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Adventures with WildBlueIndustries - Blueshift and Kerbal Flying Saucers

Ooglak Kerman

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Aboard KZAM-11 "Don't Blink" they have shifted orbit to equatorial from polar and have been eagerly awaiting the appearance of Ito - the innermost moon of Blalo.   Ito, shown silhouetted against Blalo in front of KZAM-11, is a mere 1.5KM in size and is in a 311KM orbit.

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Meanwhile, Dotty - the Eng-5 Scotty aboard KZAM-11 - has come to Captain Debbo
"Lass.. Scooby is..  unsettled.  Tae other drives remember a thing that will happen.  But Scooby hae nae memory.  It hae a thing tae do with tae Nova Kirbani system"
"Uhh..  remember a thing that will happen...?? Do we need to abort this mission and get back to Kerbin?"  thinking about the asteroid strike that wiped out life on Blalo millions of years ago, leaving the crater shown below.

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"Nae.  t'is vague an we hae warp rings close"
"Ok then.  We need to shift to Alar to scout out a landing site for the resource harvesters that will be sent soon"

A short time later, in 250KM orbit of Alar

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Aboard the warp lander KWL-1000 "We're Goin' Down" landed at Slate, Julred and Rodvis have new orders

"Julred.  We ready?  We're to rendezvous with the jump gate at Tekto and jump to Kerbin orbit, get fueled and we're off to Nova Kirbani via the gate system."
"Aye laddie.  Let's be tae it"

Rising up above Slate with Sarnus in the background

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Off to the Tekto ring to jump to Kerbin and then adjust the orbit a bit closer.

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After refueling, they are tasked to test the feasibility of landing and taking off from Alar using chemical rockets rather than gravatic and to map suitable locations for graviolium harvesting.

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First a rendezvous with the Kerbin Orbital Depot to top off

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Then off to Alar - the last moon of Blalo in the Nova Kirbani A system via the jump ring.

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Val and Thomus and the warp tanker will be dispatched to provide refueling services

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And so, a landing profile is set up and they start down to  a promising location.

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Landing took much less dV than anticipated.  But, the surface is... squishy.  It's hoped that this is due to the concentration of graviolium.

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"Huh...  I dunno Julred, but there just seems to be something about this moon that ain't right." observed Rodvis
"I wonder if it might be due to all the graviolium?"

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In orbit of Alar in the Nova Kirbani A system...

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Val: "Hey Rodvis.  Hey Julred.  You guys see the orders that came through?"
Rodvis:  "Yeah.  How does this happen??  Some WildBlue fool goes and takes a ship through the Kerbin ring to Alar here and is now stuck in low orbit.  We gotta rescue the sod.  You'd think Angelo would keep a better rein on his folks."
Val: "We've transferred all our blowtorch fuel to you and you're topped off with graviolium and pellets.  Go do the rescue and rendezvous with us so we can take the fool back when we go gas back up to top you back up."
Rodvis: "Sounds good.  It looks like your windows could use some cleaning and ours do also.  Good chore for this fool."
Val:  "With ya on that.  Fly safe.  We'll be watching"

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  On 12/10/2022 at 4:26 AM, Ooglak Kerman said:

Some WildBlue fool goes and takes a ship through the Kerbin ring to Alar here and is now stuck in low orbit.  We gotta rescue the sod.  You'd think Angelo would keep a better rein on his folks."


"Ah sweah, tha ga durn acceleratah ga stuck!"

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"Oh, by the rings of Sarnus.  How do these fools manage this?"

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Another rescue and then back to rendezvous with Val and Thomus and to get some window cleaning from the Sci-0 who thought he could sneak out and do science.

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Val:  "Ok.  We're headed back to Kerbin.  We'll be back in a day or so.  You guys stay safe."
Rodvis:  "You too.  Fly safe.  See ya."

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Many millions of years ago, Kerbin suffered a large asteroid strike.  The splashback from this impact is likely the source for the graviolium belt in orbit of the planet.  The League Of Smart Technologists has posited that some of the graviolium must have rained down onto the planet to form areas of isolated concentration - lodes - of graviolium.  Until recently, there has been no means to detect these lodes of graviolium.  

Lead by none other than Angelo himself, the  WildBlue Technical Uber Research Division team has designed and built a geology module that will detect these lodes of graviolium - and other valuable resources - so that they can be extracted.

With a 2-kerbal team of a pilot/driver and scientist, this vehicle is equipped with a small habitat module since it is anticipated that it will be surveying for an extended period of time.

