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Very old player returning Looking for mod sugestions


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As the title says, I'm currently running  1.12.3 version of KSP and i remmber i used to run a 0.64x scale  mod wich made kerbin bigger but still a bit smaller than RSS. I can't seem to find that mod anymore. Any mod suggestions?

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I’m pretty sure you mean 6.4x rescale, as if there was a 0.64x rescale, everything would be tiny and it will not make “kerbin bigger but still a bit smaller than RSS”. 

After a search of spacedock, i can only find these mods which are outdated but will probably work (but back up your save files just in case): 


https://spacedock.info/mod/1487/6.4x scale 12.8x distance

hopes this helps!


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Yes 6.4X !! and after i posted this i found the forum post with the listings of mods in categorys... everything looks out of date so i dunno i don't dare try them i think i will shelf KSP for now.. i had the urge to play it again but the more i look into it the more discouraged it get to find the mods etc.

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I would suggest installing CKAN, setting compatibility to 1.12/1.11/1.10 and browsing the mod list.  At a few exceptions, all active mods are there.
The forums are a terrible way to find mods and dedicated mod distribution sites (spacedock, curseforge...) are bloated with outdated and unmaintained mods.

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