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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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This was my very first attempt at constructing a space station and even at docking. Nothing too spectacular, but it's something.

The last part, where the two space ships are docked, I added later on in an attempt to re purpose the station.


This was my second station, but I eventually got bored and abandoned it. Since I was dealing with some lag, I connected my hauler and an old core from my 3rd station on to it.




And finally, my pride, but still simple enough so that my laptop can handle it while I'm on vacation, my refueling station!




I included 2 small thugs on the center there after replacing the old core that's now on Gaia. Initially, I had built a smaller core that seemed to fit there perfectly on the VAB, but I had to scrap it after I found out, the hard way, that it was too short.

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HMS Bertha, meant for long range communications. Looks like a giant fruit bowl because I got the dish a bit wrong.




Holy Kerbol, mother of Jool! I thought I launched a few large dishes into orbit but this is insane.

Did you launch it in one piece or did you hack it into orbit?

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HMS Bertha, meant for long range communications. Looks like a giant fruit bowl because I got the dish a bit wrong.




Crash another ship into it, please... I really wanna see the resulting debris ring and/or Kessler syndrome XD

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Here's how my station's progressing. I've extended the original design by adding a new habitation module as well as a tricoupler hub. Each of the spacedocks pictured was put up in a single launch:


Click the picture above to go to my imgur album. Click the pic below for a large, gratuitous gif:


Edited by Narcosis
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Crash another ship into it, please... I really wanna see the resulting debris ring and/or Kessler syndrome XD

I second this, I've never even thought about doing something so ambitious and part heavy.... And instead of a Kamikaze ship, hit it with a warshot from one of the many Warships people have on the exchange...

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Here's how my station's progressing. I've extended the original design by adding a new habitation module as well as a tricoupler hub. Each of the spacedocks pictured was put up in a single launch:


Click the picture above to go to my imgur album. Click the gif below for a larger version:


That's awesome. Where do you get those inflatable habitation modules (not the rings, the cylindrical ones)?

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I give you the HHS-Pheonix with 25000 fuel 31000 oxidizer 2000 mono plenty of power(400/sec) 9 kerbal pods and only about 54 parts simple but very functional. This is of course my post .20 disaster save starting all over but hey thats the fun of it isnt it



attached is my awesome SSTO i designed with a vacume delta-v of 5800 and a full kethane pack for refueling itself


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Here's my stock station, just a small thing I built in Kerbin orbit to practice docking and act as a refueling point.


I designed the fuel tanks at the bottom to be separate modules rotated 45 degrees from the main station to avoid blocking Jeb's view. They were launched separately


If you haven't made a station yet, don't be afraid to build something small and launch it into orbit. You can learn a lot about docking and fine tuning orbits.

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That's awesome. Where do you get those inflatable habitation modules (not the rings, the cylindrical ones)?

That's Lando's updated version of the BASE inflatable habitat. Download link.

Also, 'cause I'm bored and enjoy both making gifs and gratuitous self-promotion... click it for a much bigger version:


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(Eventual) total of 6 launches: 1 for the station core (unmanned), 4 for each fuel node (just one left to fly in that pic), and 1 more launch to bring up the station's starting crew of 3

5 medium-size docking ports - 4 on sides and 1 below center (not visible in pic)

1 probe-size docking port - top center of core, between fuel nodes (tight fit)

Pendulum-like expansion truss designed for bottom docking port, but not yet implemented

Named for the fuel nodes' source of inspiration - Midgar. Design process is underway for a larger version of linked, similar cores with fuel nodes displaced further from the center.

I typically have to keep stations small, yet useful, since my PC sucks :P

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Holy Kerbol, mother of Jool! I thought I launched a few large dishes into orbit but this is insane.

Did you launch it in one piece or did you hack it into orbit?

Well, it was launched in one piece, but technically never quite made orbit - every time I tried a gravity turn or circularizing, things started falling off/in half. Got it to about 100km straight up, took some pictures, then watched the laggiest/most spectacular re-entry ever.

Are you trying to communicate with a parallel kerbiverse?

Nope, that's just a cover story for the press. Is actually giant mind-control satellite.

Crash another ship into it, please... I really wanna see the resulting debris ring and/or Kessler syndrome XD

I forgot to screenshot re-entry! I'll have to rebuild it and try again some time when all the mods get a 0.20 release. Been looking for an excuse to build an orbital bulldozer drone...

Holy lag, Batman. What's the FPS on that thing?

About 15fps bizarrely, for some reason the panels aren't all that hard on the processor. Pretty sure the re-entry liquidized part of my GPU though, 3-5fps all the way down. Totally worth it. :D

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The start of something big... I think! Good showcase of the new cupola and 2.5m docking rings. And Jedediah Kerman is at the moment the only Kerbal on board, awaiting drinking buddies and an interplanetary power plant :D


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I decided to rebuild Mir. I'm still missing the shuttle docking module but the rest is done. Turn out its not so easy just with stock parts - especially the solar Panels seem to be either too large or to small. I tried to get the cluttered look of Mir by adding quite a lot of stuff to the outer hull. Who cares about the panorama-cupola-module? We've got panorama-command-chair ;)


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