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Planet visuals feedback thread

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Hey I didnt feel like making a new thread so this is a megathread now enjoy.

Currently moho is the most boring planet we have seen so far, its terrain doesnt have anything special and its all very samey. It's the planet probably in the most need of an overhaul, here are my takes on what would be an interesting direction to take it.


Personally Id recommend taking inspiration from the earliest ksp1 moho. Moho was planned to be a dark red volcano planet. The direction Id like to see moho taken is the current moho, but with regions of massive dark red volcanoes that bulge out of the surface. This would make the surface look much more varied and interesting.


Edited by Strawberry
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14 hours ago, Strawberry said:

Eve feels way too bright, I much preferred the darker shade of Eve we saw personally.


Also I feel like the mun would look better if the basaltic seas were lighter, right now the high contrast makes them look too minmusy

We knew the surface would be gray-ish but I don't remember the color of the atmosphere being made any less saturated.

22 hours ago, Strawberry said:

Hey I didnt feel like making a new thread so this is a megathread now enjoy.

Currently moho is the most boring planet we have seen so far, its terrain doesnt have anything special and its all very samey. It's the planet probably in the most need of an overhaul, here are my takes on what would be an interesting direction to take it.


Personally Id recommend taking inspiration from the earliest ksp1 moho. Moho was planned to be a dark red volcano planet. The direction Id like to see moho taken is the current moho, but with regions of massive dark red volcanoes that bulge out of the surface. This would make the surface look much more varied and interesting.


I'd say I like it. Even Dres isn't that lumpy. I will say, the crispy false-colour-Mercury shade they chose for the surface does it for me.

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4 hours ago, DimaPT said:

Idk, I feel like the planets already look very very good from orbit, dedicating any more time or resources to this feels unnecessary.

Most planets look great but a few of them could go with a few tweaks to look a lot better, while devs should definitely prioritize optimization and getting core systems working, I feel like focusing on planets looking good is important.

4 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

We knew the surface would be gray-ish but I don't remember the color of the atmosphere being made any less saturated.


It was definitely a lot darker previously, I prefer that shade of purple much more then the pinkish one we have currently. I like the venus full cloud cover thing the current eve has going on, but I think itd look great with that shade of purple instead of the pink one we have currently.

4 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

I'd say I like it. Even Dres isn't that lumpy. I will say, the crispy false-colour-Mercury shade they chose for the surface does it for me.

I think moho looks good, it just looks boring, Id like changes to spice up the surface and make it look more interesting.

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