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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Nice start Vire. Keep it up! :D

Haha, thanks. I had a much larger one originally, but I hadn't planned it at all and wasn't satisfied with it, so I just sent it burning into the atmosphere.

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This here is Xion Corp.'s Kerbin Port Station. It is designed for docking craft for refuel and harboring crew for transfer. Shuttles are commonly used to transport crew between port stations to transfer to craft used for missions. The purpose is to also create a standard infrastructure and procedure for potential space society.

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Here is Hammett Station in a 163km orbit around Kerbin. Houses currently 9 Kerbals, but has space for about 20 if need be. There are several research facilities (there's a tug docking an open science platform in the picture right now) and fuel for various expeditions to the Mun and other planets. There are two robotic tugs and one manned tug plus one life boat.

I've actually found it useful to keep an empty tanker around since sometimes I have experimental flights that abort in low orbit and I can then dump fuel at the station before deorbiting the remaining mess.

The station is growing without any planning - I like to call it "organically".

Parts are currently all stock, but I do use Docking Port Alignment and Enhanced Navball as well as EVE for visuals.

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I've been away from KSP for a while, mostly due to it crashing on me and me not having the patience for it...

BUT the great mod called LoD recently got updated... So this is what I've been up to in the past few days.

I bring you (S)KyLab, complete with an Apollo-style Command Module which I call the "Horus" CMV.

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In the second image we see Haldorf Kerman testing out a Universal Storage EVA-X unit while inspecting the newly added "Horus" Telescope Unit.

And now that it's been crewed, I also bring you the Lir Space Station! ("Lir" means "Sea" in Old Irish).

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The encounter/docking was during a night pass so excuse the darkness in the approach picture.

Edited by BananaDealer
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My Kerbin Orbital Station (including rescue pods and two mini tugs):


And one of my Theta Refueling-Stations (one-piece, 14k liquid fuel, 17k oxidizer, 8k xenon, 3,8k mono propellant)...

This one orbiting Eeloo obviously:


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Mun StarLab has been completed:


There are two originally unwarranted modules, but I soon discovered that the docking ports they are now attached to were out of reach for some of my spacecraft, so they act as an extension and extra facilities.


It's certainly one of my nicer looking stations.


It's also the first station I've made in goodness knows how long that doesn't feature a Cupola in line with the main body, and I'll be honest; it looks a lot better than if it were stuck onto the end of any of the other modules.


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Okay so I HAVE E.V.E. and my stuff still doesn't look THAT good. What do you have that gives you that visual style and skybox?

Thanks to Better Atmospheres (which is soon to be updated to v5), Kerbin and all the other planets and moons have been visually improved :D

As for the skybox, I grabbed it from Space Engine. To do this, you find a place you like (in my case a point in the Large Magellanic Cloud), make sure you have no labels or selections on-screen, then go into the editor and choose the skybox option. Adjust the brightness and magnitude from there, because if you do it beforehand, it won't register in the editor and you'll end up with an overly bright skybox. Mine has been dimmed quite considerably from what the normal is in Space Engine.

Hope this helps :)

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roguemason, just saw your signature and was wondering how you managed to land on jool....

The one discrepancy with that thing is that Jool would never be filled because you don't land on a gas giant, so I just filled it anyway seeing as I've orbited it.

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well poo.

I downloaded Better Atmopsheres, and now that I have a bit of practice using EVE I managed to not have a terrible time tweaking it to my liking.

But Space Engine's skybox exporter has never worked for me :[

I had a feeling it came from Space Engine based on how it looked, but I'd hoped there was an existing skybox available to download. Oh well.

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Found this old screenshot on a backup I had of an idea about having a small multipurpose space station that wont take much fuel to put into orbit.

Here's it packaged up.


Here's it constructed.


I'm sure anyone of you could improve the idea.

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well poo.

I downloaded Better Atmopsheres, and now that I have a bit of practice using EVE I managed to not have a terrible time tweaking it to my liking.

But Space Engine's skybox exporter has never worked for me :[

I had a feeling it came from Space Engine based on how it looked, but I'd hoped there was an existing skybox available to download. Oh well.

Well, if you're interested, I do have a Milky Way skybox sitting there that I can offer you. I made it as a test and it looks alright (I'll let you be the judge, though):


Bear in mind that I've got them set for Universe Replacer and not Texture Replacer, so if you're using TR, you'll need to rename the images from Skybox_[whatever it is] to GalaxyTex_[whatever it is]. I do recommend UR, though. I've had none of the memory issues that were reported by others using it and it seriously does a better job with skyboxes; TR leaves irritating darker patches in the corners of the skyboxes.

Of course, I'll throw in my LMC skybox, too :)


Milky Way


Also, so I don't completely derail the thread, here's a picture of my currently very-ramshackle Duna Spacedock:


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Thanks! I actually like the LMC version better.

And as far as actually contributing, here's the current state of my current LKO Career station, the Spinel:


I've also been working on a station-in-a-tube, but I don't have any pics so I'll have to come back and post that later.

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Here's a little space station that I got sitting in LKO. The entire thing was lifted into orbit, bit by bit, on SSTO spaceplanes.



here is another space station, this time sitting in orbit around Laythe


Lots of Tugs and a surface shuttle on there

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