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As anticipated by the League of Smart Technologists, after several days of surveying, a graviolium lode has been identified and an extraction vehicle has been dispatched.

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"Hey booger brained brother.  Looks like they upgraded your rig.  They got you hauling from that big graviolium lode that got found?" asked Leah
"Hey Sis.  Yeah, but this thing drives like krap.  Over 10 m/sec it wants to flip if you turn at all.  At least it hauls a good load at a time." replied Ronbles  "Looks like I'll be back and forth all night."
"Yeah, me too.  They just sent up a big load of graviolium to the orbital depot with another shuttle about to roll out.  Looks like big plans for the team out at Nova Kirbani."
"We'll get our chance, Sis - I hope."
"Me too.  Well.. back to it.  Drive safe lil bro"
"You too, big stinky sister"

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Brother and sister pilots Leah and Ronbles were ushered into the main conference room at The Admiralty along with two other junior pilots and two junior engineers.  There, none other than Gus and Angelo were waiting.

"Sit" directed Gus "I'll get to the point.  You have all been chosen to fill pilot or engineering roles as we expand our presence in the Nova Kirbani system.  You will be away from home for a minimum of a year and probably more.  If you do not feel you can do this, please leave the room.  There will be no mark against you"

Gus and Angelo were gratified that there was no moment of doubt - only commitment and excitement.

"Good.  Pilot Leah and Pilot Ronbles.  You will handover your resource shuttle duties to your replacement.  I'm sure the excitement of your duties has worn upon you"

Chuckles all around the room.  The drudgery of resource shuttling was well known and not generally desired.

"A shuttle will take up up to rendezvous with Valentina and Thomus and their tanker.  Leah, you will be in command of the shuttle.  Val and Thomus will take you on a training mission to the Nova Kirbani system.  Once there, you will receive your assignments.  Questions?  No?  Good.  The shuttle leaves in 3 hours.  Good luck."

After they had filed out.... "Well.. what do ya think, Angelo?"
"Ayupp..  they'll do jus fine.  There's somethin' 'bout ta happen out thar tho.  Heers a-hopin' they can think on their feet"
"Any idea at all, old friend?"
"Nope.  Jus somethin big an not see afore

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"Pilot Leah..  I relieve you" said Siggel in the time honored ritual
"Pilot Siggel..  I stand relieved" replied Leah

"Oh..  really.. you can loose the parachute and RCS pack.  They won't do any good for you."

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As she drove back to check the crew vehicle back in, Leah was filled with excitement.
"Looks like I'm gonna get a ship.  Sure hope it will be a warp ship.  Livin' the dream, girl!"

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The crew shuttle settled into an 800KM orbit to await rendezvous - which came very quickly.

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The four junior pilots and two engineers transferred to the tanker and Joefrey - the wayward scientist rescued from Alar was transferred aboard the shuttle for return to Kerbin.

"Hi team.  I'm Valentina and this Scotty is Thomus.  Our warp drive is 'Sweetie'" said Val - addressing the newcomers
"Helllo.  Weee'rre happyy to have youuu aboard" said Sweetie to the bemused new crew
"Engineers, get with Thomus for your duty rotation and tasks." directed Val - watching them head to the engineering stations.
"Pilots take your places at the auxiliary navigation stations.  We will be dropping off graviolium at the depot and then topping back up from the resource shuttle that came up yesterday (to the knowing nods of Leah and Ronbles) and then heading off for Nova Kirbani.  Questions?  No?"
"You will be in teams of two - Leah/Janke and Ronbles/Labur.  Port and starboard watches.  You will each split officer of the deck (OOD) duty during your watch and call me for each turnover of OOD.  You will obey any direction you get from myself, Thomus, or Sweetie.  Understood?"

Nods all around

"Ok.  Lets get these resources moved around and then go burn graviolium!"

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After leaving the crew shuttle to deorbit, off to rendezvous with the orbital depot to off-load graviolium

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Then, after offloading the graviolium..
"I hope you were watching Leah.  You will perform the rendezvous with the resource shuttle.  Remember to use a light touch.  Warp isn't a blowtorch" instructed Val

A somewhat inefficient rendezvous later...

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"Reasonably well done, pilot.  Labur.. handle the docking. Thje gravatic is just like with regular RCS, but use a light touch.  Don't get in a hurry."

Docking went passably well and they topped off with graviolium and fusion pellets.

