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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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  Sapphire said:
You can't show us screenshots on your computer, because we don't have your hard drive. :) You have to upload it to an image hosting site, I recommend Imgur.

With a 225 image limit unless you go premium? Images being deleted if they are not viewed within six months? No way, I use ImageShack instead.

Edited by Pipcard
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  Pipcard said:
With a 225 image limit unless you go premium? Images being deleted if they are not viewed within six months? No way, I use ImageShack instead.

Imageshack doesn't let you upload .gifs and it resizes large images. Unless they changed it in the last few months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are my space stations...

This one is my kerbin station, I sometimes use it to refuel missions going further out.

It took 6 launches to build, it has 10 kerbals on board but space for over 20 and it has 348 parts and weighs 83 tons.


This one is orbiting the mun, its really a interplanetary mission under construction but i'm using it as a mun station at the moment.


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  ArcticX9 said:
This is Arctic Aerospace's "Minmus Low-Altitude Observation Unit" - designed for observation of Minmus at low altitude and as a low altitude docking point.

I think the question is how many times have you nudged it into Minmus from docking things?

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Pfft, who needs file sharing services?

EDIT: Me apparently, since my server got shut down :(

My first interplanetary station, with the IPT module attached. (IPT = Inter-Planetary Transfer)

Currently unmadnned, with modular parts. The core and observation deck was launched and parked around Duna, and the power/solar modules were launched and docked separately. I will be installing a science module soon, and with that launch will come a contingent of two kerbals.

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One massive Refuel station 24 orange fuel tanks, 4 of the larger rockomax tanks form restock, and Devon's resupply hub, Inline light mod, currently sitting at 3million orbit. Lower arms are were ships can dock ALL three sized docking clamps can be found there.

Was hyperedited into position. No way was i able to get that 12000 ton station off the ground and assembling it would take forever. Thou I have thought about attempting it.


Smaller Station sitting at 250km and yes it was lifted into space as it was made before i got hyperedit.

Devon supply mod, Inline light mod


Is anykerbal feeling blue? well now you can show the people back at KSP how blue you really are and hope they replace you soon.


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I decided to throw up a new station while waiting for interplanetary launch windows. Bit by bit it grew into this:


200*200km equatorial Kerbin orbit.

Permanent crew 9 (only 3*3 seats in the escape pods), max crew 26.

Can do science and refuel visiting ships.

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Here's my space station.. Consists of main command module with 2 nuclear engines, plus 2 smaller for when (if) the nuclear ever run out. I can't detach them now for risk of damage to the rest of the station. There's 4 available docking ports around bottom of the command module for tugs/fuel loads.. I have two fuel loads in the picture as so far I haven't had to launch a tug for rendezvous. Third section is a fuel/resource section within an enclosed fairing. Docking gantry beneath that for interplanetary ships for refueling, then the massive solar arrays that need to come off.. Or be rearranged. I haven't decided yet.


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