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The Flight Effectiveness Index


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Often, you might want to take advantage of an extraterrestrial atmosphere by flying a plane or using parachutes to slow down a craft.

This can be more or less effective depending on the conditions there: a parachute that lowers a capsule down to Earth safely will crash at high speed into Mars, while a propeller plane that fails during testing on Kerbin might actually work just fine in Eve's thicker atmosphere. In this sense, Eve is better for atmospheric flight, while Mars is worse.

But by how much?

I've seen this concept quantified before in specific instances, but not in the general case, and as far as I know, it has not been given a name. I propose a new metric to measure it: the flight effectiveness index.

(If this name is already taken, or if the concept actually does already have a name I don't know about, I'd love to hear about it so that I can correct this post.)


Unfortunately, air is complicated, and many simplifying assumptions are often made. One unfortunately common one is the lack of distinction between atmospheric density (how much mass the air in a given volume has) and atmospheric pressure (roughly proportional to how much energy the air in a given volume has). While clearly related, these concepts can end up being very different because of the fact that air molecules move at different speeds.

KSP does maintain the distinction between pressure and density internally, but fails to convey it in situations where it is relevant, such as when parachutes open. They open at a minimum pressure, when perhaps a minimum density would be more consistent with the actual performance of the parachute.

It's not just a problem in KSP: pressure and density are both measures for "how much air there is", so the distinction between them is not intuitive and can easily lead to confusion. Even xkcd, a webcomic now known for its very good scientific accuracy, at one point got pressure and density mixed up.


(source: https://xkcd.com/620/)

The 9% figure would be correct except for the fact that Titan's atmosphere is not 50% denser than Earth's; it has 50% more pressure (and consequently over four times the density because the air is so cold).

The relationship between density and pressure can be derived from the ideal gas law. (The ideal gas law isn't perfect, but it's close enough under normal conditions.)

PV = nRT,

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles of air, R is a constant, and T is the temperature.

Wait, this equation doesn't have density in it! We need to relate the density to other things that are in the equation.

The density ρ, by definition, is the mass m divided by the volume V. The total mass m is the molar mass μ times the number of moles n.

Putting this all together, we find:

PV = nRT
P = (n / V) RT
P = (m / (μV)) RT
P = (ρ / μ) RT
Pμ / RT = ρ

R is a constant, so the density is proportional to the pressure times the molar mass divided by the temperature.



The rest of the comic is basically accurate: the amount of mass held up by a given wing or parachute (at a given velocity) is proportional to the density divided by the surface gravity.

(Explanation in the spoiler box for why this works.)


The lift and drag equations have the same form:

F = ρv2Ac/2,

where F is the aerodynamic force on the surface, v is the airspeed velocity, A is the area exposed to airflow, and c is a dimensionless constant dependent mainly on the shape of the surface.

We're also letting A and v be constant. Velocity does change, but a craft has an approximately constant maximum landing velocity: above a certain speed, it will hit the ground with too much energy and break. (Typical values might be 5-15 m/s for a vertical descent or 40-100 m/s for a horizontal descent, depending on the terrain and how sturdy the craft is.) The performance at this speed effectively determines whether the wings / parachutes will work or not, so we'll stick to just one speed.

(It's not too hard to extend these concepts to changing speeds: a wing that is four times as effective will work at half the velocity due to the v2 term.)

Under these assumptions, the force is proportional to the atmospheric density.

However, the required force to hold up a given mass increases with the local gravity. At twice the gravity, the same amount of lift will hold up only half the mass.

This gives us our final definition for the flight effectiveness index:

FEI = (Pμ) / (Tg),

where P is the pressure (in kPa),
μ is the mean molar mass (in amu = g/mol),
T is the temperature (in K),
and g is the local surface gravity (in m/s2).

Importantly, this is dependent only on the local conditions, not on any characteristics of the vessel.

(For maximum accuracy, the local surface gravity should include the effect of the body's rotation; that is, it should be reduced for rapidly spinning bodies. However, this does not make much of a difference unless the body is rotating quite quickly.)

In KSP, the pressure, temperature, and local gravity can easily be obtained in the above units from the barometer, thermometer, and gravioli detector respectively. The molar mass is not obtainable in-game, but it is globally constant across each body. For stock atmospheres, it can be found on the body's KSP wiki page. For most modded atmospheres, it can be found in the body's .cfg file as atmosphereMolarMass (in kg/mol, which must be multiplied by 1000 to obtain it in g/mol).

