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Aerodynamic drag in cargo bay

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Is there a way to make parts in cargo bay not have aerodynamic drag? I just does not seem fair. I have a fuel cell and a rover body and both generate drag. Plus the fuel cell is off centre  and makes the plane pull sideways.

Also, imgur.com does refuses to upload my pics, wanted to post a screenshot.


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Cargo bays are often bugged. It's frustrating. Which bay?

Some things that may or may not help:

  • Test flying with an open bay which sometimes gives less drag. It looks ugly but might get a plane design that should work to work.
  • Offset parts further into the cargo bay so they aren't contacting walls can help.
  • Use a fairing instead of a cargo bay.
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As I understand surfaced attached part to the cargo / equipment bays create drag,  so attach something to the center node, you can then surface attach to this part 
So if you put an structural panel on the center node you can surface attach to that, even put another panel you can surface attach to. 


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I believe the bug still exists that cargo bays used as the root part do not occlude drag.

Follow Moe's advice and put something on both the internal nodes. I'm pretty sure the bays DO work on surface-attached objects, as long as the center of the object is inside the bay. The "center" is not necessarily the visual center, so try tucking it in farther, or flipping it around.

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