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The Nuclear Option (TNO) [0.4.0]


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The Nuclear Option
Acme Fission / Fusion is proud to present the latest in Space Nuclear Fusion... err... Fission Power Systems (sorry, the name is confusing, and some of this marketing material seems to be misprinted). One thing is clear, though. If you need a more compact power system for some really power-hungry parts you've got, or perhaps your solar panels are starved for photons out past Duna, then maybe it's time you considered The Nuclear Option!

NOTE: This mod aims to be the KSP2 *spiritual successor* for Nertea's KSP1 Near Future Electrical mod. No code or meshes are reused from that mod, but the intent here is to fill the same basic need, delivering moderately realistic nuclear power options to feed those power-hungry electrical engines. For now, all the reactors (both of them...) have "integral cooling", which really just means the devs have not yet implemented thermodynamics. Once they do, you can expect the reactors in this parts pack to generate some waste heat that you'll need to deal with. Until then, you're free to ignore that particular reality and substitute one of your own.


Source Code: GitHub Repo

SpaceDock: The Nuclear Option (TNO)


Highly recommend Installing via CKAN if possible. This ensures all dependencies are in place and the mod is installed properly. If you prefer to install it manually, you can follow these instructions.

  1. Download and extract BepInEx mod loader with SpaceWarp (see link above) into your game folder and run the game, then close it. If you've done this before, you can skip this step. If you've installed the game via Steam, then this is probably here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2. If you complete this step correctly you'll have a BepInEx subfolder in that directory along with the following files (in addition to what was there before): changelog.txt, doorstop_config.ini, winhttp.dll
  2. Download and extract this mod into the game folder. From the TNO-x.x.x.zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\SPARK.
  3. Download and install Patch Manager (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\PatchManager.
  4. Download and install V-SwiFT (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\VSwift.
  5. Download and install Spring Cleaning. From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\SpringCleaning.
  6. Optional: Download and install Lux's OAB Extensions (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\LuxsOABExtensions.

Or, make things even easier and just use CKAN!

Fission Power Systems
Compact, and built for in-line integration, these reactors are the answer to your high power needs even in photo-deficient space environments.

  • FPS-60: Tiny, but mighty. The FPS-60 packs a lot into its Size XS (0.625m-class) frame. With this gadget on board, you'll have EC to spare, plus it doubles as a space heater for those long cold Duna nights. If you're not getting 60 FPS, then you need TNO!
  • 6qUkfKF.png
  • FPS-400: When you need some serious power generation in a handy Size Small package, then reach for the FPS-400! Designed as an in-line module, the FPS-400 stacks with other 1.25m-class parts fitting easily into your design - plus it has handy Roast and Broil settings! Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?
  • 6dOmGZH.png
Edited by schlosrat
Updated for v0.4.0
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Current Status and Future Development Plans

Reactor Sizes: In version 0.1.0 which was released today, there are just two reactors, one at Size XS (0.625m) and one at Size S (1.25m). I plan to release more reactors at other sizes similar to what is available today in Nertea's KSP1 mod Near Future Electrical. The thought here is that if there are use cases for needing those sizes in KSP1, then we can expect to see similar use cases in KSP2. The initial release provides some good options for the current crop of ion engines in my other mod, SPARK. I'm planning to eventually expand that one, and as I do I expect to see the need for bigger nuclear reactors that will show up here.

Reactor Configurations: The reactors in this parts pack today are designed as In-line configurations, but one of the things I plan to do is to make them configurable as either "Open" like the one stock nuke (meaning there's just one bottom attachment node, so they're suitable for use as the last part on a stack), or "In-Line" (where they have some structure at their top with a top attachment node). Again, this is similar to what is available in NFE, so I'd like to deliver no less in TNO.

Fuel Storage: Currently, there are no Uranium fuel storage parts in this pack. I'll probably change that, but as things stand these things can already run for very long spans of time, so I don't feel it's urgently needed and am prioritizing more reactors first.

Fuel: The reactors in the mod today use the stock resource Uranium, and there's no ability to capture spent fuel for reprocessing like there is in NFE. I'll probably change that to be more like NFE too. One difference is that NFE uses Enriched Uranium vs. just plain old Uranium. I think that makes a lot of sense too, so I may go in that direction adding the various resources and conversion formulas needed so that as fuel is consumed you get a biproduct that might be "reprocessed" into useful fuel. Until such time as I add that feature, there's really no need for a reprocessing part like that in NFE, but if I do take this mod in that direction I'll probably add one of those too.

