attitude control: by default they’re both set to WASD which makes low-G driving nearly impossible, so set your wheel controls to e.g. the arrow keys instead so you can use them both at the same time.

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Looking at that screenie I see a problem I have had several times.  The wheels are partially sunk into the ground and that rover is stuck.  Try ramming it with your rover or pushing it with a Kerbal.  If it is pushed hard enough and far enough it will eventually fly out of the ground and then will drive away.

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It was the wheels being to tilted. Also first time I used the arm on the mobile mun lander to lift the rover up so I could reposition the tires without it flying away. 
Its a bit to weak to work well on the mun however and the wheels is not working well for an so heavy lander. 

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