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[MAJOR SPOILER THREAD] Reddit user discovers new celestial bodies in game files

Minmus Taster

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Verda is very similar to verde which is green in spanish, so it likely has life. The description that its a quiet moon is intriguing however, how is a moon with life quiet?

Also its important to note Kerbols motion type is listed as line while deb deb's is listed as circle, I have no clue what motion type even means at this point and I wouldnt take Qegs and Tuuns motion type to mean that theyre binaries

Edited by Strawberry
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1 hour ago, Sky Kerman said:

This is stupid, but what if Qeg and Tuun are rogue planets?

Qeg and Tuun share the same style of code as Kerbol and Debdeb, the 3rd and 4th picture show the code of planets and there is much more going on

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I believe someone said something about Verdas planetshine being purple in color. It could be a sign of microbial life.

Also another user calculated distances from Kerbol;

"If the “offset” variables are to be taken as measured in light years, using Pythagoras, Debdeb would be 2.55 light years away, Qeg would 8.6 ly and Tuun would be 3.76 ly. This would mean that Qeg and Tuun aren’t members of a binary system.

Also of note is the fact that the y value for offset is zero each time, meaning every star is in the same plane—perhaps even Kerbol’s plane of the ecliptic? I’d have liked the challenge of massive inclination changes around Kerbol"

I had to modify it to get it into the forum and the math they did had to be removed but that's the gist of it.

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15 hours ago, Strawberry said:

Verda is very similar to verde which is green in spanish

The great linguistic hodgepodge that is English also has the word verdant which implies the color of living vegetation.  Most of these variations will trace back to Latin viridis (verte, verde, etc.).

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16 hours ago, Strawberry said:

Verda is very similar to verde which is green in spanish, so it likely has life. The description that its a quiet moon is intriguing however, how is a moon with life quiet?

Could it be the “precursors” home planet?, originally verdant, but gone quiet? :blink:

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8 hours ago, Director_Valle said:

Could it be the “precursors” home planet?, originally verdant, but gone quiet? :blink:

It would be great to see this storyline resurrected by a proper writer and embedded in the game somehow.  I can't see how a "story mode" would work in this game, but letting the story unfold as you explore would be pretty sweet.

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