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Hi there! My name is milm, and I got into KSP around a month ago! I love space and I was getting bored of Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous, and I knew there was a game like this, so I thought I'd give it a whirl, and now I'm addicted, I can't wait fo

KSP 2. So yeah I'd love to be involved with community stuff, and I can't wait to talk with you guys!

image.pngThe image you can see here is of my first planted flag on the beautiful Mun!!

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@BodyHacking Sorry for the late reply, I just got home! :happy:

Elite is a one-of-a-kind experience, meaning that it's a really hard game to master, and it's something that many people don't like, because of it's complexity and learning curve.

The way I started was doing trading errands. You can't really go wrong with trading, and once you gain enough reputation you can do more complicated tasks, or even bounty hunting. What I'd recommend is that you hit up the Commodity market and see what sells where, check if it's close to you and do the task. I don't quite remember what's the fuel ammount each ship has, but you shouldn't do long distance ones since you can get stranded in deep space, which is not really good. 

How to use the aforementioned website: 

  1. Select the "I want to sell" button
  2. Select the commodity that is in the delivery order
  3. Select the star system you're in
  4. Order by distance
  5. Get going

Or you can start mining, which I'd rather not explain since there are many videos online, and I'd be typing for a week.

For the joystick, yes most sticks work with the game. You do have to map the ludicrous ammount of buttons and functionalities the game has, if you want to operate your ship that is.

Hope I helped, and if you need any more help be sure to ask, but next time make sure it's a private message, since this is a KSP forum! Happy flying! :blush2:

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