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Patched conics Lagrange point?


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I've been wondering if you could make a something like a Lagrange point work in patched conics of KSP.

I think that if a probe was orbiting a moon slow enough and the moon fast enough, the probe would look like it's stuck in place like a Lagrange point.

Though, I think it's impossible since no moon is slow or fast enough that the sphere of influence has the desired orbit.

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Short version: Probably yes. At least for the stable L4 L5 points.

You could put a small pretend-physics sphere into the point's locations. It would be a very simplified physics model but would allow to park ships in that location. I have been looking into the physics behind it a while ago and found a couple of interesting possibilities. If it can be done via mod is questionable, though, but worth an experiment.

Basically you would "nest" two spheres in each other. The outer/larger one would behave like a very small body with very low mass. Since we don't want to have any mass center, we need the second, inner sphere, which would basically have no mass at all. Both could be calculated by the patched conics. The transition between the two spheres would be a bit janky, but since the influence would be very low anyway, it would not hurt so much.

I would love to work with someone on it, I just don't have the knowledge of creating bodies in KSP, though.

If someone is intereste, PM me.

Edited by dr.phees
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