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Minor Errors in Planet Information Panel in Tracking Station

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These are super nitpicky but I have a background in orbital mechanics and and I thought I'd make some suggestions. In the planet information panel in the tracking station I noticed the following problems/errors:

  • Eccentricity is a unitless quantity, it shouldn't have units of degrees
  • Sideral period should have units of time, not m/s (I'm assuming the currently displayed number is actually in seconds but marked with the wrong units)
  • Mass, circumference, semi-major axis, etc should really be expressed in larger units (like km instead of m) or with scientific notation. It's really difficult to compare "124032971708644000 kg" and "4233073194324100000 kg" at first glance for example, and I think one of the cool things KSP teaches is how wildly different the masses and gravity of planets are which could be improved here.
  • Add planet radius/diameter instead of just circumference (maybe have a little toggle button between them)
  • WAY too many significant figures everywhere, better behavior might be to round to 3-4 sig figs with scientific notation then allow us to mouse over values and get the full precision written out without scientific notation. It's very wall-of-text right now
  • Just a fun idea, but maybe add some kerbal-ey units like how many "Jebs" a planet weighs or something if we mouse over data

Again I realize these aren't critical bugs but I just thought I'd comment. Thank you for your continued communication about patch development!

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