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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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After the... disaster that was Home Point Starport and its funky Stanford Torus, I've opted for a different route. Behold, Kerbin Point Drydock!


Currently under construction, the finished drydock will have three more of those fuel tanks at least, with various bits of equipment much like that hab currently docked there. The main purposes include construction and refuelling of ships as well as providing a stepping stone between Kerbin, its moons, and the other planets.

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After the... disaster that was Home Point Starport and its funky Stanford Torus, I've opted for a different route. Behold, Kerbin Point Drydock!


Currently under construction, the finished drydock will have three more of those fuel tanks at least, with various bits of equipment much like that hab currently docked there. The main purposes include construction and refuelling of ships as well as providing a stepping stone between Kerbin, its moons, and the other planets.

Looks cool. Loving the skybox. What's its' orbit?

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Thanks. It's in a 320km circular equatorial orbit. Also, the skybox is from a point within the Large Magellanic Cloud taken in Space Engine, seeing as you like it :)

Nice. I'm building my own in a semi-synchronous orbit (~1586km, circular, equatorial) using Extraplanetary Launchpads. Docking the Workshop section as we speak. Employing an SLS-inspired/derived launch system. (pics in a bit)

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Edited by BananaDealer
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Since we're on the topic of orbital construction, I thought I'd share my new pride and joy's look once the main assembly process is complete.

So here's another look at "Anchorage" Station, or at least an in-house mock-up used for planning out modules and construction.

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Currently figuring out how I'm gonna lift Stage III while waiting for a good window to deliver the "Spine" section...

Any ideas?

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Since we're on the topic of orbital construction, I thought I'd share my new pride and joy's look once the main assembly process is complete.

So here's another look at "Anchorage" Station, or at least an in-house mock-up used for planning out modules and construction.


Currently figuring out how I'm gonna lift Stage III while waiting for a good window to deliver the "Spine" section...

Any ideas?

Very nice space station construction--and parts! Will you be releasing these at some point?

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Very nice space station construction--and parts! Will you be releasing these at some point?

Thank you. Parts are from a combination of a multitude of mods that are already available, so I don't really know what you're talking about. If you're referring to the station modules themselves, then no- The Cabana Corporation does not distribute it's blueprints for stations or bases. I am planning on releasing the full set of SLS-derived launchers I'm currently using. Along with a set of MPCVs and other things.

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Thank you. Parts are from a combination of a multitude of mods that are already available, so I don't really know what you're talking about. If you're referring to the station modules themselves, then no- The Cabana Corporation does not distribute it's blueprints for stations or bases. I am planning on releasing the full set of SLS-derived launchers I'm currently using. Along with a set of MPCVs and other things.

Sorry, I didn't recognize the parts you used and presumed you created them.

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Sorry, I didn't recognize the parts you used and presumed you created them.

No, sorry. I don't create parts; I would but I don't have the skills... I am making a mod centred around contracts and missions however. But due to real life stuff, it's taking it's sweet time...

Tell me which parts have you confused and I'll direct you to the mod where you can find them.

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Tell me which parts have you confused and I'll direct you to the mod where you can find them.

Thanks! I recognize Porkjet's Habitat Pack, first off. I thought your hubs were FusTek but on second thought maybe not. (Maybe older versions of FusTek?) I don't recognize the pod used in your command module, nor do I recognize the blue-green part I presume is part of the Workshop Module. There's also the part with the window in what I guess is the Utilities Module. And then there's the parts with windows in Stage 2....

Also, since I've posted this long in the thread without a space station screencap:


Mods used: ASET Stack Inline Lights; Snacks Life Support Parts by Whyren; Stockalike Station Parts Expansion; Porkjet's (Inflatable) Habitat Pack. The rest is stock.

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Thanks! I recognize Porkjet's Habitat Pack, first off. I thought your hubs were FusTek but on second thought maybe not. (Maybe older versions of FusTek?) I don't recognize the pod used in your command module, nor do I recognize the blue-green part I presume is part of the Workshop Module. There's also the part with the window in what I guess is the Utilities Module. And then there's the parts with windows in Stage 2....

The hubs are FusTek, as well as most of Stage II- I'm just using the KSO textures, which come with the latest version of FusTek (by SumGhai). The Command Module's pod is from the Near Future mod, along with most of the solar arrays/batteries. The big solar array on the Utilities Module is from Metal Wasp Industries (and spans about a kilometre). The blueish part is indeed the Workshop module from Extraplanetary Launchpads. The "part with the windows" in the Utilities Module is from Lack Lustre's SXT. The structural stuff on the Utilities Module is from Talisar's Cargo Transport Solutions. There's an Universal Storage Octocore in the Habitation Module and the Command Module has a 2.5/3.75 docking port at its' back. The robotic manipulator on Stage III is made out of the reworked models for IR.

P.S: Also, not a bad station.

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Spacelab with the first CTV and cargo vessel attached. Jeb and Bill are enjoying their new temporary home. :)


And here it is before launch in a fancy orthographic view, with it's solar panels retracted because this show was taken in the VAB.


I've been seeing more and more of those fancy plan-style drawings of crafts, and I'm wondering if there's some new mod or tool out there that people are using to generate them. I have done similar things, but I use a combination of 3D ripping, Sketchup and Photoshop to create them, and I'd love to see an easier method.

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I've been seeing more and more of those fancy plan-style drawings of crafts, and I'm wondering if there's some new mod or tool out there that people are using to generate them. I have done similar things, but I use a combination of 3D ripping, Sketchup and Photoshop to create them, and I'd love to see an easier method.

Don't know the name but I do know it is a mod.\

I'd suggest asking one of the people who posted one for the name.

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I've been seeing more and more of those fancy plan-style drawings of crafts, and I'm wondering if there's some new mod or tool out there that people are using to generate them. I have done similar things, but I use a combination of 3D ripping, Sketchup and Photoshop to create them, and I'd love to see an easier method.
Don't know the name but I do know it is a mod.\

I'd suggest asking one of the people who posted one for the name.

It's called Kronal Vessel Viewer or something like that.

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I wuv my space station! I am so proud of myself, so I nicknamed it the K.I.S.S station!! You can also post your space stations here, maybe inspire and help me do this? Anyway, I LOVE MY SPACE STATION!!!!

Front view: 9JkTC5l.png

Right side view: (I forgot the docking port, but oh well!)


Left side view:


Back view:


Under view:


Above view:


Again, feel free to post your space stations!!

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