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v1.0.1 "Central Fire." Planet Jam 2: Armstrong's Limit Homeworld in The Ilio-Pyri Planetary System

Whirligig Girl

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my first orbit and return (InlineBallutes is very important to make my spacecraft doesn't flip):


also rcsbuildaid has parachute speed indicator, very useful in this planet pack


my spacecraft definitely not doable in career mode, it is 50k just to orbit!

Edited by ssd21345
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Minor patch, 2022-Dec-24 AM:
1.0.1 released.

  • Fix a visual bug for players who are not using the Ultra terrain shader.
  • Three new flags
  • A new loading screen
  • Backlit rings for Descry & Kilna
  • A few additional science definitions.
  • Fix a reference frame bug in some rare SOI change situations.


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been playing through career mode with a handful of recommended mods to see what issues appear and i found a couple. having issues attaching screenshots rn so will add them later :3

  • the splatnik core might need some kind of reaction wheels and SAS. the early stage of the game is almost impossible without a probe core that has some kind of control, and later cores aren't unlocked until around the point you visit desmet/buzz, which is *hard* to do without a decent probe core. i modified my own configs to give it 0.15 torque in all directions costing 0.03 goo syrup per second. also i think the splatnik's solar panel is bugged?
  • getting access to the fuel refinery, drills, and fuel cells super early is AWESOME! love this tweak! it works so well with the smaller asteroids in orbit of armstrong instead of larger moons like in the stock game. however i think there's some issues with the planet collision? both on desmet and buzz despite my drill sticking into the surface it still considers the craft having 'no ground contact' so it wont harvest, and at some point on desmet it considered the ore abundance too low to mine which might not be intended? not sure if this is an issue with the low gravity or the strange shapes of the bodies. also adding a compat with restock+ that gives access to the 0.625m claw at the same point as the refinery would be super helpful because landing on desmet stably is HARD!
  • ran into a weird visual bug where from the craft view high up the ground has these weird circular tears? might not be an issue exclusive to this pack cos i think ive seen it around and im playing with quite a few mods but because its visual the culprit is either scatterer, EVE, parallax, or TUFX and im fairly sure its not tufx since it was off at the time of the screenshots. will test to see if its parallax.
  • weird bug with ground scatters suddenly jumping up a few kilometers higher off the ground to the height of the craft as its being launched. might be my copy of parallax? will definitely check.
  • there's a handful of trees scattered around the launchpad and occasionally they appear very low-poly without leaves??? no idea.
  • those low-res surface scatter rocks appear on desmet when getting near it, but theyre red instead of the blue color of the surface. are they meant to be on buzz?




Edited by sojourner-fishsticcc
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  On 12/24/2022 at 6:55 PM, sojourner-fishsticcc said:

the splatnik core might need some kind of reaction wheels and SAS. the early stage of the game is almost impossible without a probe core that has some kind of control, and later cores aren't unlocked until around the point you visit desmet/buzz, which is *hard* to do without a decent probe core.


Yeah, I definitely found this to be a problem as well. I ended up using an empty Mk1 command pod for its reaction wheel, but that's very inefficient and doesn't seem like the intended solution.


  On 12/24/2022 at 6:55 PM, sojourner-fishsticcc said:

weird bug with ground scatters suddenly jumping up a few kilometers higher off the ground to the height of the craft as its being launched. might be my copy of parallax? will definitely check.


I don't think Parallax is supported yet.

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  On 12/24/2022 at 8:36 PM, OmegaAlbert said:

I have a problem, I downloaded all the modifications I needed but my loading screen is just endless.

My setup:
36 gb RAM
INVIDIA GTX 950 | 2 gb




Are you absolutely sure all dependencies have been installed? Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, 000_Harmony, 000_NiakoUtils, KopernicusExpansion, Scatterer, EVE, SciRev...?

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  On 12/24/2022 at 8:36 PM, OmegaAlbert said:

I have a problem, I downloaded all the modifications I needed but my loading screen is just endless.

My setup:
36 gb RAM
INVIDIA GTX 950 | 2 gb


Endless loading screens aren't usually caused by insufficient hardware, and in your case, 36 GB of RAM is way more than enough to run this mod. It's more often some mod somehow being installed incorrectly.

The rest of us don't know anything about what your KSP installation looks like, so we would need more information to help you. Even a complete list of all the mods in your GameData folder would be a good start.


