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About part variants

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(this may not be the right subforum for that, by the way)

I'm wondering...

When you give a part some variants like this:

		name = ModulePartVariants
		primaryColor = #000000
		secondaryColor = #000000
		baseDisplayName = Empty
		baseThemeName = Empty
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Mintmus
			displayName = Mintmus Ice Cream
			themeName = MintmusIceCream
			primaryColor = #40f0b0
			secondaryColor = #000000
				mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_BW
				_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size1_Tanks/125Tanks_N
				shader = KSP/Bumped Specular			

can you add resources or other stuff  within the VARIANT{...} ?
Like doing that:

		name = ModulePartVariants
		primaryColor = #000000
		secondaryColor = #000000
		baseDisplayName = Empty
		baseThemeName = Empty
		useMultipleDragCubes = false
			name = Mintmus
			displayName = Mintmus Ice Cream
			themeName = MintmusIceCream
			primaryColor = #40f0b0
			secondaryColor = #000000
			name = MintmusIceCream
			amount = 0
			maxAmount = 270

Is it possible?

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Hi @Nazalassa. Sorry I rarely visit this part of the forum. You probably have sorted this already but just in case.

No you can't use part variation that way. You can use it to change texture or even to change the mesh used by a part but you need to use an MM patch to change the factors you want.

There may also be something to change the volumes of existing resources in the config based on the mesh used but you would have to go searching through stock parts that do that to see how it is layed out, I think I saw it once a long time ago but can't remember where.

As for changing the mesh, you need to have multiple meshes under different names inside the .mu file, that you created in the 3d program and then have the variation use or not use the named mesh/game object. Look at the breaking ground pistons or grip pad configs for how it is done.

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