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Adventures with WildBlueIndustries - Blueshift and Kerbal Flying Saucers

Ooglak Kerman

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Aboard KR-5 "Kulkan" the orbital repair station, Sigman was also reviewing orders.

"Hey Lemlong.." he called to his eng-1..  "We'll have that science warp ship coming for some work in a few days.  Looks like we'll be taking off their RCS thrusters.  We got room to store that stuff?"
"Yeah.. we're pretty good on storage now, but we'll need to offload those thrusters pretty quick after they're gone" replied Lemlong
"Ok.  I'll let the Space Center know that we'll need a parts shuttle after they're gone.  Hey.. you make any progress getting the gravatic drive to give us gravity?"
"Huhh..  No.  This stuff is pretty much beyond me.  Maybe that science ships Scotty will take pity on us."
"Don't count on it buddy.  I hear those Scottys are in their own world."
"And I hope I can join them in that world some day" Lemlong thought to himself

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Sigman and Lemlong could clearly see that WRS-42 "Life, The Universe, And Everything" was having issues with the RCS system as it maneuvered to dock.  But it did soon enough.

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"Out ya go, buddy.  This isn't a job for the arms for sure." said Sigman

It was a relatively easy job to remove the forward RCS thruster blocks and that part of the job was done soon enough and then time to head aft.

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Removing the eight aft RCS thruster blocks and moving them forward for storage was more tedious than anything - with no room for error.  Soon enough though, the job was done and time to head back in.

"Whew..  that went pretty good.  But dang... I'm tired.  Zero-G doesn't mean easy." thought Lemlong

He tiredly cycled through the lock and double-checked its security.  Turning around, he started..  The WRS-42 Scotty - Frolle - was waiting.

"Weeell laddie.  Ya done fair good, ye did.  Shall we be a havin' a look at your gravatic then?"
"Uhh.. yessir.  If it wouldn't be too much trouble for you"

::What ye thinkin' on this lad, Marvin?::   Frolle asked his warp engine
::He bears watching.  Sweetie said the same.  There is possibility in that one.  But now..  about the diodes on my port side...::

Lemlong heard a chuckle from Frolle and thought he heard another from... somewhere.  "Whaaaa??".. 

"Ok lad.  Lets go have a lil look at your gravatic"

A couple of hours later, Lemlongs head was swimming with new knowledge and they had gravity on the repair ship and Frolle had gone back aboard WRS-42.

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Pilot-3 (after the events at Vall) Rodvis was elated.  A combination training and rescue mission back to the Jool system where he would be back in the hybrid gravitic lander to do rescues at Vall and Bop.  While aboard KWT-1 "Gimme Some" he had the opportunity to have a very odd and enlightening conversation with the warp engine Sweetie.  Remembering the conversation with Gus, he also took circumspection to heart and did not discuss his experiences with the other pilots at the space center.  Everything so far pointed to a warp ship in his future and he was not going to mess that up.

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After being dropped off in an 800 KM orbit, Rodvis performed the rendezvous with the stricken ship - though "ship" was a generous term - rescued the Kerbal and moved back up to 800 KM to await rendezvous with WRS-42 and then to Bop for the next rescue.

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Where in the moons of Jool do these fools come from to get stranded all the way out here like this, he wondered.  Wild Blue Industries has some really hush hush projects going, but where do they get the crews at the rate we're picking them up..

And then a thought...  hmm.. what if they added a warp engine to a lander like this.  Now that would be a thing.  Wouldn't be as dependent on a support ship, though it would still need refuelling after a landing.  Hmmm.  Need a full time pilot and a Scotty for the warp engine.

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"Ok Rodvis.  Show time." said Capt Pados  "Your target is in a 27 KM orbit.  Do us all a favor and don't smear yourself and your lander all over Bop.  It would come out of your pay"

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The rendezvous was actually really easy due to the very low orbital velocities - but tedious and slow due to those same velocities.

"Whoo.  how low can we go?" thought Rodvis.  "Really?  A science lab?  How did they manage that?"

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Rescue completed, it was back out to 500 KM and wait for WRS-42 to rendezvous so they could dock.  Rodvis saw with considerable satisfaction that he had managed the orbit adjustment so the circularization point was well within warp rendezvous distance and WRS-42 wouldn't have to maneuver at all.  Of course, he thought, if this lander had warp capability then it could do the rendezvous itself.

