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Cruzer Around Kerbin: a boat Elcano of Kerbin


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We join our heroes at dawn, driving their boat past the KSC. It's time for a boat Elcano!


Passing my junkyard. Why are they so scared?


In the water.


Setting out. The eagle eyed among you might notice that Shersey Kerman is gone. That's because he swam to shore to try to plant a flag... how would I know the boat moves at 1.8 m/s with the engines on idle? Eh, I'll pick him up eventually.

Anyway, this is my entry to the Elcano Challenge, linked below. My goal is to circumnavigate all water bodies with a boat. 

Back to the mission, I warped to day and set off at the top speed of 31.7 m/s. 


Here I am heading south from the KSC. Next post coming soon!


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14 hours ago, Vagrant203 said:

Is it named the Akagi though?

No, that would be absurd.

Cruzer is simply too small for a name such as that. I will build a much bigger ship instead to dub Akagi!

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  • 1 year later...

After coming back to KSP and some frenetic quicksaving and reloading (kept crashing)


With bold Zelkin at the conn, we depart Crash Bay on for the world!



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Plenty of images, this one's spoilered.


KSC staff say we should rotate the crew for mental health reasons. I say we should put more Kerbals on the boat!


Takeoff from the KSC


First pass


Second pass


Fairly good landing!


Crew transferred and ready to head out


Group shot!


Ten minutes and 20 km away


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One picture can define everything I'm doing today:


4x physwarp, pointed southwest, full throttle. Since I revived this, we've gone a long way - now over 100 km from the crash site!

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