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Past 50k!


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I feel very fortunate to have been a part of this community. Since before the days of mechjeb, before the days of Mun, before the days of earth orbiting the sun, since, well you get the picture.

I also feel mixed emotions. Gone are the days of intimate contact with the developers on the forums. irc aside, we have grown to the point that it is just not possible for that kind of intimacy again. I will miss that.

But, here are the days of massive growth in features. All the hard work to lay down a fine framework is paying off with the speed at which new features are now being added. I've always said "do it right the first time, or you will be doing it over and over".

Here also are the days of greater "customer" demand, as the game starts it journey from indie concept to mainstream popularity. In my eyes that popularity is assured with the many cool things we can already do.

Sorry for the book, but it certainly has been a ride to 50k.

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