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[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.8]


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2 minutes ago, GamingRoos said:

It's not a problem with CKAN as I also did a manual install before trying CKAN.

Well I think I've about reached the limits of how much I'm able to help. (not very good with specifics, just the abstract part if installing stuff. ) You could try deleting mods one by one to see when the problem is fixed, but other than that, I can't help much. Sorry ;.;.

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Just now, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Well I think I've about reached the limits of how much I'm able to help. (not very good with specifics, just the abstract part if installing stuff. ) You could try deleting mods one by one to see when the problem is fixed, but other than that, I can't help much. Sorry ;.;.

I may have to, thanks for trying to help me though.

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Getting back to KSP after some months trying to use this great new terrain shader for stock.

On the loading screen of KSP Parallax complains about dependencies (copy&paste from the log file):

  • Parallax has failed to meet dependency: Kopernicus
  • Parallax has failed to meet dependency: Parallax (Core)
  • Parallax has failed to meet dependency: Parallax (Stock Textures)

I have clean & proper (I assume) installation of

  • KSP 1.11.0 (fresh install) on Linux
  • KopernicusBE_1110_Release58.zip
  • Parallax.1.1.1.zip
  • Parallax.-.Stock.Textures.1.1.1.zip

Log file & screenshot


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Parallax 1.2.0 - Public Beta


This is a beta. Please submit issues via GitHub's issues page https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/issues

Download: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases



  • Support MacOSX / Linux / OpenGL
  • Switched from Tripanar to Biplanar mapping (~33% performance uplift)
  • Added detail textures that are visible when close to the terrain
  • Added collisions between wheels / landing gear and the terrain
  • Removed support for fog
  • Added config node "CollisionSettings" in ParallaxGlobal.cfg
  • Added config value "collide" to enable/disable collisions in ParallaxGlobal.cfg
  • Added config value "minmusFlatsAreActuallyFlatBecauseYouDontKnowHowToBuildPlanesThatCantHandleProperTerrain" to enable/disable collisions on Minmus in ParallaxGlobal.cfg
  • Improved Squad's quad UV generation by assigning UVs from 0,0 to 1,1 for all quads to enable detail textures
  • Added custom distance limit and distance limit overrides for the Subdivision PQSMod
  • Removed deprecated / unused features


  • Changed subdivision values in IncreaseSubdivisionCount.cfg for most planets
  • Significantly reduced Gilly's maximum subdivision to massively improve performance
  • Duna textures revamped
  • Eve mid texture revamped
  • Laythe textures revamped
  • Ike textures revamped
  • Added displacement offsets to all planets such that if collisions are disabled, crafts / kerbals will not be completely under the terrain
  • Changed Kerbin's displacement map such that grass is not longer ugly and looks more like mud


  • Corrected normal map lighting to use the correct sun direction on all sides of a planet
  • Corrected the ForwardAdd lighting pass
  • Fixed TV-Static looking steep textures on Ike
  • Fixed incorrect displacement map for Duna
  • Fixed specular highlights being visible when the Sun has already set below the terrain - It now fades out
  • Fixed log spam when generating quads
  • Corrected logs when loading up the stock system
  • Fixed log spam in the tracking station
  • Removed attempts to load upcoming mods/shaders from the ParallaxLoader
  • Fixed exceptions when loading which were harmless by guarding against them
  • Force-disabled VSYNC during the loading screen to ensure loading is as fast as possible
  • Removed Herobrine

Special Thanks

  • Thank you to Rkondratenko, Poodmund, FrostBird347 and Vulkans22 for helping to resolve bugs via GitHub issues.
  • Thank you to CFKK, EberKain, Mh175, Poodmund, Thegeeknerd, UltraToastyPatrick and WasteL for beta testing this version.
  • Thank you to Michael A., Jon M., Philipp S., Matthew T., Raymond B., Kalle A., Robert G. M., Emmanuel L., PitfloinkTrevor K., Enzo R., Cordell M. and Morphisor who are active Patrons as of January 6th 2021.

Most importantly, thank you for downloading Parallax. If you would like to support this project's development (or simply want to buy me a coffee!) you can support me via Patreon or Paypal:

Edited by Gameslinx
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So I learnt that the downside of uploading a release at 12pm is that I forgot to actually include the ParallaxCollision.dll file that makes the collisions work. I'm re-uploading the release now, please try again in an hour to download it. Apologies!

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5 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Added config value "minmusFlatsAreActuallyFlatBecauseYouDontKnowHowToBuildPlanesThatCantHandleProperTerrain" to enable/disable collisions on Minmus in ParallaxGlobal.cfg

Very mature.  Is not making fun of players in your mod not an option? 

Edited by dok_377
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Sadly my system does not seem to like the most recent update. I did completely remove the old version and put the new one in. I'm using so many mods, it could easily be a conflict, I'm also still on 1.10, so don't know if that matters.


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Hi again,

Fresh install, now with 1.2.0.

