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Orbital information not showing up

Wm Sanford

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I'm having some trouble with KSP2. The orbital information IS NOT showing up when I'm in orbit. It's really frustrating because it's such a crucial piece of information for any mission. I've tried restarting the game and checking my settings, but nothing seems to be working. I hope this issue can be resolved soon because I really enjoy playing KSP2 and it's frustrating to not have all the information I need.

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@Wm Sanford It is frustrating. I don't do multi-body missions right now because stability past the first body is... being worked on.

I have less trouble if I don't EVA after landing, but even then, if it isn't a missing orbital line, it's a decaying orbit while in a vacuum. 

It's a bummer for now, but the last game-breakers (saves and wrinkled wings) were almost completely squashed in the last update. 

If you like playing, you'll have to settle with changing your playstyle to avoid bugs, or avoid the frustration altogether by waiting. I probably only play half as much as I would if it were at 1.0. (And that might be because I like cutting my gameplay in an editor. Even goofy data is data- and I have some amazing fun in between frustrations.)


Edited by Socraticat
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