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Order of planets and their distances from Debdeb (or Deb Deb)?


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What do you think is the order of the planets in the Debdeb (Deb Deb) system?

Here is the overview in my order:

Debdeb - It is a possible analogue of Alpha Centauri while also being 4ly away (as mentioned in KSP 2 - Episode 5 at around 1:20). Judging by the distance of the planetary Debris disk from the star, and the fact that it has already formed into planets, the age of the star might be around 5 to 50Myr.

The only planets officially confirmed to be in Debdeb so far are: Charr, Gurdamma (+Donk, +Gop),  and Glumo (+Merbel). Some planets are seen orbiting a yellow star, while Gurdamma is seen orbiting an orange-red star (which we know is Debdeb). This could be placeholder or outdated footage. We do know that Nate has confirmed that some of the planets we've seen are from different systems. The following is my order if all of the known new planets were in Debdeb.


Charr - It has been officially confirmed to be the innermost planet. It has a very hot surface and it is made entirely out of iron.

Planetary Debris Disk - It is formed formed from the protoplanetary disk after a few million years. It is orbiting the star and has formed at least 2 planets.

Rask and Rusk - They have a partially melting surface. We're not sure if it is entirely due to tidal forces alone, or if star proximity plays a part. If they are present in the Debdeb system, my guess would be that they are the 2nd innermost planet we see on on the map. If so, they will likely have high amounts of iron and possibly some carbon.

Gurdamma - It is a young earth, or proto Kerbin, with rings. It has liquid water, but no ice. Gurdamma is officially confirmed to be like Earth in the Hadean Eon. At that time Earth had a very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, with oceans of liquid water. Gurdamma has no oxygen and it is covered in craters and occasional surface lava. This is also the planet we have the most footage of so far.

Donk - It is a moon of Gurdamma which was formed with the ring after a recent collision. It has a light grey rocky surface. Gurdamma may also have a second distant moon with unknown composition.

Gop - Gurdamma may also have a second distant moon with unknown composition. It is possible it is the unknown brown planet/asteroid we saw the footage of earlier, but that's kind of a long shot.

Lapat - Although not confirmed, the little footage we have of it shows it has vegetation and clouds. It is most likely not present in Debdeb, as it would take a while for plants to develop. If it is in Debdeb, it would be in the goldilocks zone due to water and trees. The vegetation might be producing oxygen making atmosphere breathable. This could allow for animal life.

Puf - It has an atmosphere and a large crater with liquid water which looks like an eye. If it is in the Debdeb system, the presence of ice caps might put it on the colder side of the goldilocks zone. It does not appear to be tidally locked. Clearly it had suffered a massive collision.

Ovin - It is a giant dry planet with rings. It is larger than Kerbin and has a surface gravity of 4Gs. There is no surface water or ice. If it is hot and further away from the star, it might have a dense greenhouse gas rich atmosphere. There are no mountains on Ovin due to the high gravity. It might also be flinging asteroids from the mid-system asteroid field into the inner planets, like Gurdamma.

Skutt - It is a large spinning asteroid with a rocky surface. With one side being covered in boulders and a fast spin, it will allow for some fun landing challenges. If it is in the Debdeb system, it would make sense for it to reside in one of the asteroid fields

Glumo - It is a colorful Saturn analogue with rings. It's moon, Merbel, is the icy moon we first saw in the cinematic trailer. Its orbit does not align with the ring, suggesting it was captured by Glumo. In addition to ice, it also has some liquid water and atmosphere. There is a chance that underwater life is possible here. Maybe it was a captured planet that is now slowly melting. Glumo is confirmed to be in Debdeb. Due to its frozen moon, I would put it further away from the star. Perhaps it is the planet we see in the far corner of the map.

In KSP 2 Episode 5, we got to see an early map of Debdeb. I have made a vector map using the information we currently have:


SVG: https://www.reddit.com/r/KSP2Mods/comments/z2g1zg/comment/ixggn7v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

What do you think of my order of Debdeb's planets and where they are located? Keep in mind that the only planets officially confirmed for Debdeb are: Charr, Gurdamma, and Glumo.


Edited by Astronomer
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(I will be using the Sol system as a reference for positions, but just know I don't mean exactly one to one scale)

Debdeb - I don't think it's a binary star, though could be wrong. In the Ovin Show and Tell you see only one star. Though, again, the 2nd star could just be hidden in the bloom or flare of the primary/bigger star.

