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Firespitter Apache IVA Upgrade - MAS Enabled Interactive IVA - For KSP v1.12.X


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Hello KSP community! This is my first mod I'm putting out for a test drive.

This is a MAS-Enabled IVA for the Firespitter Apache cockpit.  It is intended to be as accurate as the props i had available will allow.

It's not perfect.. YET... But hopefully support for the functions of some props will come soon. 

This mod refreshes and brings FUN back to Firespitter! Plus i just love helicopters for some reason.... and I wanted a realistic cockpit to fly around in!

Have fun everyone!

Download Link: https://spacedock.info/mod/2993/Firespitter Apache IVA Upgrade

Edited by johnnydope
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Welcome fellow new developer, especially IVA - love those, and they are a lot of work, so congratulations! Very exciting.

I'm sure the mods may mention also, I think you probably need to add a License and public source code link also in your post.

I've found the easiest way to do this is to make a README.md in your source code and then view it (on GitHub) and copy paste into the post above. See my first attempt (note that the post below was about the 32nd edit until somebody pointed out how to do this. So much to learn)


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@johnnydope Nice to see someone not only do a new IVA... but especially one using MAS! ;)

As 610YesNoLovely said above, you're supposed to state a license in your OP. Good practice to also include a copy *in* the mod folder.

In case you're new to licenses, heres a decent thread about them:


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