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  On 12/24/2022 at 6:55 PM, sojourner-fishsticcc said:

been playing through career mode with a handful of recommended mods to see what issues appear and i found a couple. having issues attaching screenshots rn so will add them later :3

  • the splatnik core might need some kind of reaction wheels and SAS. the early stage of the game is almost impossible without a probe core that has some kind of control, and later cores aren't unlocked until around the point you visit desmet/buzz, which is *hard* to do without a decent probe core. i modified my own configs to give it 0.15 torque in all directions costing 0.03 goo syrup per second. also i think the splatnik's solar panel is bugged?
  • getting access to the fuel refinery, drills, and fuel cells super early is AWESOME! love this tweak! it works so well with the smaller asteroids in orbit of armstrong instead of larger moons like in the stock game. however i think there's some issues with the planet collision? both on desmet and buzz despite my drill sticking into the surface it still considers the craft having 'no ground contact' so it wont harvest, and at some point on desmet it considered the ore abundance too low to mine which might not be intended? not sure if this is an issue with the low gravity or the strange shapes of the bodies. also adding a compat with restock+ that gives access to the 0.625m claw at the same point as the refinery would be super helpful because landing on desmet stably is HARD!
  • ran into a weird visual bug where from the craft view high up the ground has these weird circular tears? might not be an issue exclusive to this pack cos i think ive seen it around and im playing with quite a few mods but because its visual the culprit is either scatterer, EVE, parallax, or TUFX and im fairly sure its not tufx since it was off at the time of the screenshots. will test to see if its parallax.
  • weird bug with ground scatters suddenly jumping up a few kilometers higher off the ground to the height of the craft as its being launched. might be my copy of parallax? will definitely check.
  • there's a handful of trees scattered around the launchpad and occasionally they appear very low-poly without leaves??? no idea.
  • those low-res surface scatter rocks appear on desmet when getting near it, but theyre red instead of the blue color of the surface. are they meant to be on buzz?





There's no support for Parallax, please remove it from your install.

The splatnik probe core is definitely still a work in progress, but thanks for your feedback. When the model for it is done it'll get the game balance attention it deserves, although it's conceivable I could fit in a similar change to what you made in a sooner patch.

The claws unfortunately do not allow you to grab onto planets. That's a real shame! Otherwise it'd be a great idea--it would have been especially useful on Statmun in Whirligig World. I think Kerbal Attachment System contains parts that can attach to planets, and the stock eva construction Ground Anchors can too.

I believe I did forget to add a higher ore concentration on Desmet. Because mapping satellites dont work with very small or very large planets, the variability of ore is just annoying. You could try another landing site; iirc ore should generate on planets by default unless it's explicitly excluded. Unless your save seed is really unlucky (iirc there's a chance in some games a planet can just. not have ore at all? when using the default settings?).

I'm not sure what's going on with the ground contact problem. Maybe you could try landing on Desmet's south pole? That sounds like a really annoying bug, I'll try to investigate it some time if it keeps acting up. (But sometimes KSP is just KSP, and there's little to be done about it)

It would be helpful to test in a sandbox game if the big drills do work, or to test if the small drills always fail or if they work sometimes. More data = more better. Also since you're using an arbitrary install, check to make sure there's nothing that might interfere with the drill logic.


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Question - I've tried playing a bit in Sandbox but have noticed that for direct transfers to the Arripit Belt objects, it's very  expensive. Is it better to treat it as a docking manuver with the short orbital periods of these objects? I'm trying to set up a refueling base on one of them, so was wondering about this.

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  On 12/25/2022 at 12:53 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Question - I've tried playing a bit in Sandbox but have noticed that for direct transfers to the Arripit Belt objects, it's very  expensive. Is it better to treat it as a docking manuver with the short orbital periods of these objects? I'm trying to set up a refueling base on one of them, so was wondering about this.


It's definitely fairly expensive. In my experience, depending on the body your required delta-v to reach orbit from Armstrong can range from 2.5 km/s for Naharosmank to 4-5 km/s for places like Dord, Garner, and Rider to more than 7 km/s for the more difficult asteroids. Budget high, though for the bodies you probably want to set up infrastructure on 5 km/s should be sufficient. You're effectively climbing out of the lower reaches of a gas giant's moon system, so everything orbits fast.

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  On 12/25/2022 at 1:12 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Which asteriod would you reccomend for a starter refueling base? I tried Lu since it was close by, then Garner, which ended up working fairly well, minus the DV requirement, but what's the best asteriod for low-cost transfers?


Lu and Garner are probably not good places for refueling bases- it'll be simpler to just start from Armstrong, and the shove that gets you out of Armstrong's SOI will be stronger cuz it's heavier. I would recommend using Morhomlo or Rider as refueling bases; but the easiest asteroid to reach is probably Naharosmank.

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  On 12/25/2022 at 12:53 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Question - I've tried playing a bit in Sandbox but have noticed that for direct transfers to the Arripit Belt objects, it's very  expensive. Is it better to treat it as a docking manuver with the short orbital periods of these objects? I'm trying to set up a refueling base on one of them, so was wondering about this.


Because the orbital velocities involved are so fast, you want to make sure that you intercept the asteroid at apoapsis, especially because that means you get to use Armstrong's Oberth effect for more of the transfer. This can often be really difficult to do with a direct transfer, so treating it like a docking maneuver definitely helps in that regard.

For example, by intercepting Rider at apoapsis, you should be able to make it there from low Armstrong orbit with just 3300 m/s.