While this definition is based on SI units, it would be nice if there was an easy-to-remember "Earth/Kerbin standard" value. (Earth and Kerbin have basically identical conditions.) Fortunately, there is! Plugging in standard thermodynamic conditions, we find:

P = 101.325 kPa (1 atm)
T = 298.15 K (SATP standard)
μ = 28.9644 amu (US standard for Earth; Kerbin global constant)
g = 9.80665 m/s2 (1 g)

FEI = (101.325 * 28.9644) / (298.15 * 9.80665) ≈ 1.00375,

which is basically 1 (to within the actual variation on Earth of any of pressure, temperature, or even gravity).

Of course, actual conditions on Earth and Kerbin vary considerably. In the thinner atmosphere at high altitude (0.8 atm, for example), the FEI falls to 0.8, meaning that a plane can only hold 0.8 times as much mass. In the cold polar weather (temperature: roughly 240 K), the FEI rises to 1.25.


The flight effectiveness index can now be calculated on other celestial bodies. Let's take Eve as an example of a popular destination for planes. On the equator at sea level at noon, the conditions are:

P = 506.625 kPa
T = 423.7 K
μ = 43 amu
g = 16.67 m/s2

FEI = (506.625 * 43) / (423.7 / 16.67) ≈ 3.08. This means that a parachute can hold up 3.08 times as much mass as would be safe on Kerbin, and a propeller plane can carry 3.08 times the mass (including the mass of the plane, so you get a lot more than 3.08 times as much payload).


While this definition is designed to be as easy as possible to calculate accurately, it still requires some work. Alternatively, I've included tables of typical FEI values on atmospheric planets and moons from a variety of systems.

The FEI varies across the surface of any body, mainly due to variations in altitude (i.e. mountains, which you probably already knew to look out for) and temperature (which doesn't change all that much unless the body is a tidally locked planet). The given values are at the datum level at a latitude of 17 degrees, with a temperature averaged across all daily and seasonal variation.

Stock system:

Eve 506.625 43 420.1 16.67 3.111
Kerbin 101.325 28.9644 300.8 9.758 1.000
Duna 6.755 43* 261.1 2.939 0.379
Jool 5066.25 2.2 200 7.671 7.265
Laythe 60.795 28.9644 284.6 7.839 0.789

* The KSP wiki says 42 g/mol, while Kittopia Dumps says 43 g/mol. Both values seem reasonable, so I went with the one from Kittopia Dumps (which was updated more recently).

Real Solar System:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Venus 10905.2 43.45 754.3 8.878 70.76
Earth 101.325 28.9644 299.5 9.788 1.001
Mars 1.14497 43.48 239.1 3.742 0.0556
Titan 159.018 27.55 96.10 1.356 33.62
Triton 0.00165 28.01 39.36 0.7792 0.00151
Pluto 0.00100 27.97 42.41 0.6171 0.00107

In particular, Titan's flight effectiveness index is 33.62, so you could fly there if you can lift 1 / 33.62 ≈ 2.97% of your weight on Earth.

That's really low, and easily achievable! The only problem is the temperature: at 96 K (-177 °C), you would quickly become unable to continue lifting yourself in the air because you would freeze to death in seconds.

Outer Planets Mod:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Tekto 124.63 28.9644 94.83 2.455 15.51
Thatmo 1.01325 28.9644 74.53 2.275 0.173

Galileo's Planet Pack:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Niven 12.159 43.17 361.9 4.871 0.298
Gael 101.325 28.9644 297.4 9.758 1.011
Tellumo 1013.25 29.21 275.4 18.57 5.787
Gratian 50.6625 29.73 182.4 7.354 1.123
Augustus 10.1325 28.01 126.1 3.428 0.657
Catullus 506.625 5.13 101.6 8.826 2.898
Tarsiss 141.855 27.53 94.36 1.649 25.10
Hadrian 40.53 28.01 67.36 1.763 9.560
Hox 1.01325 28.01 51.96 1.353 0.404
Leto 0.506625 28.01 45.31 1.152 0.272

Grannus Expansion Pack:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
light side
terminator 339.5 0.117
dark side 215.8 0.184
Nodens 202.65 28.69 300.7 10.79 1.792
Brovo 15.199 27.89 137.1 3.432 0.901
Epona 101.325 27.95 98.00 5.869 4.924

(Toutatis is a tidally locked planet.)


Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Eve 1013.25 40.8 416.1 13.719 7.242
Kerbin 101.325 28.9644 297.9 9.755 1.010
Duna 4.053 42.4 242.8 3.324 0.213
Laythe 60.795 28.4 283.2 5.685 1.072
Tylo 20.265 28 125.1 3.138 1.445
Huygen 151.9875 27.5 92.13 1.471 30.84
Riga 6.0795 28 84.06 1.765 1.147
Eeloo 2.0265 28 68.90 1.446 0.570
Nara 4053 2.42 40.72 9.741 24.73

Whirligig World:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Imterril 1519.88 18.58 531.1 7.561 7.032
Tannor 0.577998 18.31 237.2 2.187 0.0204
Mesbin (latitude 89°) 101.325 42.1 248.6 129.6 0.132
Kerbmun 101.325 28.33 292.9 10.39 0.943
Derbin 790.335 18.29 382.1 21.25 1.780
Valyr 648.48 19.52 286.4 20.97 2.108
Oshan 3.09041 29.37 250.9 3.528 0.103
Egad 79.2362 28.56 200.9 5.024 2.242
Lito 24.318 26.59 191.8 7.126 0.473
Totooa 77.311 27.87 189.7 1.864 6.093
Lowel 14.1855 32.13 316.6 5.819 0.247
Ollym 0.52689 43.63 278.6 2.848 0.0290
Gannovar 176.306 28.54 293.2 4.707 3.646

(Mesbin's atmosphere is found only near the north pole.)

Strange New Worlds:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Pandemonium 10132.5 2.2 2100 10.97 0.968
Aeneas 70.9275 43 452.8 15.32 0.440
Denali 20.265 44 277.0 2.157 1.492
Oceanus 1519.88 28 293.4 11.96 12.13
Vetinghier 405.3 44 284.5 5.832 10.75
Arkhalo 303.975 29.5 305.0 5.735 5.127
Hreveldor 101.325 29.5 286.3 8.335 1.253
Kisa 50.6625 29.5 261.5 4.737 1.207
Boreal 2.0265 28 120.0 1.967 0.240

Edge of Eternity:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Subterminal Region 6.241 41.45 820.0 7.929 0.0398
Lightside Midlands 4.657 41.45 772.1 7.83 0.0319
light side Highland Plateaus 3.895 41.45 699.3 7.772 0.0297
Dry Oceans 6.89 41.45 642.2 7.963 0.0558
Darkside Midlands 5.152 41.45 515.9 7.864 0.0526
dark side Highland Plateaus 3.895 41.45 415.3 7.772 0.0500
Antiterminal Region 4.279 41.45 368.3 7.802 0.0617
Achlys 741.699 47.58 847.8 12.64 3.293
Cerberus 2999.22 15.01 490.0 13.48 6.816
Warden 4.8636 51.61 351.6 2.02 0.353
Haven 161.107 28.58 282.0 8.711 1.874
Prometheus 120.577 28.25 296.0 10.68 1.078
light side
terminator 161.0 0.208
dark side 97.94 0.342
Gelis 63.8348 28.74 131.3 7.095 1.969
Heima 246.22 10.57 28.31 2.952 31.14

(Revenant and Arenace are tidally locked planets. Prometheus is also locked, but it spins rapidly enough that atmospheric mixing causes its atmosphere to behave as if it were unlocked.)

Revenant's unique topography means that the ground altitude and temperature both vary significantly across biomes, but are relatively constant within each biome. Because of this, the major biomes are listed separately in order of distance from the substellar point.


Edited by Leganeski
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Surprised me that Laythe in KSP 1 was so bad, I always found it very forgiving. Orbital velocity so low you never overheat dropping from orbit and you has to climb slower than on Kerbin with spaceplanes so you don't raise Ap to high flying with atmospheric engines. 

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2 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Surprised me that Laythe in KSP 1 was so bad, I always found it very forgiving. Orbital velocity so low you never overheat dropping from orbit and you has to climb slower than on Kerbin with spaceplanes so you don't raise Ap to high flying with atmospheric engines. 

Yeah, that surprised me too, especially given how much easier it is to climb to orbit.

However, Laythe is only worse than Kerbin close to sea level. Laythe's main heat source is tidal heating from Jool, so the temperature falls very quickly as altitude increases. This raises the density, meaning that once you get a few kilometers off the ground, Laythe really is better. Also, Laythe's higher scale height means that the pressure doesn't fall as quickly, so higher altitudes are even better on Laythe compared to Kerbin all the way up to 38 km.

Altitude (m) FEI (Kerbin) FEI (Laythe)
0 1.000 0.789
2500 0.740 0.709
5000 0.538 0.621
7500 0.382 0.460
10000 0.251 0.332
15000 0.097 0.171
20000 0.0364 0.0837
25000 0.0140 0.0473
30000 0.0054 0.0298
35000 0.0022 0.0156
40000 0.00098 0.00745
45000 0.00048 0.00193
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Neanderthal question: given that the atmosphere of Venus is denser than Earth's, with a slightly less dense planet, if you could overcome the temperature and acidity problems - would we be able to do a SSTO spaceplane there, easier than here?

