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Kerbal Children?

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2 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

Do those impose any more acceleration than some liquid fuel rockets?

Just spit-balling ideas on how being made in low gravity could affect the kerbals.

Another thought I had was engineers who grew in low gravity have less strength, meaning they'd have lower thresholds in EVA construction.

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1 hour ago, intelliCom said:

Another thought I had was engineers who grew in low gravity have less strength, meaning they'd have lower thresholds in EVA construction.

Makes sense. There should be an option though that kerbals can train to increase their strength, at the cost of higher resource consumption 

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this is sort of going off topic (it was talking about children but now it is about gravity) but I like the strength idea and I think that if you have kerbals in zero-G environments for a long time they will lose strength, making need for artificial gravity wheels. 

For children, I think that having them fit in smaller pods/ being lighter might result in people using them to optimize even more mass off of their crafts, at the expense of adult kerbals. so they would have to be really weak to counterbalance that. 


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1 hour ago, t_v said:

this is sort of going off topic (it was talking about children but now it is about gravity) but I like the strength idea and I think that if you have kerbals in zero-G environments for a long time they will lose strength, making need for artificial gravity wheels. 

For children, I think that having them fit in smaller pods/ being lighter might result in people using them to optimize even more mass off of their crafts, at the expense of adult kerbals. so they would have to be really weak to counterbalance that. 


If it were me Id make it so kerblings only really existed in nursery modules and would become adult kerbals as they moved into proper living quarters. Maybe there’s training after that to fill whatever jobs and kerbalnaut roles you need, but Id rather that was automatic with the right modules too. This is part of the reason Id get rid of classes entirely. You don’t want to manually train hundreds of kerbals. Most things should just happen without sifting through endless menus. 

Im also a no on g-force implications. Just keep it simple. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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3 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

Im also a no on g-force implications. Just keep it simple. 

On that g-force thing…

How about you could gradually up the gravity of gravity wheels, so you could have Kerbals that could actually walk on ovin?

Other than that, I would like no other g-force things. They did say somewhere the gravity rings would have a use.

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On 1/18/2022 at 9:04 AM, intelliCom said:

...it reminds me of the Saudaukar from Salusa Secundus.

Sardaukerbals OMG imagine the backwards Spanish throat singing xD

EDIT: I couldn't resist and spent 40 minutes on this terrible joke.


Edited by problemecium
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