Once back aboard, Capt Pados came across the comm "Rodvis.  We have orders to take this lander to the Duna system and leave it in a 500 KM orbit at Ike.  I'll transfer helm to your station once you make your flight plan and I have a look"

Elation at getting to pilot a warp ship was tempered with the knowledge that if he didn't pull this off that his career as a warp pilot would end here and now.   Finishing up his flight plan, he was pleased to see that the orbital position of Ike would mean a straight shot in once they entered the Duna SOI.

"You flight plan is efficient and conservative.  Marvin and I approve it.  You have the helm.  Don't forget residual velocity at destination" Pados said
"I have the helm" replied Rodvis - fighting jitters and elation

10 minutes later, they circularized in orbit of Ike at 481 KM

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"You came out of warp slightly late and didn't take proper account of residual velocity.  Still..  it's adequate.  I have the helm now"  sent Pados
"You have the helm.  Thank you" responded Rodvis.  and he thought..  "I did it.  I'm a warp pilot!"

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Aboard Jebs Orbital Bar & Grill

"Heya Callahan.  Two warp ships inbound.  Val an Thomus and thae science ship that Pados has" exclaimed Wenlong
"Ahhh.. music to my ears.  Pados runs a good tight ship and Val and Thomus are always welcome.  Fire up the grill!"

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"Callahan me laddie.  Vanderdecken on thae cruise ship "Flying Dutchman" would like tae join oor lil party.  He says its only him an his Scotty an he'll pay up 20 graviolium.  What says ye, lad?" inquired Winlong
"Just him and Rorick?  That'll be fine.  Who is their drive?"
"Aye.  Tae drive fancies to be a 'she' and named Pandora"
"Haha.  The drives have a sense of humor and apropos.  Tell them they're welcome to our little party"

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"Well..  we haven't fitted the last docking port so we got room for one more" exulted Callahan
"Nae more warp ships heer at Kerbin, pet.  Sorry.  Chad an his lot are oot in the far reaches an Jeb... weeell..  Whos tae say."

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It was standing room only in the B&G and for ship captains and their Scottys only - initially.

"Thanks for letting us come, Callahan.  I'm sorry about that other ship" said Vanderdecken
"No worries matey.  They paid a premium.  Who's for another Orbital Ale??"

After swapping stories, the various captains and Scottys wandered back to their ships to be replace by other crew and eventually Pados, Valentina, and Rodvis were at a table.

"Hey Rodvis, hear you did ok on your run with Pados.  Sweetie thinks well of you and so does Marvin.  Sooo.. you have a tune sort of stuck in your head" asked Val with a bit of a twinkle
"Thank you, maam. And... well.. yeah.. How did you know?  It's been there since I took care of your ship while you... uhh.. went down to Vall.  It's kinda nice though"

Valentina got a strangely far far away look and then giggled.  "Yeah..  I know what you're talking about.  You'll be staying with Sweetie and Thomus and me for a bit.  We'll be training you up.  And don't look so elated.  It will get tedious enough very soon.  There are...  benefits though....  ohh.. good grief... what is Jeb up to??"

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Rodvis found himself at a table with Eng-5 "Scotty" Juldred who had spent the training mission mostly in engineering with Frolle learning about the warp engines as he had learned about warp navitation.  She and he had been assigned to train some more with Val and Thomus - and of course - Sweetie.

"Hi Juldred.  It is starting to look like we will be assigned together with a warp ship.  What do you think?"
"Aye lad.  Ah be thinkin the same as ye.  Oor warpie hae nae woke up yet but soon ah think"

They talked long into the night.

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::Val lassie!  How er ye an Sweetie an... ummm?::
::Methusaleh? We're all fine.  Binkie has told me what you guys are up to....::
::Aye... er...  umm...  ehhhh....::
::Ha!  Don't worry.  I love it.  We'll help how we can.  The Admiralty could use being taken down a notch or two.  Don't tell Jeb though.  Methusaleh wants to see how Jeb... reacts..::
::Ahh..  Aye lass.  He's a rascal, that Jeb.  Methuselah...  interesting choice tae be made, but that one is the eldest..  So.. ye can blether wit them all, eh?::
::Bye Bill.  Fly safe::
::Aye.  Ye also, lass::


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In the Neidon system, Jeb and crew are headed to Wal to pick up the "triangly thing with stars in it" that they identified a while back.  To their surprise, there was another unidentified object in orbit of Wal - so naturally they diverted to have a look.