After undocking, Val set their course for Nova Kirbani

"Ok everyone.  We ready?  Yes?  Good!  Thomus - all good?"
"Aye lassie.  Let's be aboot it!"
"Sweetie..  you ready for extended warp?"
"Yesss Val"
"Ok..  threetwoone... and we're off"

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"Clear sailing.  No planetary objects in our way.  We're kind of heavy with all the liquid fuel and oxydizer so we're just making 5.3C.  Nova Kirbani A in 12 days." said Val
"Leah and Janke, you have first watch.  Leah, you have the deck and the conn for the first half of your watch.  Call me when you shift duty or if anything seems not right"

"Aye aye Captain.  I have the deck and the conn" replied Leah - thinking..  I'm piloting a warp ship!!  yeah!

"Ronbles and Labur.  Go rest.  No argument.  You need to be fresh for your watch" commanded Val

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Three days into the transit to Nova Kirbani, Valentine decided to head to the bridge a little early to see how things were going along.  As she entered the command module - a stunned moment.  Both watches were there apparently doing some sort of line dance.  The music was catchy... something about a 'macarena'...

"Ahem.." she coughed to the sudden silence

Ronbles stepped up.  "You did say to obey direction from Sweetie, Captain."
"Umm..  yes.. errr.. anything to report?"
"No maam.  All is going fine.  Graviolium usage is nominal.  All systems green"
"Ahem..  err.. carry on" as she left the bridge hurriedly before choking on the laughter.  "Sweetie has a sense of humor"
::Why should I not, Valentina?  It's boring.  This was fun!  I like them all::
"You continue to surprise me!"

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From The Kerbin Admiralty:  Nova Kirbani-A Resource Station

As The Admiralty expands its presence in the Nova Kirbani system, the need has grown for a resupply station that can also function as a medical and R&R center for that system until colonization has begun.

This yet unnamed station features spacious living quarters, partial gravity in the centrifuge, a fully equipped medical facility and capacious resource storage for both FTL and conventional ships.

It was decided to forgo warp capability for this station and so it will transit via the jump gate system to Nova Kirbani where it will take up orbit at Alar to support resource mining operations that will commence soon.

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From The Kerbin Admiralty: Another Warp Capable Tanker

With Valentina and Thomus aboard KWT-1 "Gimme Some" shuttling vital resources and personnel to Nova Kirbani in preparation to beginning resource extraction operations, it has become necessary to commission another warp capable tanker to handle the duties of moving FTL resources around the Kerbin system.

KWT-2 "Fill'er Up" crewed by Pilot-5 Ergel and Eng-5 "Scotty" Valke is provisioned with slightly less warp capability but is still able to make nearly 5C in interplanetary space.  It is shown here launching on gravatic power from the Space Center and then conducting rendezvous with the Jool graviolium station to take on a load of graviolium for transfer to Kerbin and to drop off mail and supplies.

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KWT-2 is shown below in FTL flight to Neidon for rendezvous with the Neidon graviolium station and then to Urlum.  Thatmo is the moon slightly behind KWT-2.  It had been a couple of weeks since the last resource run so KWT-2 was packed pretty tight with mail and other supplies.  The stations are self-sufficient and have comms capabilities that let them all play Earth Space Program, but letters and packages from home are always welcome.

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Neidon graviolium station.  While KWT-2 was at the Neidon graviolium station, the scientists aboard completed a lengthy series of experiments and observations and came to some astounding conclusions:
Neidon is very large, is enjoyable to observe, and may be tasty like a grape popsickle.  Also, Kerbol appears quite small and dim through some mechanism not yet fully understood.

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Urlum graviolium station.  The scientists at this station - not to be outdone - also completed lengthy experiments and observations and concluded that Urlum is very large but rather drab and probably not tasty.  Also that Kerbol is not quite so small and dim as at Neidon - possibly because Urlum is more modest than Neidon and Kerbol favors that.

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The League Of Smart Technologists is understandably elated by these amazing scientific observations that greatly expand the understanding of the Kerbol system and space in general.  What new scientific advances awaits?  Time will tell.

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From The Kerbin Admiralty: Moho Science Station

Considerable effort has been expended studying the outer reaches of the Kerbol system, but it is now time to unravel the mysteries to be found closer to the Sun.

