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(WIP) Pluto Analog further out than Jool.


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I am not trolling/joking. I have added a small sphere in a 45 degree inclination orbit around Kerbol further out than Jool. And about pics of the planet : its just a grey sphere because i got no heightmap for it so nothing interesting and i have colored the orbital line very bright for testing so it looks very dull.

If i could get directions to a nice heightmap it would be appreciated and if the devs and the commUnity dont want me to do this i can scrap the project ;.; and just make a part mod.

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Sorry i have been away and im seriously not joking! It does orbit kerbol and all that is right now is a grey smooth sphere with a ugly orbital line. I requested a heightmap. Ever since 0.17 came out i have been looking in KSP code and such, specifically planets and i created a kerbin sized sphere with no terrain features. Pretty easy to land on. And if i start leaking the code it feels alot of people will be making tons of planet mod and ruin the game. Im just doing a pluto analog in early alpha stage, a simple thing :)

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OPSEC rule #1: The odds of a secret being discovered are a function of the square of the number of people aware of it.

Layman's Translation: If you don't want no questions asked, don't let anyone know you're working on something.

This would open up an entirely new modding theater- a virtual Magrathea.

Custom planets and moons would abound; eventually, whole new star systems would appear.

I have to say I am very hopeful that the OP is telling us the truth, although his intro bears a strong similarity to the first line of any sea story (generally "No $%&*, man... this really happened"). If this is true, KSP has truly become a realm of unlimited possibilities.

And so, Slartibartfast, I'll have a planet where Kerbal girls in bikinis parachute from the skies. :P

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That is unkind whatisthisidonteven, if you do not believe him it is better to refrain from commenting.

No screenshots, "I looked into KSP's code". It all does seem very fishy.

That being said, I am hoping OP is telling the truth - It just seems incredibly unlikely is all. Sorry if my post come off as unkind.

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If he is modifying the code or even looking into it, I believe he ca be banned from KSP.
© Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly.

You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.

Found at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/licenseagreement.php

But maybe he meant something else than literally looking into KSP's code.

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This is turning into a witch hunt, we don't know what Hofugir has done, and we don't know how he did it, English is not his first language so he may have explained himself incorrectly.

What other members have managed with the plugin system is already pretty amazing, autopilots, docking, tractorbeams....

I'm closing this for now, when he has a complete add-on to show us we'll see then just what the plugin system can really do.

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