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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.9.0.0 [2025-01-22]


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  On 2/20/2024 at 11:33 AM, DocNappers said:

The infinite ammo option is for gun, laser and rocket type weapons (you may also need infinite EC for lasers, depending on the laser).

The infinite ordinance option is for missiles/bombs, but it only works for reloadable missile launchers, such as the "Twin-mount Missile Rail", "Deployable Missile Pod (Reloading)", "C-VLS-12" and "C-VLS-24" MissilePods and "VLS Quad Cell" from BDArmory-Extended (basically anything with the ModuleMissileRearm module in the part config. So, for infinite bombs, you could add some twin rails or a reloadable deployable missile pod to your craft and add whichever bombs you want to use to them and have this option enabled.


tried this with a missile rail and it didnt work unless im missing something 

EDIT: never mind just had to install bd extended and use the rails u said

Edited by haydne
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Hi, so I'm having some problems with the vessel mover and switcher, mainly that the vessel mover isn't really taking the craft, the craft gets picked up by the vessel mover but falls back to the ground. Vessel switcher seems to change the orientation and the craft crashes because of that.

I have quiet a few mods installed but my guess is currently some problem with far and rss. The other mods are mainly parts or likely unrelated, so my question is, are there any problems related to far known?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

Edited by AMPW
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  On 2/22/2024 at 7:45 PM, AMPW said:

Hi, so I'm having some problems with the vessel mover and switcher, mainly that the vessel mover isn't really taking the craft, the craft gets picked up by the vessel mover but falls back to the ground. Vessel switcher seems to change the orientation and the craft crashes because of that.

I have quiet a few mods installed but my guess is currently some problem with far and rss. The other mods are mainly parts or likely unrelated, so my question is, are there any problems related to far known?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day.


I haven't heard of that happening before. You'll need to look in your KSP.log file to see what exceptions are being thrown, which will likely tell you which mod is the root of the problem.

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The Logs haven't shown any obvious problem but through some testing I found out that principa was the problem. Idk why because it's for a totally different part but at least I found the root.


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  On 2/23/2024 at 2:39 PM, AMPW said:

The Logs haven't shown any obvious problem but through some testing I found out that principa was the problem. Idk why because it's for a totally different part but at least I found the root.



Principia makes big changes to how the physics works, chances are that when you pick up the craft the vessel manager is having to fight Principia because both of them are trying to change where the vehicle is. Generally having multiple mods which change the physics of how craft move active at the same time can cause issues due to all of them trying to do something to the craft simultaneously IDK the actual compatibility of the vessel mover with PersistentThrust or wind mods (I suspect the latter may be more of an issue than the former)  but if you do encounter this type of issue they're the first suspects if nothing shoes up on the log. They're all working properly, just that the combined result isn't what you want.

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  On 2/25/2024 at 10:19 AM, JoshTheKerbal said:

Does anyone have a problem where Team A won't fire anything, ever? It's ruining my dogfights because Team B would win by walkover 100% of the time.


Researched this even further and discovered that the problem can affect either team at random. Has anyone had this problem or is it just me?

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  On 2/25/2024 at 10:42 AM, JoshTheKerbal said:

Researched this even further and discovered that the problem can affect either team at random. Has anyone had this problem or is it just me?


Enable debugging for Weapons and AI in the settings and then check the log and on-screen telemetry when this happens to see if there's a problem with some of the craft.


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  On 2/25/2024 at 11:24 AM, DocNappers said:

Enable debugging for Weapons and AI in the settings and then check the log and on-screen telemetry when this happens to see if there's a problem with some of the craft.



It was (apparently) nothing? Team A managed to shoot down one of the Team B planes when I was debugging. It was just that Team A didn't shoot enough for some reason

Edited by JoshTheKerbal
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/6/2024 at 6:17 PM, Natso said:

How can I attack multiple targets at once through radar? , the radar only allows me to guide and shoot 1 target


Lock your first target, fire an ARH missile, unlock the first target and lock your second target, fire your second ARH missile.


The AI is a lot better at this than a human can be.

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  On 3/7/2024 at 12:50 AM, Sidestrafe2462 said:

Lock your first target, fire an ARH missile, unlock the first target and lock your second target, fire your second ARH missile.


The AI is a lot better at this than a human can be.


I mean the AAM-Radar missile , even though I tried locking on 2 targets at the same time, the missile only aimed at 1 target

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  • 1 month later...

Can someone tell me how to let the IR taregting camera lock(with the "IR" on the screen instead of the "NO IR")a further object ? Now I can only increase its zoom multiplier and the locking distance at which the display "NO IR" is displayed, but I hope that it will be able to guide SALH missiles at a distance of at least 20km.

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  On 4/25/2024 at 4:54 AM, BlindSniper0393 said:

Can someone tell me how to let the IR taregting camera lock(with the "IR" on the screen instead of the "NO IR")a further object ? Now I can only increase its zoom multiplier and the locking distance at which the display "NO IR" is displayed, but I hope that it will be able to guide SALH missiles at a distance of at least 20km.


Not sure how you increase the locking distance, but I think add a line of code:

maxRayDistance = 50000

to targetingCam.cfg would do some help(at least it works for me), where to add is shown below.

	name = ModuleTargetingCamera
	cameraTransformName = camTransform
	eyeHolderTransformName = eyeHolderTransform
	zoomFOVs = 40,15,3,1,0.2
	gimbalLimit = 120
	maxRayDistance = 50000

You can edit the number as you wish, 50000 means 50km, BUT this may cause unpredicted problems since developers had defined this in somewhere of source code instead of cfg file...

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  On 3/13/2024 at 3:18 AM, InconspicuousKraken said:

Yes. I wanted to help improve the wiki. Things like radarTimeout and gLimit aren't documented.


