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Symmetric mode with custom number of symmetric parts

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In the KSP you have constant value of different types of radial simmetry (radial n-symmetry, where n = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8). I suggest that it is possible to make unlimited number, so you use all numbers, for example 5, 7, 9, 10, 13 and others (imagine 28 or 33-symmetry!)

I think this feature could be implemented as a line (e.g. in the bottom left corner as usual) that shows the number of symmetry and circle, divided into n parts. This parameter can be changed by entering another number from the keyboard to the line

I belive that realisation of this function will be very easy (just attach each part through the corner 360 / n automatically), except problem with big numbers, where details can cross each other. The most important that it is of course obviously make construction much more comfortable and you don't need to use several times one n-symmetry mode and level parts by eye (I think you can also level details in new  scheme mode?).  It would be nice to see this feature in ksp2, which would make the constructor even closer to the ideal;)

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8 minutes ago, Ryaja said:
On 11/19/2022 at 12:57 PM, Nazalassa said:

You can already have any symmetry in KSP

I think what @Vortygont means is any amount of symmetry, not just 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. So it would be anywhere from like 1-10 or 1-100

What Ryaja said

6 kinds of symmetry isn't "every symmetry", it's 6 kinds of symmetry. Personally, I think this is a drag on what people can do with the game.

Edited by Bej Kerman
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You can create any number of radial symmetry up to x64, since its multiple of 2 and 3 by exploiting a glitch in the game:

But I agree with you, not everyone knows of this exploit and it might not even work in ksp2. This should be a legit feature

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