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"Hot diggidy, boys.  We got ourselves another saucer."

Then off to snag the "triangly thing with stars" and haul it back to Kerbin orbit.

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...annndd..  a ship that can normally make 5C can now only make 0.6C.

Jeb: "huhhhhhh...  ok.. this'll take a while.  Call me when we're close.  I'm gonna play some Earth Space Program.... <mutter><mutter> geez.. the physics in this game.. and the scale!  Really?  3 DAYS just to get to their moon?  Well, I found a cool mod.  Boring Red Enterprises.  They got a warp drive.  Gets you there before you left.  Huh.. How do they handle paradox?"


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Announcing Jeb's Triangle Garden Hotel

Jeb's Used Parts Emporium is proud to announce the grand opening of Jeb's Triangle Garden Hotel.  Located in a 1516 KM orbit of Kerbin, it offers beautiful panoramic views of Kerbin.  As a side benefit, it's orbit is very close to that of Jeb's Orbital Bar & Grill and on occasion it will be possible to see the Bar & Grill do a transit of Kerbol.

Bookings for the Triangle Garden Hotel are now being offered and agents are standing by.  Call now!

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"Hi Jeb!!!!"

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"Val...  hi to you.  Umm.. Where did you guys come from?"
"Well.. if you were paying attention, instead of having your head down in 'Earth Space Program' all the time, you'd see your new hotel is done.  You're welcome, by the way."
"Yeah... thanks Val.  I really appreciate your help.  If I can do anything for you guys"
"Why... thank you Jeb.  Thomus and I - oh, and Rodvis and Juldred appreciate your offer of unlimited free stays at the Hotel."
"urrgghh.. uhhh... ummmm..."
"We can go take it back apart."
"Why... of course you guys stay free anytime"
::Hah.. nicely done lassie::
::Thanks Bill::

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::Hey howdy thar lil lady.  Hows yew n Methuselah settlin in thar?.::
::Angelo!!  I was wondering when we would hear from you.  It's...  amazing.  Methuselah and Sweetie and I - it's so..  BIG!!  Interstellar please!  I know where it all is::
~~Hello Angelo. You --people-- are so different beyond any song we made.  And I confess to considerable enjoyment of this relationship~~
::Ayupp.. Ahm reet happy fer yall..  Val.. when yall finish emptyin out ol Jebs pocketbook, yall send Rodvis an Julred down mah way.  An he should spend time wit Sweetie::

::We'll do that.  Thank you so much Angelo!::
::Thank yall thar lil gal.  Fly safe::
::And you, Angelo::

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Recognizing that guests at Jeb's Triangle Garden Hotel would want an excellent view, a project was undertaken to attach viewing cupolas.  Valentina and the Warp Tanker have proven to be the ideal ship for this task.

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The first cupola attached has been christened as the "Falling Sky Viewport"

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"Callahan, Wenlong" said Vanderdecken of The Flying Dutchman "Thank you for the hospitality.  We're off.  Kerbin Tour Lines has a big load of 'Space Adventurers' for us to take out to some station at Minmus.  Wheeee"
"Anytime, Vanderdecken.  Been good having you two at the Orbital Bar & Grill.  Come back any time - without your 'Space Adventurers'.  Fly Safe!" replied Callahan

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Note:  Flying Dutchman is the one with obvious large space for passengers

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The Kerbin League Of Smart Technologists mused... 

The warp drives are derived from alien technologies.  And the strange tetrahedrons found about the Kerbol system are alien technologies and sometimes offer tidbits of knowledge.
What might result from the merging of a tetrahedron and a warp drive?

And so, at the urging of the Kerbin League Of Smart Technologiest, a project was undertaken to build a warp drive onto a alien tetrahedron and so merge the technologies.
The Eng-5 "Scotty" community was not keen on this project, but in the end agreed to support it.

