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Something has to be done about all that bouncing at the beginning of a game. Does it really have to be that hard  bouncing? I spent about an hour assembling a vehicle . I had all the struts on and was ready to fly. When the game play starts it bounces it so hard it falls apart and blows up. It continues to bounce regardless if the brakes are off or on. I've tried it several times including a reboot of my pc. I know it's early release but I used to be able to fly now I can't. It just bounces everything apart.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  

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Had the same issue. Temp fix is to use the stability enhancer and ensure that your craft is sitting on the bottom of the VAB (wheels just touching the bottom). 

Also, try changing the dampener settings in the landing gears to full. You can reduce spring strength too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While it is definitely annoying, I like to think of it as an initial stress-test.  If your ship can't survive the bounce test, chances are it won't hold up for the duration of a mission either.  Better to find the flaws early than to have all of Kerbalkind watching your heroic mission live and be witness to your landing legs falling off at the last moment, dooming all 5 on board. 

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