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Crafts Incorrectly "Splashed" Down When in Orbit/Suborbital Causing Missing Trajectories


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: 3080 | RAM32


I took a vessel into LKO, 2 stages spent before reaching LKO, then save in orbit. The orbit line is gone in map view after loading the save.

The vessel was built in 0.1.3 (I think it was before the hotfixes). No modifications before launching it.

When I built the craft I knew less about which parts were cursed Kraken-bait, so there's likely some troublesome trussing on the forward subassemblies.

The engine plates also seem to be bugged, so who know's if that's affecting the line at all- there's no such thing as a coincidence so I'll mention that too.


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i9-9750H | GPU: RTX3060 | RAM32GB

Launching a new vessel into orbit from the launchpad resulted in missing trajectories from the map view - after investigating the save file it appears the vessel situation was set to "Splashed" instead of "Flying".

Changing the value fixed the issue.

Occasionally see a similar issue where the situation is set to "Landed" - having it set to "Splashed" is new though

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I've just encountered an instance of this bug that is not fixed (so far) by quitting KSP2 completely and restarting the game, so I thought it might be worth sharing a copy of the zip file made by  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP2_BugPackager 


Here's a link to the file so made: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p9rx4ng6ibopykm9419n3/No-trajectory-line_logs.zip?rlkey=x6fqfag1mb7llm26awr8l9g4k&dl=1

= = =

Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19045 64-bit | CPU: Intel i7-7700 @ 3.60GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (3949MB) | RAM32683

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: picture was added | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: W10 | CPU: i7-9700k | GPU: nVidia 1080Ti | RAM128GB


In path 3 and 4, new saved the game has a strange BUG, orbital paths just disappear and sometimes come back. But a game load quickly resets the proper state to missing orbits. Please fix this as interplanetary missions can't be performed in the current state of the game! I tested it with and without mods, why I have mods, as the navball as well is unable to track the AP/PE etc so to fly to space I need a mod.




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Interesting thing I found about this bug (with orbit not displayed, the issue persisting on saving/reloading and vessel displayed as "landed" in the tracking station):

I just got a newly launched vessel in this weird "landed" state. So I opened the save file in text editor, found the affected vessel and changed "Situation": "Landed", to "Situation": "Orbiting", - and it actually fixed it!

Ah, one more thing, one of the launch clamps left on the pad was counted as "orbiting", while the actual vessel was "landed" for some reason. So could be status updating going to the wrong vessel. But how the heck it it fails to update even on reloading the save is a bit beyond me.

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8 hours ago, Alchemist said:

Interesting thing I found about this bug (with orbit not displayed, the issue persisting on saving/reloading and vessel displayed as "landed" in the tracking station):

I just got a newly launched vessel in this weird "landed" state. So I opened the save file in text editor, found the affected vessel and changed "Situation": "Landed", to "Situation": "Orbiting", - and it actually fixed it!

Ah, one more thing, one of the launch clamps left on the pad was counted as "orbiting", while the actual vessel was "landed" for some reason. So could be status updating going to the wrong vessel. But how the heck it it fails to update even on reloading the save is a bit beyond me.

Nice. This also works for this bug report which is about a Splashed state.
I have seen others talking about needing to change PhysicsMode from AtRest to RigidBody as well.

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@Anth12 I kinda didn't backup the original broken file, but since it's 1 simple edit, here's the restored version of that: broken save

As a fun note, switching between the affected "landed" craft and the tracking station can nullify the groundspeed. And then it falls down. (edit: although, I previously had a case when a craft with same missing trajectory symptoms suddenly had its speed nullified on exiting timewarp when I attempted to fly it back to KSC anyway)

Also, here's the fixed version I continued from: fixed save

Note: yes, the affected active craft is still on suborbital trajectory, but reaching orbit doesn't fix the state. It was meant to rendezvous with the other shuttle in the higher orbit - hard to plot that when you don't have an orbit displayed.

The events preceding to the bug were as follows: first launch attempt went normal, but then I remembered I forgot something, reverted to VAB, added another part and launched again (that included timewarping on the pad to catch the target's orbital plane) - and then during the ascent I found the trajectory missing. So the moment I was out of the atmosphere I made this quicksave and tried reloading - which didn't help until I tried editing the save.


Other things probably related to the bug in question (found in both versions of the save):

  • a launch clamp on the pad displayed as orbiting in tracking station
  • the affected shuttle's external tank frozen in place above KSC - the tracking station claims it's orbiting... with 0.00 m/s speed.
Edited by Alchemist
added a note on another case
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