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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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I have made this station in the past, as my first go at docking and design:


However, yesterday I decided that I needed a new, more stable structure, which looks a little less like Salyut if they forgot to undock the capsules.

I spent several hours launching, building and designing, and eventually came to this:


The image shows, in order of construction;

-The Core Module and crew quarters: there is room for 8 inside residents, and 4 seats (Not visible) for non-permanent kerbonauts. This is the module that is at the 'bottom' of the craft, with two flags visible.

-The Science Module. While this was made in Sandbox, I saw no reason not to add one anyway, before I add refuelling capabilities; that way I can at least pretend it serves a purpose. This is the shadowed part that is closest to the camera, on the right hand side.

-The Control Module (The part that sticks up above the crew quarters, with a red light). I added this because I ran out of ideas for modules, and so I crammed it full of SAS and put a control cabin (MK.1 Lander Can with antenna) on it. I transferred the first crew to the station this way.

-The Power Station (Part going to left, with retracted solar panels and large RCS tank). I added this because I needed solar panels to make this look like a station. It has room for four more kerbals, in case those temporary workers from before suddenly become more permanent, and more RCS for moving the station around. It also has a large docking port on one end, so that I could attach the next module onto the end.

-Probe Launching Station with GC [Giant Claw] (The part on the end of the power station, with a green light). This was a part that I added primarily out of boredom, and partly to see if I could get a (very different) variant of this onto the station. It has 4 RCS probes attached by small docking ports, all of which have a seat in case a kerbal wants a ride. The claw is from an incident I had with the last station: I had a crewed satellite, and transferred the crew across; I didn't have any docking on the satellite, however, so I had to let a perfectly good machine crash. The claw is so that I can grab objects like that without having to actually dock.

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It's a work in progress still. I added an extension to it with larger solar panels and a long girder, but I don't have a screen of that yet. My next step is to add fuel. I haven't unlocked the big solar panels yet, so this station is a mess of technology levels progressing over my science career.

Attached at the bottom was a rescue probe to bring home Jebediah after I accidentally left him stranded. It is not part of the actual station.

The station itself has 6 Kerbals on board.

Bugbear I


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OK, so may I present to you all, PROJECT ORIGIN, A two station project which will be part of my space program.

So, first one, The HMS Avenger is a scientific research station in a 87K Orbit above Kerbin as seen below:


It's role is to do scientific research that can only be done in Zero Gravity.

And our next one, HMS Sun Scraper (Hint, Hint) is an unmanned station in a 100K Orbit around Kerbool (The sun) It's job is to monitor the sun and the changes that it makes throughout the years.


I plan to forward PROJECT ORIGIN into the outer reaches of the galaxy and build more stations.



That will be all, BYE!:cool:

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Nothing too fancy. All stock parts, except for some small lights from the Aviation Lights mod and on the Mun station some Kethane mod parts. Both these stations are built with pragmatism in mind. They need to do their task and be practical to use. So no extra stuff bolted on just for fun and have kept the parts number as low as possible to save some precious framerate. Both stations run in the green even with a couple of ships docked (not counting the little mini-tug).

Kerbin Station:


Still to go on it are fixing two more Jumbo tanks to the available radial large docking ports, plus add a couple of three-man Kerbin return pods to the inline ports on the left.

Mun Refinery Station:


Pretty much the same design, but less crew capability, and a couple of large Kethane Converters. Still to go are bolting on three Jumbo tanks on the radial large Docking ports.

Both have five docking ports in the "nose" of the station, for ordinary traffic coming and leaving. All preferred docking ports have four small batteries around them to provide a visual aid when going in to dock in the dark, their little green light pointing outwards. I could turn on the station-lights, but it cuts the framerate roughly in half. Which is fine when docking simpler smaller ships, a virtual slideshow with more elaborate ships.

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I've gone for this simple setup at the moment.



It's a small pod-like listening post / relay-station at 500 km, (I like the view up there better). It has a tiny space plane and a more regular re-stocking craft attached. I only hold 3 Kerbals in it to give them a bit of space. :P

Edited by Redshift OTF
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The obligatory (all stock) KSS, shown with SQUIRT 5 spaceplane docking procedure (probably only the second spaceplane design I've been happy with after years of playing).

The ARM update's joint reinforcement really helped with stable spacestation designs.




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Seeing all those ring stations i tried one myself :D

Docked this baby ring first try and with just one maneuver burn



did a minmus mission from the great flats and had tons of fuel left so i tried docking with the station and with success :D


transferring data to lab


Jeb using the "Nimbus" Capsule to de-orbit it and bring the data home!


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What do you think of my new station?

A science module is going up as I write this. The orange tanks are an asteroid tug. The station itself has engines and is capable of changing orbits or going to the moons (maybe even other planets)

The small capsules are escape pods and pods for science transports to the planet surface (tested, works like a charm)

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I'd like to show you my KSS. In the meantime it is assembled in about 10 launches, some parts came into orbit with rockets and some others with ssto's.

The station is not a beauty, but it is very modular and fulfills all the needs of a space station.

Not bad for a beginner, try to replicate mine, KSP is about beauty and functionality :)

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My refuelling station, which BTW is downloadable in sections here----->http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31336-Zokesia-Propulsion-Labs-NOW-HIRING%21/page12 OR directly here ------>http://www./folder/5ces...elling_station I built this when i did some rocket building for Zokesia Propultion labs



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