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Kerbal-K2 Issues


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I've been playing around with the stock Kerbal-K2 vehicle because I thought that the vehicles I had been making were broken because of something I had done, but I've now had several weird bugs occur with this built-in one as well. I've submitted these through the PD launcher, but I wondered if anyone else has encountered them.

First, and this seems to happen even if I revert to VAB, to launch, or restart the game, the upper stage sticks to the core stage's decoupler if the upper stage's engine and the decoupler are in the same stage. In other words, once the core stage is spent, and I try to stage it, the engine cover falls off and the twin engines fire, but the core stage is still stuck to the rest of the vessel, as if the decoupler didn't decouple. I've found that if I place the decoupler in its own stage just before the upper stage's engines fire, everything seems fine. Likewise if I decouple it from the Parts Mangler before firing the upper stage.



This one is bizarre and took a lot of trial and error to track down, but it seems to be repeatable. If I load the Kerbal-K2 into the VAB, and do nothing to it but add four landing legs to the upper stage, the fuel flow breaks. After launch, it will appear normal, but right after the first staging event, the core stage engine starts pulling fuel from the upper stage's tank. In the screenshots, note how the core stage's engine has 9.6t total fuel available to it just before staging. And then, right after staging, that suddenly jumps to 12t. And, if we wait for the core stage to expend all its fuel, we'll find that the upper stage (which can hold 2.4t) is now empty.




Also, and this one is probably unrelated to the Kerbal-K2, but my camera now defaults to Orbital whenever I send a vehicle to the pad or runway. I have to hit V a bunch of times to get it back to Auto: Ground. I thought maybe I had borked a setting somewhere, but couldn't find anything in the settings that would cause that.

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4 hours ago, whatsEJstandfor said:

nce the core stage is spent, and I try to stage it, the engine cover falls off and the twin engines fire, but the core stage is still stuck to the rest of the vessel, as if the decoupler didn't decouple

Yes, had that exact same bug with the K2.

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I also had this stage separation issue with the K2.  The decoupler on the K2 is attached to the bottom node of the engines.  I changed this by adding an engine plate above this engine, and attaching the decoupler to the bottom node of the engine plate.  Separation works fine now.

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