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Flight Plan [0.10.7 for KSP2 v0.2.2+]


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I am either missing something or found a bug...I just installed the latest version of the mod. I wanted to set up a resonant orbit to deploy some comms sats at Duna. I set the number of sats to deploy and the number of orbits. I click on the create button, and bam, I get a node...but, there is no dV shown in the node. Just for completeness, the current vessel is currently in a stable circular orbit, 1100km AP, 1098km PE. The system does report that I need to increase my AP to 1700. Since the maneuver node was set, I tried using the maneuver node tool (the mod) and setting the AP to 1700km, but the orientation is backward...when I tried to do the burn, my PE decreased, and the AP stayed the same. In addition to Flight plan I have these mods installed:
Alarm Clock (AlarmClock 1.2.1)
BepInEx (BepInEx 1:1.9.2)
Cheats Menu (CheatsMenu 1.2.0)
Commlines (Commlines 1.1.0)
Community Fixes (CommunityFixes 0.12.0)
Community Resources (CommunityResources 0.2.2)
Docking Alignment Display (DockingAlignmentDisplay 0.4.3)
Hide Orbits (HideOrbits 0.5.0)
I Wish They Made UI Customizable (IWishTheyMadeUICustomizable 0.3.2)
K2-D2 (K2D2 v0.12.3)
Kerbal Life Hacks (KerbalLifeHacks 1.2.1)
Kerbal Notebook (KerbalNotebook 0.1.0)
Kerbonaut Manager (KerbonautManager 0.2.3)
Maneuver Node Controller (ManeuverNodeController 1.2.0)
MapView Focus and Targeting (MapViewFocusTargeting 1.0.1)
Micro Engineer (MicroEngineer 1.7.1)
Node Manager (NodeManager 0.7.3)
Orbital Survey (OrbitalSurvey 0.9.1)
Patch Manager (PatchManager 0.11.0)
Premonition For SpaceWarp (PremonitionForSpaceWarp 0.2.0)
Probably Askew (ProbablyAskew 0.2.0)
Shadow Utility LIB (ShadowUtilityLIB 0.0.9)
SpaceWarp (SpaceWarp 1.9.2)
The Nuclear Option (TheNuclearOption 0.3.1)
UITK for KSP 2 (UITKforKSP2 2.4.2)

and I am running on the latest game version.

Edited by Michel Bartolone
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, @schlosrat. I'm not sure if I am doing something incorrectly, or if vessel rendezvous isn't working as intended. I have tried a couple of time now and something weird happens once I execute the node.

I have two vessels in orbit around Kerbin. One vessel at 150k circularized, and the second vessel at 302km circularized. The second vessel was put into the 300km orbit as Flight Plan suggested. After circularization is achieved, I move into the Hohman Transfer, but no matter what I do, or where I make the node, the intercept points are always across from each other on opposite ends. Not a big deal, I use node controller and tweak the node to where I need it to perform the rendezvous intercept, typically under 5 orbits. After executing with K2D2 and I travel around Kerbin, the intercept points move, like I didn't have them lined up. I create a new node and perform an additional Hohman Transfer, and still get the same results. Outside of doing the node 100% manually, I cannot get the intercept nodes to line up with Flight Plan. I have not had this problem before, but it's been about a month or so since I last played with rendezvous intercepts.

If you need anything from me, please let me know and I will get it sent over. This is an awesome mod!


ETA (3 Mar 24): not sure if this is a mod problem. Performing the rendezvous completely by hand gave me the same results.

Edited by SkW3rL
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Feature request: gradient descent for objective

While usually perform this task in Maneuver Node Controller, as a functionality, it feels more appropriate for Flight Plan

Use Case: I have a maneuver node with a vector approximately intercepting a target. (Perhaps for a variety of reasons the orbital transfer/rendezvous calcuation isn't going to work.) Right now, I'll pull up the Maneuver Node Controller window and pin the 'distance to intercept' window, and then manually adjust the vector, increasing or decreasing each component until the distance begins to increase, then cycling through the other components. It would be nice to be able to have a gradient descent tool that does that for me, tweaking the vector until the closest approach distance (may need to specify the c1 or c2 approach) is minimized. 