Still does not work, but differently :)

On the loading screen the dependencies are green, and it seems that the log is fine with it too.

KSC is white instead of pink now and it seems that there are issues in the log related to it. For example:

[LOG 11:26:41.601] [Parallax] Validating /home/kubi/ksp/1.1GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds
[LOG 11:26:41.601] [Parallax]  - Texture doesn't exist, skipping: _SurfaceTexture with filepath: Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds

It seems that the path is broken.


The log is here.

----- Edit -----

Some more testing of the interesting issue with the path.

If I start KSP like this:


just adding a dot as CKAN would, the path in the log is different.

[LOG 11:47:00.841] [Parallax] Validating /home/kubi/ksp/1.11.GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds
[LOG 11:47:00.841] [Parallax]  - Texture doesn't exist, skipping: _SurfaceTexture with filepath: Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds

----- Edit #2 -----

Ok, the path handling is quite faulty in the code (ParallaxSource.cs, line 2249 and around)


                actualPath = Application.dataPath.Remove(Application.dataPath.Length - 16, 16) + "GameData/" + path;


It seems that you try to cut a fixed length from the end of the string, but that results to totally different behaviour depending on the executable.

In Linux we have "KSP.x86_64" (that I usually start) and "KSPLauncher.x86_64". Neither of them is 16 bytes.

Starting the game from these two result in either

[LOG 12:22:38.474] [Parallax] Validating /home/kubi/ksp/1.11.0-kop/KSPLauncher_GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds


[LOG 11:26:41.601] [Parallax] Validating /home/kubi/ksp/1.1GameData/Parallax_StockTextures/Kerbin/PluginData/low00.dds


You could simply cut the string at the last index of (maybe with String.LastIndexOf?) "\" (Windows) or "/" (Linux) instead of a fixed length.


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10 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Added config value "minmusFlatsAreActuallyFlatBecauseYouDontKnowHowToBuildPlanesThatCantHandleProperTerrain" to enable/disable collisions on Minmus in ParallaxGlobal.cfg

And I took that personnally :mad:

Seriously though, shouldn't it say "... Planes that can handle proper terrain" ? Anyway, really excited for the visual and performance improvements, I am going to test it as soon as I can !

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1 hour ago, kubi said:

Ok, the path handling is quite faulty in the code (ParallaxSource.cs, line 2249 and around)

Darn... I swear I fixed this :(. Can you try with this version of the loader? https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7wxjy9g0ebxyrx/Parallax.dll?dl=0

Thanks for the reprot - Please let me know if it doesn't work!

6 hours ago, dok_377 said:

Very mature.  Is not making fun of players in your mod not an option? 

It's just a joke (and an option I will be using myself) :)

1 hour ago, coyotesfrontier said:

is the ScaledSpace shader still planned?


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9 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

Darn... I swear I fixed this :(. Can you try with this version of the loader? https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7wxjy9g0ebxyrx/Parallax.dll?dl=0

Thanks for the reprot - Please let me know if it doesn't work!

Yes (with KSP.x86_64, not tested with other methods), thanks! :)

Jeb is standing on a bump!


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5 minutes ago, bracknellexile said:

Awesome news!
Is this latest beta just for Stock or does it work with Beyond Home too? Or should we still be using build 1.0.1 for that?

I need to update Beyond Home to support this version of Parallax, and that'll probably come in the coming weeks depending on how much free time I have (my university course starts again soon and that'll take up most of my time)

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Just now, Gameslinx said:

I need to update Beyond Home to support this version of Parallax, and that'll probably come in the coming weeks depending on how much free time I have (my university course starts again soon and that'll take up most of my time)

Cheers. I'll hold off for now then but looking forward to it. 

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@Gameslinx, can you explain the pre-requisites for wheels to work with collidable tesselated terrain?  I've built a bunch of rovers and some wheels work with collisions and some don't.  Right now I've seen the Stock RoveMax M1 and S2 interact correctly with collidable terrain, but the Squad Expansion M1-F and MKS Akita Wheel just pass through that terrain.  Is there a module that can be patched into each wheel cfg, or does each need a custom set of Parallax collider models written to fit individual wheels?  This may be something worth adding to the FAQs.

Also, can you explain the minimum starting height above ground that's different in each location?  I was driving around Duna and getting no wheel collisions on terrain my pilot could stand on.  This was using a vehicle with RoveMax S2s that bumps along the Mun and Minmus properly.  When I bumped up the starting altitude (Alt-F12) to 5 meters, this seemed to resolve the issue.

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@Gameslinx Just tried again today with the new version, plus the dll from the dropbox link, and I'm still getting messed up graphics. here's a link to the output log this time, because I'm not half asleep trying to make a report. I don't know how to understand what's in the log, so I have no idea what might be causing this, the previous version of the mod works with every mod I'm running right now, but this version... well, the pictures kind of speak for themselves.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/7d7e22zx2aot363/log for parallax.log?dl=0


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