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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Ok the history of Docking Ports in the UshraKerbal Space union

The spindle series of stations represent the first station I build in each version (mostly). They are utility shacks orbited in equitorial at 85-125 km. Their primary purpose is always Refueling and Large Ship assemby.

Spindle I (floated in the first week after docking port release. The upper hab, the two girder arms, lower hab, and central solar array were all seperate launches and the whole thing orbited at 45 degrees off equitorial. (Never did that again. Notice the covered docking port did not line up as per the bug that existed then.) The FL-T800's were launched tandem and seperated from their mother ship and used probes to control them into their Incline ClampoTron's


Spindle II was the upgrade of the original. Inline Clamp o Tron's for up to 12 t800 double stack fuel probes. Those are dilivered 4 at a time on the Inferno class refueling ship and placed one at a time. This is the first time I launched orange tanks from the surface to orbit. This eight launch assembly took 4 days to design build test and launch.(The t800 stacks were another day and were used as disposables for each mission. (Sent up, the fuel used, and then jettisoned for the station and deorbited)


Spindle III Is the size maximum of the Spindle series and showcases my inclusion of the JARFR specialty trusses in my stations. Massive fuel capacity wide stance in space for easy docking. It was originally launched piece by piece (12 launches) and using the t800 stacks (8 of the doubles, and 4 singles) after attempting to actually use it I noticed the part count had reached 269 making it the biggest framerate killer I ever built. I relaunched it with hyperdit taking off the connecting docks, RCS ports and other bits and pieces that served purpose only to get into space and got it down to a manageable 185 parts. Total fuel load was over 25000 units, with 8000 RCS fuel it was able to fully fuel my first jollian mission in one go.


Spindle IV First time I had two Spindles up at the same time. Nicknamed the Box Its primary purpose was a Kerbin system station for mun and Minmus runs, and as a first attempt at a manned science station when the rumors first percolated out the science and career mode might be coming (remember the chart for the resources ... This was going to be my science refinery) Spindle 3 was in low orbit (85km) to catch the interplanetary ships after they had used u all their fire getting off the ground while Spindle 4 was at 150 km station keeping for the in system missions.


Spindle V First spindle launched with its own building platform and the TAC life support system installed. Sporting paired docking ports in each size. This newest spindle was built to be under 150 parts. Launched legit it was down to 190 and replaced with the hyperedit version was down to 134. (I don't apologize for using hyper to get my parts count down.)

This will not be the final design but I like the compact feel.


OverLord Morthership was my spaceship turned station for my manned/Satelite probe mission. 4 Minion probes attached (one still on board on the top right) were tasked to explore 4 of the moons while OverLord stayed at Tylo is a permanent space settlement in the Joolian system. Pictured is the Overlord after the crew had left in the Merlin return vehicle that was stored in the open bay.


Lobus Munar station has been repeated since the time of Spindle 3. I keep it above Mun to be a receiving station for mining operations on the Mun. Smaller fuel rations it is the the base of last resort when a returning craft or a leaving craft has fuel issues. with Mun's easier capture makes it a good place to end up if you are screaming back from eve and aerobreakng isn't going to save you.


Thats the history of my active stations. The pile of failed ideas, bad design and changed minds make up a small sub marine mountain range off the coast of KSP. Needless to say... no pictures exist.


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NCSA (Neblian Company Space Agency) - KES Station I

Currently at a 100k orbit around Kerbin, though it is capable of interplanetary travel when the engine module is docked and locked down(Docking spot is top far right). But given the wobblyness of the station and the fact I had no other space stations around Kerbin it was decided to keep it bound to Kerbin SOI.


Shot of the uh.. "High Power communication antenna" taken shortly before the docking of fuel cells.


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It's ever so humble compared to everyone else's, but it's my first, so I'm posting it anyway!

Three things are docked to the center spindle/habitation module: on the left is the fuel/oxidizer/RCS storage, at the bottom is a ferry to bring fuel from the Kethane refinery on the Munar surface, and at the right is a tug for moving things between Kerbin/Mun/Minmus orbits.


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I've sent all mine up as single launches, because joint strength with docked ships is enough of an issue. This is all done in career mode as I get things ready for my first interplanetary tours. They're primarily fuel stations but later versions have science labs on-board.

Version 1. With it's small tug and orbit insertion / first refuel load still attached. Station made it up with more fuel than expected. This quickly started to feel cramped and lacking features. Now with crew return shuttle, refueling tanker, interplanetary tug, and two hopefully successful duna landers docked.



Version 2, bigger was slightly better. But I felt that it was still a bit short on fuel capacity. So far it's the only one sitting outside of LKO. And if bigger is better, and I can still lift more into orbit...


Version 3, even more bigger. Slightly harder to put into orbit. Seen with my first asteroid tug. Also going to need more refuel tugs than any other station so far.


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As the title says post all your stations and bases here!

Whether it be refueling, scientific or just for looking awesome, whatever size or shape, whichever celestial body it's orbiting/landed on, whichever mods you might be using, post them!

I would love to see what you're up to, and so to start it all I'll post my near-complete ISS "replica":


I still need to get the Leanardo and Rassvet and eventually a couple of Soyuz' up, but it's looking quite nice so far, if I do say so myself.

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Kerbin Spacedock II is just over halfway complete. It needs two more of those fuel tanks, a centrifuge module, and a docking hub before it can be considered finished. Anything I send up afterwards is non-mandatory.


I'm actually trying to think of other things to attach to some of the docking ports. A giant comms dish and a drydock spring to mind, but the part count... oh god, the part count...


The Libra left its lander behind as it went off to another orbit on standby to investigate more asteroids. And before anyone asks, the greenhouses are from Lack Luster Labs.


That's one big fuel tank...


It's a pretty big station so far, and there's still more to come :wink:

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Took seven launches to build and refuel but this refuelling station makes even E class asteroids quiver with fear. It has over 3kT and stores more than 220 000 unit of liquid fuel and about 24 000 units of monopropellant. I'll probably continue building it, possibly adding some kind of living quaters, but it already experiences horrible lag even with the improvements 23.5 brought.

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<rage> Realised the structural fairings I put the reactor block on my KSPI station in an effort to make it look more visually consistent with the stock and B9 parts makes it impossible to service the reactor as it requires EVA access to do that. </rage>

Time to launch a redesigned reactor module. Expect more pictures later this weekend.

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<rage> Realised the structural fairings I put the reactor block on my KSPI station in an effort to make it look more visually consistent with the stock and B9 parts makes it impossible to service the reactor as it requires EVA access to do that. </rage>

Time to launch a redesigned reactor module. Expect more pictures later this weekend.

I made a similar mistake using a faring to cover up where my Duna Craft went from 2.5m to 1.25m for a materials bay/other science, then realised I needed to EVA to pick up the science and move it into the return capsule -_- Ended up using time warp to jam the kerbal into the tiny gap so he'd be close enough to the experiments

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