As an aside, this would pair nicely with my scale/magnitude suggestion in the Maneuver Node Controller thread. Rather than tweaking each vector component with possibly very different step sizes, tweaking the overall direction and magnitude of the vector may be a better basis space for the descent.

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  • 2 months later...

The issue was in Node Manager, which I've updated to version 0.8.1. If you update NM to 0.8.1 this solves the problem for both FP and Maneuver Node Controller. I'll be releasing updates to both FP and MNC in the future to be specifically compatible with 0.2.2 and to require NM 0.8.1 - but in the meantime simply updating NM will solve the problem.

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I love this mod! I wanted to let you know that the link above doesn't seem to work for me and when I checked CKAN it wouldn't work there either and kept telling me it was unable to make a connection. Thanks again for this mod and all you do. I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware that it doesn't seem to be functioning.   (Edit): I think the issue might be with Spacedock. It seems to be down at the moment: spacedock.info

Edited by Dixiecapt
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20 hours ago, Dixiecapt said:


I love this mod! I wanted to let you know that the link above doesn't seem to work for me and when I checked CKAN it wouldn't work there either and kept telling me it was unable to make a connection. Thanks again for this mod and all you do. I just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware that it doesn't seem to be functioning.   (Edit): I think the issue might be with Spacedock. It seems to be down at the moment: spacedock.info

Yeah, Spacedock was down, seems to be working fine now

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It seems that there might still be an issue. When I try to install through CKAN it fails and I am told: 

CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: FlightPlan 0.10.7: C:\Users\RWSIV\AppData\Local\CKAN\downloads\downloading\B94A2DD3-FlightPlan-0.10.7.zip has length 18000000, should be 48072556
   at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, IProgress`1 progress, String description, Boolean move, CancellationToken cancelToken)
   at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadComplete(Uri url, String filename, Exception error, String etag)


I went to SpaceDock to manually install the mod and after downloading it Winzip told me the archive was corrupt. When I tried with WinRar I was instructed that: 

Flight_Plan-0.10.7.zip: The archive is corrupt Specifically:   fp_ui.bundle

I redownloaded it to make sure it wasn't an issue during download. 

Thanks again for all you do! 

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3 hours ago, Dixiecapt said:

It seems that there might still be an issue. When I try to install through CKAN it fails and I am told: 

CKAN.InvalidModuleFileKraken: FlightPlan 0.10.7: C:\Users\RWSIV\AppData\Local\CKAN\downloads\downloading\B94A2DD3-FlightPlan-0.10.7.zip has length 18000000, should be 48072556
   at CKAN.NetModuleCache.Store(CkanModule module, String path, IProgress`1 progress, String description, Boolean move, CancellationToken cancelToken)
   at CKAN.NetAsyncModulesDownloader.ModuleDownloadComplete(Uri url, String filename, Exception error, String etag)


I went to SpaceDock to manually install the mod and after downloading it Winzip told me the archive was corrupt. When I tried with WinRar I was instructed that: 

Flight_Plan-0.10.7.zip: The archive is corrupt Specifically:   fp_ui.bundle

I redownloaded it to make sure it wasn't an issue during download. 

Thanks again for all you do! 

For now just download the zip from Github, it works fine: https://github.com/schlosrat/FlightPlan/releases/tag/0.10.7

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I get a few odd things with 0.10.7 though, Interplanetary transfers inwards in the Kerbolar system, for instance Duna to Kerbin, seem to set the right amount of deltaV, but in the opposite direction. Intercepts between vessels with Hohmann transfers, when the the orbits are close, do something similar. I can't completely rule out user error, but in that case I'd be quite consistent in my errors :-)

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