Average wind speeds are higher, too - so lift generation should be better - but I know that denser air = greater drag.

...so maybe a slow flight up to altitude then punch it?  (would that work?)

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32 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Neanderthal question: given that the atmosphere of Venus is denser than Earth's, with a slightly less dense planet, if you could overcome the temperature and acidity problems - would we be able to do a SSTO spaceplane there, easier than here?

Average wind speeds are higher, too - so lift generation should be better - but I know that denser air = greater drag.

...so maybe a slow flight up to altitude then punch it?  (would that work?)

I think Eve gives a fair idea.  If you have to carry oxidizer it is probably not possible.  

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5 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Neanderthal question: given that the atmosphere of Venus is denser than Earth's, with a slightly less dense planet, if you could overcome the temperature and acidity problems - would we be able to do a SSTO spaceplane there, easier than here?

Average wind speeds are higher, too - so lift generation should be better - but I know that denser air = greater drag.

...so maybe a slow flight up to altitude then punch it?  (would that work?)

Getting off the ground would indeed be easier. However, there are many other problems involved.

Most importantly, Venus doesn't have oxygen in its atmosphere. This means you would need propellers for the initial ascent rather than a jet engine, so the rocket stage would need start from an airspeed of at most 250 m/s rather than 1500 m/s. Also, keeping the propellers attached throughout the ascent means that they would cause extra drag in the upper atmosphere.

Slogging through the dense lower atmosphere would require a lot of energy. Keeping a propeller powered is easier than a jet, but storing hours worth of electricity in one plane would be quite challenging. (Solar panels might be possible, but good luck operating that many solar panels without causing a ton of drag.)

While the 85 m/s wind would help, it's not much compared to Earth's 465 m/s rotational velocity that Venus doesn't have.

In summary: while low orbit on Venus is 600 m/s slower than on Earth due to its smaller size, you would be need to start the rocket engines at an orbital velocity of more than 1600 m/s slower, so the actual fuel requirements would be significantly higher. Add that to all the other problems, and Venus is in fact a much worse place to fly an SSTO.


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5 hours ago, Leganeski said:

Yeah, that surprised me too, especially given how much easier it is to climb to orbit.

However, Laythe is only worse than Kerbin close to sea level. Laythe's main heat source is tidal heating from Jool, so the temperature falls very quickly as altitude increases. This raises the density, meaning that once you get a few kilometers off the ground, Laythe really is better. Also, Laythe's higher scale height means that the pressure doesn't fall as quickly, so higher altitudes are even better on Laythe compared to Kerbin all the way up to 38 km.

Altitude (m) FEI (Kerbin) FEI (Laythe)
0 1.000 0.789
2500 0.740 0.709
5000 0.538 0.621
7500 0.382 0.460
10000 0.251 0.332
15000 0.097 0.171
20000 0.0364 0.0837
25000 0.0140 0.0473
30000 0.0054 0.0298
35000 0.0022 0.0156
40000 0.00098 0.00745
45000 0.00048 0.00193

Now this explains a lot like how an rapier powered spaceplane works as well, combine this with lower gravity. 
The only downside is higher landing and takeoff speeds. 

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5 hours ago, farmerben said:

I think Eve gives a fair idea.  If you have to carry oxidizer it is probably not possible.  

I wonder how an nuclear jet engine would work, it don't require fuel, just reaction mass as in atmosphere. Now Eve is there to give Venus an good reputation, the only good thing about the surface of Venus is that its less radioactive than surface of Io. 
Negating this with an nuclear engine.

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3 hours ago, tomf said:

On Eve my KSP-I fusion powered ssto works well but not as well as it does on Jool


On 1/7/2023 at 7:45 PM, Leganeski said:

Body Pressure (kPa) Molar mass (amu) Temperature (K) Gravity (m/s²) FEI
Eve 506.625 43 420.1 16.67 3.111
Jool 5066.25 2.2 200 7.671 7.265


Jool is larger than Eve, so the ascent should always take more Δv. However, with fusion power, Δv is likely not a concern. Instead, there are other factors that make Jool easier:

  • Jool has a denser atmosphere at the datum level, making it easier to start flying.
  • Jool has less surface gravity than Eve, making it easier to ascend.
  • Jool is less dense than Eve, making the ascent slower overall and giving you more time to react to anything that comes up.
  • Jool rotates more quickly than Eve, giving you an extra boost and making the decrease in apparent surface gravity start sooner.
  • The speed of sound is higher on Jool, so Mach-limited engines can go faster.
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