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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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she is not much to look at, but, this is my second station, I had to deorbit its predecessor before launching this one. basically the same station as the first, with 2 changes, 1 its 2 of the same core and this one lacks docking ports on the hatches for EVA/Crew Transfer abilities. Kerbal International Space Station:

primary core are the hitchhiker modules 2 each with a lander can in the middle with 2 truss's coming off with solar panels. 1 section has a heavy RCS tug and 2 large fuel tanks and a cupola. each core is rotated 90 degrees off the other





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Don't know if I've posted this yet or not:

Jool of the Skies


She has room for 6, but only 3 crew at anyone time for comfort reasons.

And here she is with a resupply vessel attached:

Ressupply can return home safely, so that crew transfers can take place. 3 onboard at any one time, and room for 3 in the resupply craft.


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Updated Space Station "K3" Been thinking of putting one around the Mun???

Mun Station "K4" up and running :-) http://i.imgur.com/FPR3Wp8.png

Created a different type of space station (EX-Station): http://i.imgur.com/s7MN0Ib.png Fully functional - 109 Max population.


I have not done craft files yet. Where is a good place to go to create the files (w/o signing up for service)?

Included a view of the basic space truck vehicle. Powered by 6 mainsail engines (drop 2 at a time) and one center skipper engine.


The "truck" is quite a workhorse around the orbit of kerbin. Add a sphere fuel tank and it refuels most of my crafts in orbit around Kerbin.

Note:I set the skipper to fire at stage 3. This add enough boost to get it into orbit to complete whatever mission is assigned to it. Engine run sequence 6, 4, 3, and then 1. For heavy loads one could add to top booster tanks and add solid boosters to bottom and outside of booster tanks. A very adaptable craft :-)


Truck with engine to mount: http://i.imgur.com/ySTaXzr.jpg

Truck with a housing unit to mount: http://i.imgur.com/uGzL0uk.jpg

Edited by BJ Quest
K3 update & Truck View
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  stanonwheels said:
Here's what happens if you don't plan a station properly - HMS Cromwell, new modules added as and when I thought of them with very little regard for framerate.


My oh my, what a fabulous design. I notice a hint of the ISV Venture Star! Maybe, one day! Also, that shuttle you have on the bottom left looks rather like a valkyrie shuttle, I wish i could make such a station without my frame rate getting shot down as well :3

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  T41nt3d said:
Finally have my Space Station fully completed. Besides from my interplanetary space vehicle ofc.

I've unoriginally named it the World Space Station.

Took inspiration from the ISS, and WSS that is in the movie Mission to Mars.

Apologies in advance for the size of the pictures.



Started to lag a little for me 2 modules ago.

I wish the giant Ring span :(

Which addon has those rings?

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From the DPRK (democratic people's republic of Kerea), I bring you New Pyongyang, unfortunately, a quicksave loading error caused me to lose the docking module on the right, which I'm now attempting to replace with a solar array (if mechjeb will ever let me target the damn clamp o tron port, several crashes have gone into building this station). Room for 14 crew, featuring a Shenzou 99 orbital vehicle, a Ryugyong habitat module, and a Koyro 1 high capacity living quarters/emergency return module, featuring landing legs, a hitchhiker module and mk 2 lander can, parachutes, and detachable engine and docking module. Plans for a Mun Base to be named New Kaesong will be announced shortly.

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Well, I'm pretty new to KSP. But I have been busy building my first station.



It does not really have a use at the moment. I just did it because it was fun. I cost me 14 launches to get this thing in orbit. The middle section is rotating. Suggestions are welcome

Edited by Flyerken
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Some of my space Stations:

My Munar orbiting kethane refueling depot. ~130 KL of Kethane and ~48 KL of Rocket fuel mix.


Kerbin orbiting space station. transitioned to the next station and remaining part deorbited or used for targeting practice


First attempt at a drydock. Not the most structurally sound vessel. but she got up there and thats what counts.


And the crown jewel of my station armada. 6 launches to get everything correct. my attempt at the ISS. holds ~30 crew, not necessarily comfortably


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  Captain Sierra said:
That isn't a wayland ring. That is a ring built with stock parts, or so it appears in the pic. Building a stock or otherwise non-single-part ring is actually pretty damn hard. I have killed many a kerbal trying to launch a manned station core that used a ring.

I promise you, that ring is the Wayland Corp 20m Ring with like a buncha stock fuselages stuck around it. I have replicated something very close to that ring for myself.

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