Charr - I suspect it is the innermost planet as well. Possibly at or inside a Mercury distance orbit.

Rausk Twins - I think it's just the tidal forces, because only the sides facing each other are hot from what I can tell. I suspect these two are in a venus like orbit. Not too close, but not too far either. Possibly right on the edge of the Goldielocks zone.

Gurdamma - Obviously within the Goldilocks zone, but closer to the star than Earth is to Sol, a lot closer. Like, just inside the zone I think. 

Lapat - In the middle of the goldilocks zone, so closer to an Earth like orbit.

Puf - Mars style orbit.

Ovin - I agree with you, between a mars and asteroid field orbit like orbit.

Skut - Obviously in the asteroid ring.

Glumo - Outside the asteroid field of course, where outside, I'd say probably further than Jupiter but closer than Saturn like orbit.

  On 11/14/2022 at 7:24 PM, Astronomer said:

I'll reveal its name and how I know later).


Talking to the devs are we? 


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  On 11/15/2022 at 3:51 PM, GoldForest said:

Iirc, all the planets we've seen are in the Debdeb system. 


Hmm... I thought we determined some weren't? I can't remember why we thought that. 

Edit: If you watch right around :30sec into the Interstellar Travel video they do a zoom out on Debdeb showing Gurdamma with 2x moons, one planet just past it but within an asteroid ring, 2 planets much closer to the parent star, and another way out past the outer asteroid ring. Since Gurdamma has liquid water I think we can guess only the planet just past it might also be in the habitable zone, possibly Puf? That probably leaves Rask, Rusk, and Char as the closer planets, and Glumo with its icy moon Merbel on further out. Also Lapat probably has large scale life (trees at least) so you probably wouldn't find it in such a young system. Who knows about some of the others. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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  On 11/15/2022 at 3:51 PM, GoldForest said:

Iirc, all the planets we've seen are in the Debdeb system. 


Nate said that some were not in Debdeb in the forum discussion for episode 4.

I doubt Lapat is gonna be in Debdeb, we haven't seen much of it but Nate also said that Lapat was the focus of the video's last shot;

So Lapat is probably quite dry (like a dying Kerbin maybe?) but still has plant life on it as we've seen in some other footage, so I doubt it would be in Debdeb since it takes much longer for an ecosystem to develop then a few-hundred million years in a violent star system. Also a planet that serves as a second Kerbin would be pretty big news and might fit better in the second star system to be released later.

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  On 11/15/2022 at 9:53 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Nate said that some were not in Debdeb in the forum discussion for episode 4.

I doubt Lapat is gonna be in Debdeb, we haven't seen much of it but Nate also said that Lapat was the focus of the video's last shot;

So Lapat is probably quite dry (like a dying Kerbin maybe?) but still has plant life on it as we've seen in some other footage, so I doubt it would be in Debdeb since it takes much longer for an ecosystem to develop then a few-hundred million years in a violent star system. Also a planet that serves as a second Kerbin would be pretty big news and might fit better in the second star system to be released later.


This passes my hunch check with 52.333% confidence

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Life on Lapat crossover; one of the weird things I've geeked out on over the years is what happens to the earth as the sun ages. As its luminosity increases it will rapidly speed up the carbonate-silicate cycle stripping the atmosphere of most of its CO2. We're in a bit of a CO2 glut at the moment so that doesn't sound so bad, but within about 600m years levels will drop so low that plants can no longer support C3 photosynthesis. Only about 5% of current plant species would survive, those that rely on C4 carbon fixation. Those include families of ice plants, amaranth, asters, crotons, beeplants like redwisker and spiderflower, but also half of all grasses including maize, sorgum, and sugarcane. I think it would be cool to imaginatively run the clock forward with these types of species outcompeting current tree species, adapting color and morphology to deal with higher radiation and less groundwater. I could imagine low-lying forests of cacti and succulents, dyed purple from dense photoprotective layers of carotonoids. Depending on gravity fauna might include insect-like creatures with heavy white carapaces to reflect sunlight and defend against radiation.  