  On 12/25/2022 at 1:12 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Which asteriod would you reccomend for a starter refueling base? I tried Lu since it was close by, then Garner, which ended up working fairly well, minus the DV requirement, but what's the best asteriod for low-cost transfers?


Rider is a bit far out, but its orbital eccentricity is really useful because it allows you to sort of "store" the increased apoapsis you get from a large burn at Armstrong and use it towards the post-refuel ejection to Haut-Oklo or Zhandar.

If you go to a circular-orbit asteroid like Morhomlo, you'll be spending more fuel raising your Pyri periapsis, which doesn't really help much.

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Also - Is it normal for the space music to start playing at 33000 meters (indicating im in space) but the atmo bar doesn't fully go down till 70000 meters?
Edit - it also randomly stops areo effects at 33000 but if I try to circualize at that altitude, it randomly starts the areo effects again and i start slowing down.

Edited by KerbalOnKerbin
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  On 12/25/2022 at 1:49 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Also - Is it normal for the space music to start playing at 33000 meters (indicating im in space) but the atmo bar doesn't fully go down till 70000 meters?
Edit - it also randomly stops areo effects at 33000 but if I try to circualize at that altitude, it randomly starts the areo effects again and i start slowing down.


...Disturbing. The atmosphere is supposed to stop at 33 km. And those atmosphere effects restart above that line?

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  On 12/25/2022 at 1:49 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Also - Is it normal for the space music to start playing at 33000 meters (indicating im in space) but the atmo bar doesn't fully go down till 70000 meters?
Edit - it also randomly stops areo effects at 33000 but if I try to circualize at that altitude, it randomly starts the areo effects again and i start slowing down.


do you have some other planet mod, or anything that alters atmospheres (i.e., the realstic atmospheres mod by ohiobob, or another planet mod with a homeworld?)

  On 12/25/2022 at 1:12 AM, KerbalOnKerbin said:

Which asteriod would you reccomend for a starter refueling base? I tried Lu since it was close by, then Garner, which ended up working fairly well, minus the DV requirement, but what's the best asteriod for low-cost transfers?


Buzz takes the least delta-v to get to, but planning around its inclined orbit might be a pain. I'd recommend Desmet and either Rider or Morhomlo. Both are about equidistant in delta-v between Armstrong and Zhandar iirc; but because of Rider's eccentric orbit, if you encounter Rider just right at its apoapsis, and then when you refuel you leave for Zhandar at its periapsis, you save something like 1 or 2 km/s of delta-v.

Problem with Garner is that you start just as deep in Pyri's gravity well as you would on Armstrong, despite using quite a lot of delta-v to get to it in the first place. It may be that Garner has some overall purpose in a fuel infrastructure, but if so, I can't quite see it. Lu, being a true and proper planet, has a reasonably deep gravity well of its own to deal with.

I suspect that Desmet would be generally more useful than Garner as a refueling base because you're starting almost at the end of Armstrong's SOI, but you can deorbit a bit for an oberth effect boost after refueling. Desmet could also be used with fuel trucks to bring fuel down to L.A.O. so you can launch ships almost empty, which is a huge huge mass savings.

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  On 12/25/2022 at 6:30 PM, Sky Kerman said:

Trailer is done!(For the carrier mode playthrough!)



It's "Planet Jam 2" (PJ2) not "WeekWorld 2" (the latter would have the acronym WWII and you can probably see the problem, lol)

Though I look forward to seeing your playthrough!

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  On 12/25/2022 at 8:15 PM, GregroxMun said:

It's "Planet Jam 2" (PJ2) not "WeekWorld 2" (the latter would have the acronym WWII and you can probably see the problem, lol)

Though I look forward to seeing your playthrough!


Whoops! Gotta change that, and thanks! Can’t wait to do it! It’s gonna be lots of fun!

Expect a episode this week!

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I'm having an issue where I can't do ore scans on any of the asteroids I've visited. It tells me that I must be in an orbit between 25km and [x] km (for Gershmurzelen it's 19km), and it does not work even though I am between those two. The altitudes are listed backwards which leads me to believe that it's looking for an orbit above 25km and below 19km, which obviously doesn't exist

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Welcome to the KSP forums, @Pla1ddragon!

  On 12/25/2022 at 11:42 PM, Pla1ddragon said:

I'm having an issue where I can't do ore scans on any of the asteroids I've visited. It tells me that I must be in an orbit between 25km and [x] km (for Gershmurzelen it's 19km), and it does not work even though I am between those two. The altitudes are listed backwards which leads me to believe that it's looking for an orbit above 25km and below 19km, which obviously doesn't exist


The scanner is in fact looking for an orbit above 25 km and below 19 km, which indeed does not exist. This is a known bug with the stock ore scanner: it can't scan any body with a radius of 5 km or smaller.

A few small asteroids have ore everywhere to make up for this, including Raft and Gershmurzelen.

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