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[SOLVED !!!] Help with a personal Spectra and AVP-OPM compatibility patch

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SOLVED : check bottom of this post
Hi all,

I'd want to make the Spectra visual pack and the nice OPM visual component of AVP compatible together.

So basicaly : Keep Spectra as it is, but add on top of it only the OPM visuals from AVP.  This is of course exclusively for my personal usage, I do not intend of reditributing this. ;) 

(But who knows maybe it could  become a patch integrated with spectra one day, if it works, let's dream !)

Before going any further, let me remind you the folder structure of both mods, to hopefully ease reasoning :

- Spectra :



- AVP :




I'm used to MM and to modify, mod, and make patches for parts, but I'm new to the visuals stuff... So anyway, I tried few things :

- Merged AVP-OPM into Spectra's folder, by keeping all Spectra files/structure the same, but incorporating AVP-OPM inside, in the revelant cfgs, copying over the avp textures, changing their name if spectra had the same already, and changing all cfgs to point at the right textures in the right folders...

- Made a new mod in my gamedata, named OPMVisuals, and keeping inside only the OPM necessary components of AVP.

In both cases, Spectra was still working on stock planets, but OPM had neither scatterer, or EVE clouds, well nothing ^^


I think the issue is that they both provide EVE configs and textures which don't load, or overwrite for some reason, for OPM, I don't know anyway ^^.
But this is weird, since others planets packs mods ( like Quackpack, and other exoplanets mods) manage to add their own  scatterer and EVE configs, while keeping Spectra untouched, so I still have hope !


Big thanks in advance for your help ! ;)


Solution :

- Install spectra, install AVP
- in AVP delete everything non related to OPM, EXCEPT the textures.cfg found in AVP_Config/Stock, which handles also OPM textures, even if it's located in the stock folder.....

- in AVP, delete scatterer folder related to stock bodies (kerbin/duna/etc)

Enjoy !


Edited by kurgut
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tried another simple thing (spoiler it didn't work) :

- Keep AVP where it is in gamedata, and remove everything except OPM stuff inside it

- result was that Scatterer was active and working for both stock and OPM, but no clouds, aurora, any EVE texture on neither stock or OPM planets....

I keep diggin'

Edited by kurgut
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Solution found !

- Install spectra, install AVP
- in AVP delete everything non related to OPM, EXCEPT the textures.cfg found in AVP_Config/Stock, which handles also OPM textures, even if it's located in the stock folder.....

- in AVP, delete scatterer folder related to stock bodies (kerbin/duna/etc)

Enjoy !


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