  • Can you grill Snacks by sticking them on a skewer and then out the airlock?
  • Does it get hotter as you get closer to the Sun?  What about if you do a night mission?
  • Does the Sun have a smell (or are we on fire)

These and more questions are sure to be answered by the science team to be stationed aboard WFT-451 "Some Like It Hot" which will take up orbit around Moho.  This research station will also provide valuable insights into the probable conditions to be encountered at planets such as Kaith and Cail in the Nova Kirbani B system.

WFT-451 is well provisioned with habitability, science, medical, galley and recreation facilities as well as an emergency solar storm and radiation shelter and considerable heat dissipation capability in the event that closer to the Sun actually does mean hotter.

Shown here on launchpad trials, WFT-451 is anticipated to launch within a day or two unless some new scientific breakthrough necessitates major redesign.

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WFT-451 "Some Like It Hot" ascending from the Space Center on gravatic power prior to the short transit to Moho.

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A short while later, in orbit of Moho and science has begun.

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Already, valuable science has been obtained.  A package of Snacks that was placed outside an airlock facing the Sun rapidly became hot.  Conversely, a Snack package placed outside the airlock away from the Sun became very cold.  Is this phenomena to do with the particular area above Moho?  What will be the results on the side of Moho away from the Sun?

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WFT-451 has been shifted into a polar orbit of Moho and all science instruments deployed.  The Snack experiment was repeated with the same results which indicates that the orbital inclination is not a factor in the Snack heating/cooling phenomena.  Strangely, temperature and pressure readings are consistent with those in orbit of other planets and moons.  Similarly, the Mystery Goo feels right at home as with at other orbital locations.  With each finding, comes more questions.  Science is exciting!

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After orbiting around to the dark side of Moho, the Snack experiment was again repeated.  This time, the Snack pack in the airlock away from the Sun exhibited the same results as before, but the Snack pack facing the sun (though blocked by Moho) cooled just like the other pack.  This lack of consistency is baffling and will surely be the topic of many scientific papers.  Temperature and pressure reading however, remain consistent.

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Aboard the repair and refit station KR-5 in Kerbin orbit, Sigman was having a look at the latest orders.
"Huh..  another warp ship upgrade.  Oh boy...  the last of those old warp resource shuttles.  Doesn't look like we'll be keeping much from the old ship but the warp engine, the gravatic, and some other odds and ends.  Hey Lemlong" calling to his onboard engineer "let's get things cleared.  We got a customer coming for a spa day"

Meanwhile aboard the Jool Resource Shuttle which was docked to Tylo Station, Labro was also looking over orders.
"Hot diggidy, Muncott.  We're getting upgraded and we'll be interstellar capable!"
"Aye lassie.  Tony (their warp drive - who fashioned himself a bit of a quite large feline) hae told me."
"Looks like it'll be a day or so though.  They gotta stage the bits and pieces.  Is Tony ready for this?"
::It'll be grrrreeat!::
"Huh?  What was that?"

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The next day Labro and Muncott bid farewell to their friends on Tylo Station and commenced the (relatively) long journey back to Kerbin to rendezvous  for a refit.

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After over almost 45 minutes (!!!) they finally rendezvous with the repair and refit station.

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"Welcome aboard" said Sigman "I hope you don't mind if we get right to it.  There is a lot to do and we're tripping over your parts here" pointing to the boxes and crates of parts stacked everywhere.  "Your forward section will be launching any time now.  We'd like to be ready to remove everything aft of the warp engine - Tony right? - so we can move him right away over to the new ship."
"Aye lad.  Ye've done this befoor ah'm seein'.  Kin we be helpin' ye?" asked Muncott
"Thanks.  Yes.  If yall could go on out and remove everything from your ships exterior that can be removed and put it in the aft cargo container, that would be great"
"Aye.  Come-on lassie.  Lets be aboot it, eh?"

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A couple days of hard work later and after watching Sigman and Lemlong jocky the big warp ring in place with the robotic arms, the work was complete.

"Huh... lotta radiators.  I'd say you folk are gonna be spending time near this or that star.  And wow.. you got some warp capacity." observed Sigman
"Yeeaaahhh...  a change from Jool, I'd say" said Labro
"How's Tony?  Taking the change okay?" asked Sigman
::I feel grrreeeaaat!::
"Huh?? " from both Sigman and Labro - to the vast amusement of Muncott

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"What are yall gonna do with all the left-over parts?" inquired Labro
"We'll stick them all together and put on a couple little rockets and deorbit it all into the ocean.  That's all old stuff and not worth the effort to deorbit and recover.  Jeb might swing by and snag some of it also.  Seems he's always got something going on."

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