There's a comment in code of aim-120 explain the radarTimeout . You may find this in "GameData/BDArmory/Parts/aim-120/amraam.cfg"

radarTimeout = 5 //timelimit without a detected target before Active Radar guidance fails and LOAL could not lock a target (default is 5).

As for the G limit, I have the same question, and I've got some clue. In"BDArmory/BDArmory/Weapons/Missiles/MissileLaunchParams.cs":

 if ((Vector3.Dot(vectorToTarget, missileFwd) < 0.965f) || ((!surfaceLaunch) && (missile.GetWeaponClass() != WeaponClasses.SLW) && (ml.guidanceActive))) // Only evaluate missile turning ability if the target is outside ~15 deg cone, or isn't a torpedo and has guidance
                    // Rough range estimate of max missile G in a turn after launch, the following code is quite janky but works decently well in practice
                    float maxEstimatedGForce = Mathf.Max(bodyGravity * ml.maxTorque, 15f); // Rough estimate of max G based on missile torque, use minimum of 15G to prevent some VLS parts from not working
                    if (ml.aero && inAtmo) // If missile has aerodynamics, modify G force by AoA limit
                        maxEstimatedGForce *= Mathf.Sin(ml.maxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad);

Since I am not a programmer at all,  so it's all my stupid understanding to the code below:

It seems that  missiles have a estimated G force that up to maxTorque, and minimum  ESTIMATED G force of 15G,  which will multiply by a factor(0 to 1) of Sin(maxAoA).  The part I am not sure about is bodyGravity, which defined as 

float bodyGravity = (float)PhysicsGlobals.GravitationalAcceleration * (float)missile.vessel.orbit.referenceBody.GeeASL; // Set gravity for calculations;

In this case bodyGravity shall be 9.81m/s2(is it?), and the G force of missile, for example the Aim-120, would be 9.81*60≈540G...which might not be a reliable number for me. 60G seems more realistic for me.

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  On 3/12/2024 at 2:24 AM, InconspicuousKraken said:

Is there any place I could find a complete list of missile config parameters? It's frustrating when I keep encountering more that aren't documented. Is there a section in the mod code somewhere?


Config parameters for any given class are all the public fields that are tagged with [KSPField] in the code of that class and its base classes (so, MissileLauncher and MissileBase for standard missiles). Many of them aren't even documented in the code though, so you'd need to compare them with those in some of the existing missile configs or ask whomever added them in (@BillNyeTheIE has done quite a bit on lofting missiles, but I'm not sure who else has worked on missiles).

gLimit looks to be only used as a parameter to getGLimit in MissileGuidance, which has a pseudocode explanation of what it's doing at the end that might be helpful.

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  On 5/3/2024 at 3:51 PM, DocNappers said:

gLimit looks to be only used as a parameter to getGLimit in MissileGuidance, which has a pseudocode explanation of what it's doing at the end that might be helpful.


I found the pseudocode difficult to understand, but my bigger question is how gLimit effects performance compared to other aero settings, and how to configure missile steering realistically with the other settings like maxAoA and maxTorque if I have a specific G overload, weight, speed, etc in mind.

  On 5/3/2024 at 3:51 PM, DocNappers said:

Config parameters for any given class are all the public fields that are tagged with [KSPField] in the code of that class and its base classes (so, MissileLauncher and MissileBase for standard missiles).


Thanks! I wasn't quite sure where to look before.

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  On 5/4/2024 at 12:54 AM, InconspicuousKraken said:

I found the pseudocode difficult to understand, but my bigger question is how gLimit effects performance compared to other aero settings, and how to configure missile steering realistically with the other settings like maxAoA and maxTorque if I have a specific G overload, weight, speed, etc in mind.

Thanks! I wasn't quite sure where to look before.


Sorry, I've recently been busy but I've been meaning to update the wiki. The variable names should be relatively self explanatory, the gLimit is a direct gLimit,  based on g0 or Earth/Kerbin gravity. It's not a 100% accurate gLimit due to various approximations, it also only considers normal acceleration of the missile. I would also recommend looking at MissileGuidance.cs to get a better understanding of it, I don't know if I can offer more of an explanation aside from the pseudocode. There exists a gMargin as well, which is basically an acceptable acceleration miss margin, where the missile pulls less gs in order to stay within the "non-separated flow" regime, basically where our drag curve rises rapidly. Do also note the guidance algorithms are not designed to take the missile load factor limit into account, so they may not necessarily perform harder early maneuvers to reduce terminal loads, you have to tune them yourself (for the ones that can be tuned).

For realism, I'd recommend you use both maxAoA and gLimit, maxAoA for low speed maneuvering limits, or general aerodynamic limits for controllability, determined by the design's aerodynamics. gLimit is a structural limitation and you can just set it to be the specific overload you have in mind. maxTorque is a tuning factor and more or a control surface related issue, IDK if these numbers are easily found online. steerMult is more important, it's basically the P in the missile's PID controller. Set it such that your missile is appropriately pulling the gs you want it to in the regime it's designed to operate in. Technically this probably should be dynamic based on airspeed but that isn't a feature in BDA+.

Edited by BillNyeTheIE
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm having trouble with my active radar A2A Missiles like the AMRAAM. I've noticed they ignore the manual radar lock on from my plane radar and immediately go LOAL after launching, causing them to launch without a target if they don't detect something on their own. I tried turning off radarLOAL in the AMRAAM parameter files and it fixes the issue, manually holding the lock causes the missile to track correctly.  Is there something wrong with guidanceActive and radarLOAL? How would I even begin to fix this?

Edit: I found the issue I was misinterpreting. Radar guided missiles don't target planes that are already hit, even though I can still lock them.

Edited by CrossBA
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