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  On 11/16/2022 at 12:01 AM, Pthigrivi said:

Life on Lapat crossover; one of the weird things I've geeked out on over the years is what happens to the earth as the sun ages. As its luminosity increases it will rapidly speed up the carbonate-silicate cycle stripping the atmosphere of most of its CO2. We're in a bit of a CO2 glut at the moment so that doesn't sound so bad, but within about 600m years levels will drop so low that plants can no longer support C3 photosynthesis. Only about 5% of current plant species would survive, those that rely on C4 carbon fixation. Those include families of ice plants, amaranth, asters, crotons, beeplants like redwisker and spiderflower, but also half of all grasses including maize, sorgum, and sugarcane. I think it would be cool to imaginatively run the clock forward with these types of species outcompeting current tree species, adapting color and morphology to deal with higher radiation and less groundwater. I could imagine low-lying forests of cacti and succulents, dyed purple from dense photoprotective layers of carotonoids. Depending on gravity fauna might include insect-like creatures with heavy white carapaces to reflect sunlight and defend against radiation.  


Idk.  With the current "nothing is allowed to go extinct - must freeze time" philosophy I'm picturing biotech DNA/RNA interventions that would confer C4 pathways to endangered C3 plants globally with fingers crossed that nothing would go wrong.   

J/k, but seriously, I'm guessing we might end up surprised by things like some C3 species digging deep into their genes and pulling out a previously shelves C4-ish pathway all on its own. 

Like that naturally occurring bacteria that eats styrofoam that turned up.  It maybe didn't evolve to eat styrofoam (very short time span really), but had a preexisting vestigial pathway that evolved around something similar long ago.  Then again, bacteria breed fast, so maybe it is a novel thing

Oops, just realized I'm not in the general science forum.

To the point, it would be very cool to see a high def model of Earth under a latter day expanding Sun short of red giantdom


Edited by darthgently
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  On 11/15/2022 at 9:53 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Nate said that some were not in Debdeb in the forum discussion for episode 4.

I doubt Lapat is gonna be in Debdeb, we haven't seen much of it but Nate also said that Lapat was the focus of the video's last shot;

So Lapat is probably quite dry (like a dying Kerbin maybe?) but still has plant life on it as we've seen in some other footage, so I doubt it would be in Debdeb since it takes much longer for an ecosystem to develop then a few-hundred million years in a violent star system. Also a planet that serves as a second Kerbin would be pretty big news and might fit better in the second star system to be released later.


Ah, well I stand corrected. I did say iirc. I have a terrible memory so, :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspected a layout like this would be the case for some time now.

However... We may not see all of these worlds make it into the game. The known development time of KSP2 has already been decently lengthy given the schedule they had initially planned on. With game development being a fickle, difficult, and very time-consuming thing where a lot can change it would not surprise me to find that some objects get cut.

Another thing to consider is that Debdeb may be our Epsilon Eridani analogue. I don't see Debdeb being even a distant binary system.

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  On 11/29/2022 at 10:31 PM, Zaffre said:

I suspected a layout like this would be the case for some time now.

However... We may not see all of these worlds make it into the game. The known development time of KSP2 has already been decently lengthy given the schedule they had initially planned on. With game development being a fickle, difficult, and very time-consuming thing where a lot can change it would not surprise me to find that some objects get cut.

Another thing to consider is that Debdeb may be our Epsilon Eridani analogue. I don't see Debdeb being even a distant binary system.


I would assume everything they have shown even in passing is getting in, that late in development why would you just quit on already shownplanets? for example something like Lapat; the supposedly habitable exoplanet. Sure we haven't seen much of it but it's probably still in the game. Many people think it's gone but why would that be the case? of course some planets were cut early on but once they've actually shown them and named them why would they remove them? Development for KSP2 has been rough but only because of a contract shuffle and a pandemic, the game doesn't seem to be going that bad, it's just been slowed down by unfortunate events.

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  On 11/29/2022 at 11:09 PM, Minmus Taster said:

I would assume everything they have shown even in passing is getting in, that late in development why would you just quit on already shownplanets? for example something like Lapat; the supposedly habitable exoplanet. Sure we haven't seen much of it but it's probably still in the game. Many people think it's gone but why would that be the case? of course some planets were cut early on but once they've actually shown them and named them why would they remove them? Development for KSP2 has been rough but only because of a contract shuffle and a pandemic, the game doesn't seem to be going that bad, it's just been slowed down by unfortunate events.


At no point did I say the game was going to be bad, and the 'whys' to your questions were already answered: Things change. That's just how projects such as game development go down. When I said 'we may not see all of these worlds make it into the game' that goes beyond just scrapping or deleting, it just as well means it comes back in another draft or form. That being said, it would be a fairly safe assumption to see most of what's been shown even in minor glimpses to make it in somewhere, but not absolute.

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