An alien tetrahedron was acquired and brought into orbit of Kerbin and the needed parts to assemble a warp drive ship were launched out of the KSC.  Seen below in mid-construction

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Although the orbital repair station  KR-5 "Kulkan" was available, it was deemed prudent for this construction to take place in a higher orbit of Kerbin.
All of the pieces were assembled as they would have been in the VAB and the vessel was fueled and prepared for initial startup and the waking to sentience of the warp drive.

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All systems checked properly in static tests.  The key moment came when the warp drive was brought online.
.....annnd... nothing.  Though resources were being properly consumed and no errors could be found, non-warp related functions worked but the warp drive did not wake up to sentience.  Angelo himself was consulted but to no avail.

Representatives of the Eng-5 "Scotty" community consulted with the Kerbin League Of Smart Technologists regarding this attempt.  Afterward, a visibly bruised and battered representative of the Kerbin League Of Smart Technologists with arm in a sling and limping badly, offered these comments:

"We had hoped for a great technological leap with this merger of technologies and did not forsee such a thing.  We are sorry.  We did not know the way"

Since the ship is functional in every way - save warp capacity - it has been decided that it will be used as a station on which lower ranking pilots and engineers can be trained on the equipment associated with a warp ship.


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As the Scotties on board the newly designated training ship were cleaning up and doing rounds, they came across a whimpering Engineer-0 with 2 badly broken hands who had obviously stowed away on-board prior to launch of the components.

While waiting for the crew shuttle of KSC leadership (mostly Scotties) the story emerged.

The Eng-0 in question - eager, but not particularly bright - had indeed stowed away on board hoping to see a warp drive wake up.  And as the vessel was constructed, he thought to be helpful and did what Eng-0's do - hit things.. without a hammer.  And broke his hands and some other things.

A review of systems indicated his work could not wholly account for the warp drive failing to wake up, but still the general consensus was to strap him into a command seat, warp out and feed him to Jool.  Happily for the decidedly unhappy Eng-0, Valentina arrived and informed all that the warp drives would have nothing to do with this "feeding Jool".  Rather that the thoughtless lad would be dismissed from the Space Program and would hear the song of the drives - but they would not  listen to him.  They had that ability if they chose to exercise it.  And he would have little to no chance to ever be responsible for a warp drive and form that special bond.

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"Oh yay" thought Vanderdecken - Captain of the "Flying Dutchman" - Queen of Kerbal Tour Lines "stuck here for the next 54 days with a load of 'space adventurers' at this orbital depot in orbit of Minmus."
...as he opened "Earth Space Program" on his console

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Rodvis and Julred got orders to head down to the Space Center and Val docked the tanker up to the crew shuttle that had been sent up.

"It was good having you two along" said Val
"Thanks for everything, Val - and especially letting me drive and spend time with Sweetie" responded Rodvis.  "I think we'll be getting our own warp ship"
"Could be.. Could be" said Val with a twinkle
"Julred lassie" said Thomus "Ye done weel.  Ye'll be doin' fine"
"Thank ye lad.  It hae been a fair good tiem wit ye an Sweetie"
:: Goodby Julred and Rodvis.  It has been enjoyable to work with you both.  Fly safe - as you say ::

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After an enlightening chat with Angelo where they learned of their upcoming mission and some of the longer range plans, Rodvis and Julred had a chance to see their new ship.

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"Whooo" exclaimed Rodvis.  "Warp, Gravatic, AND chem rockets.  Doesn't have much for legs, but we'll be able to land just about anywhere.  Has the warp drive woke up yet?"
"Nay lad.  Shortly afore launch.  Ye'll be tae first nae a Scotty ta be there for that"
"Thank you for that, Julred.  I'm looking forward to meeting our warp drive"

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From the Kerbin Admiralty:  Warp Capable Lander Craft

Recognizing the need for landing craft that are able to travel quickly in planetary systems and to a lesser extent, within solar systems, this new lander has been designed for operation at most medium and low gravity planets and moons.  The lander is provisioned with most scientific experiments and features significant cargo storage for a vessel its size.  It is well equipped for orbital rendezvous and rescue and will usher in a new era of exploration for the KSC.

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