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[1.12] Free Launch Clamps (2022-08-06)


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Continuation of the almost-free-launch-clamps, with some tweaks and more mods support.

Recently, I have heard a few people grumbling about how launch clamps add to the total cost
of your vessel in the VAB, sometimes resulting in not having enough funds.
After discussing with many experts, colleagues and kerbals, we have come to the conclusion,
that launch clamps should be free and not count toward your total launch costs.
If you play with "entry purchases required", you will only pay the entry fee, otherwise it's free. ALWAYS. Pretty lame.
Its not hard to imagine that the launch clamps are reusable, and should technically be a part of the launch pad.

Launch clamps capable of transferring fuel to the vessel, this can be considered cheaty, but I'll tell you anyway.
Draining the tanks in the VAB results in huge launch cost savings and fueling up on the launch pad is free, but its immersive in the fact that you have to wait for you tanks to fill up.

GXkam1X.jpeg   4dNOhGX.jpeg


Changes from AFLC:

  • opt-in system for generators, add 3 generators to all clamps: 
    • always active slow EC changer, 
    • fast EC changing, 
    • fueling 
  • maxTemp = 4000, kerbals are making clamps from
    something in-between of hafnium carbide, tungsten, and cactus



  • CommunityResourcePack (LH2/LCH4 Generators)
  • FASA, FASALaunchClampsContinued, BDB
  • SpaceY
  • ModularLaunchPads
  • RealScaleBoosters



Releases page: https://github.com/yalov/FreeLaunchClamps/releases

Donation: Patreon

Link-ChangeLog-blue.svg  FreeLaunchClamps.svg?label=Version&color  speedunitannex.svg?maxAge=3600&label=Lic  CKAN-Indexed-green.svg  Link-Spacedock-blue.svg

Edited by flart
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@flartPlease remove Modular Launch Pads support from this. My launch bases and stands, which are node-attached, need a substantial mass to work properly, and considering their size, it's entirely appropriate. I do not want complaints of bouncing rockets from people who use this with MLP.

I also include a fuel generator already, so do not need another one.

Thank you.

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  On 8/6/2022 at 1:08 PM, AlphaMensae said:

I do not want complaints of bouncing rockets from people who use this with MLP.


oh, so "physics issues" from the previous thread is the bouncing up and down after loading onto the launch pad.
Never knew it is related to the mass of the launch clamps, thought that just some bug.

Removed changing mass in the v0.3.1 until further investigation.


  On 8/6/2022 at 1:08 PM, AlphaMensae said:

I also include a fuel generator already, so do not need another one.


yes, I know, I have used them as base for the patch, and have added always enabled small EC generator.

The patch removes all generators from the clamps, and adds unified generators to all of them.
Someone could PR relative LaunchClampGenerator_Power, on the other hand, I like them to be equal.



Version 0.3.1 on CKAN and spacedock

  • Remove changing mass because of the found problems
Edited by flart
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  On 8/12/2022 at 4:50 AM, bobjonesisthebest:D said:

how to get infinite money

step 1:download mod

step 2:................


Your point?
Doing Alt-F12 Cheat Options, and setting your funds to whatever insane amount you need, seems like way less effort??.. vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  • 2 years later...
  On 9/21/2024 at 2:09 PM, KawaiiLucy said:

Would it be technically feasible to remove the launch clamps from the vessel part count? It may become redundant late into a career, but when you're limited to 30 parts having clamps reduce that number without being part of your ship is quite annoying.


hi, it's probably possible, but not in this mod.

It's easier to make a parts limit larger using Custom Barn Kit

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