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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Just finished assembling my first station in RSS.  Took 4 launches - station core module, habitation and comms module, solar energy module, and gravity rings module.  Not sure what the final part count is, but I don't think it's excessive.


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  • 3 weeks later...

My Orbital Fuel Depot for commercial trips to Kerbin's moons.


I'm actually sort of really proud of how it turned out but now I need to replace that bottom booster with something a little more adequate than a Jumbo64.


I've never lifted anything even remotely close to a payload this size. Wish me luck... *faints*

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So i decided to try a new visual style for my stations and i think it came out pretty solid looking.  Very good contrast between the see-thru girders and wings on the outside, and it looks like a nice hybrid between sci-fi and something that could have at least theoretically existed IRL.





Im probably going to redo this from the ground up in order to make it a little more clean and cut down parts (230 isnt TOO bad, but it doesnt help if i actually intend to add to it later).


And ofc a nice view from the ship that just deployed from said shipyard.

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My first station and also my first contribution to the forum: the Sapphirus space station.


Mostly a small lab complex, provides habitation for 8 kerbals in the appropriate modules - plus how many more we can fit inside the labs.


(Picture from before installing the hub for multiple dockings)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Minmus Orbital Depot


To the upper left is the ore shuttle to haul 13,500 Ore per load from Minmus. To the far right is my asteroid interceptor based here just returned from it's 2nd mission. The station has 61605/75295 LF/O I opt to haul ore up from Minmus and refine in orbit to deal with changing refinery needs as the asteroid interceptor is liquid fuel only and throws off the balance of the supplies.

The station was assembled in Kerbin orbit using USI Konstruction ports to eliminate docking ports connecting station modules. All reaction wheels (not on docked ships) are centered around the two hubs at the core of the station. I've never seen a wobble from the Kraken and there are 841 parts in the photo. The station was moved to Minmus after all the major modules were added over about 10 launches.

At the the bottom center is a KOOSE Cradle loaded with rescue pods based on the Mk2 Capsule for recovery to Kerbin. The brightly colored parts are the Station Science mod where I messed around with the textures. The station is nuclear powered, only needing about 4% output to run the life support and convert-o-tron. I have to turn it up a bit if all the science modules are running experiments. I'm also using USI-LS and the hab modules from KPBS. Except for some docking ports attached directly to the reactor the station is CLS compliant between any two docking ports and all crewable components.


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First time posting a craft! been lurking on the forums for a while now.

Presenting my Minmus orbital gateway. Unfortunately the save this is on is corrupt so I only have rough specs:

Built in two (difficult) launches

part count:120 approx

crew capacity:12

LF/OX: 6000 ish

The little tugs on each end are attached via docking port Snr to allow for expansion and to move the station (allbeit very slowly!) as they are offset due to the fuel tank designs.

It was supplied by a mining  rig down on minmus and visited by every craft leaving kerbins soi.

All stock on ps4 (1.2?), so no choice there! career mode


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just realised I haven't posted any pics of my completed station yet. So here's the fully operational Space Station Eillorf Kerman, crewed by Bill, Madsey, Rosgar, Diny, Barry and Thomry Kerman, and serviced by occasional Space Shuttle flights. The station is in a roughly 180km circular orbit.





In the picture above:

Bottom left: Multiple docking adapter 2, greenhouse

Centre: Core module-contains cupola, airlock, and lab

Centre left: Solar arrays, Sr port 1, storage

Centre right: Command module, KOOSE escape pod nest

Top right: main habitation, multiple docking adapter 1.

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Crewed by Jeb, Val, Bob and three tourists, the Munpocalypse 7.0 is currently in a highly elliptic orbit over the mun (just barely over at periapse...way, way over at apoapse) awaiting refueling after a successful resupply of Snacks (the Snacks mission had to come first, obviously). Their trip to Minmus went more or less according to plan except that this next refueling mission is the fourth refueling mission to their errant station/ship. The active engine is only fueled by the three Oscar Mikes on the very tip of the ship...which are, thankfully, half-full after a successful delivery and probably have a whopping 60 delta-V left!



Meanwhile, the science team in low kerbin orbit (well...medium kerbin orbit, 150k to 250k) has been working diligently, feeding and pampering tourists as they are dispatched to various sight-seeing missions and eagerly awaiting the reams upon reams of science data from the late, grossly overbudget Munpocalypse. Pay no attention to the 2.5 gigawatt laser on the nose, it is strictly for scientific purposes and is not intended to lure giant space kittens onto hapless kerbal cities. The redundant power plants are strictly a design oversight.


And here we see the Munpocalypse on its deorbit burn. Sharp eyes might notice something that looks suspiciously like the Big Orange Drone from the LKO station being used as a tugboat.



Edited by dire
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Couple of stations I've finished so far.  First one is a Casino (for the Tourism Plus contracts mod - practically prints funds once it's built)

Casino The First


Casino The Second (I'm not good at names)


I suppose it's not technically a station since it has a big engine to shunt it to Jool and that makes a ship but it'll be a station when it gets there.  Imaginatively called The Jool Orbital.  Comes with detachable ScanSat and fully-qualified lithobraking lander (evidence of a successful landing was inexplicably lost in transmission...)


I quite like this one.  I needed a lot of science after installing CTT, NF and KSPIE (which I still haven't figured out how to use).  It's a minimalist design using all the NEOS labs and sufficient USI support to keep a team of 10 trained monkeys supplied with peanuts indefinitely.  Ish.


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