Waste Heat/Cooling: Eventually, the devs will deliver thermodynamics in the game, and with that feature, I believe we can expect to see stock parts that generate waste heat as well as stock parts that help players deal with it. When that time comes I'll definitely be making some updates to the reactors in the mod at that time. In fact, in anticipation of this, I've been designing the frames around the reactors to have "hard points" where surface attachments will eventually be possible so that radiators can be attached.

If there are parts or features you'd like to see that aren't in the mod now or on the roadmap, please feel free to post here requesting them.

Edited by schlosrat
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17 hours ago, schlosrat said:


The Nuclear Option
Acme Fission / Fusion is proud to present the latest in Space Nuclear Fusion... err... Fission Power Systems (sorry, the name is confusing, and some of this marketing material seems to be misprinted). One thing is clear, though. If you need a more compact power system for some really power-hungry parts you've got, or perhaps your solar panels are starved for photons out past Duna, then maybe it's time you considered The Nuclear Option!

NOTE: This mod aims to be the KSP2 *spiritual successor* for Nertea's KSP1 Near Future Electrical mod. No code or meshes are reused from that mod, but the intent here is to fill the same basic need, delivering moderately realistic nuclear power options to feed those power-hungry electrical engines. For now, all the reactors (both of them...) have "integral cooling", which really just means the devs have not yet implemented thermodynamics. Once they do, you can expect the reactors in this parts pack to generate some waste heat that you'll need to deal with. Until then, you're free to ignore that particular reality and substitute one of your own.


Source Code: GitHub Repo

SpaceDock: The Nuclear Option (TNO)


  1. Download and extract BepInEx mod loader with SpaceWarp 1.4.0 or later (see link above) into your game folder and run the game, then close it. If you've done this before, you can skip this step. If you've installed the game via Steam, then this is probably here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2. If you complete this step correctly you'll have a BepInEx subfolder in that directory along with the following files (in addition to what was there before): changelog.txt, doorstop_config.ini, winhttp.dll
  2. Download and extract this mod into the game folder. From the TNO-x.x.x.zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\SPARK.
  3. Optional: Download and install Lux's OAB Extensions (see link above). From the zip file copy the BepInEx folder on top of your game's install folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: ...\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\LuxsOABExtensions.

Or, make things even easier and just use CKAN!

Fission Power Systems
Compact, and built for in-line integration, these reactors are the answer to your high power needs even in photo-deficient space environments.

  • FPS-60: Tiny, but mighty. The FPS-60 packs a lot into its Size XS (0.625m-class) frame. With this gadget on board, you'll have EC to spare, plus it doubles as a space heater for those long cold Duna nights. If you're not getting 60 FPS, then you need TNO!
  • 6qUkfKF.png
  • FPS-400: When you need some serious power generation in a handy Size Small package, then reach for the FPS-400! Designed as an in-line module, the FPS-400 stacks with other 1.25m-class parts fitting easily into your design - plus it has handy Roast and Broil settings! Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?
  • 6dOmGZH.png

Wonderful work, these will definitely fill a few gaps.

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Updated to v 0.1.1

Working on enabling different options (Inline vs. Open). Still don't have a way to have a single part that does both where you can switch the part, but I have been able to do this. It's lame, but it works.







This is a slight remodeling of the FPS-60 so that its exoskeleton frame works better in a modular fashion so that the top adapter can be optional. Selecting the open variant of either will subtract a small amount of mass as well as removing the top frame and top attachment node.




Edited by schlosrat
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3 hours ago, schlosrat said:

Is there more than one NF Electrical? I'm only aware of Nertea's, so I'm afraid I don't know about yours. Is it similar to Nertea's?

No! Sorry for my bad English but yeah, there's only one Near Future Electrical made by Nertea. Great mod, none the less!

Definitely going to give it a shot this very weekend.

Edited by Alpha_star
Yes please!
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P.S. : Does this work in previous versions of KSP2? I have heard that 0.1.4 is break-saving in some ways but this very mod is truly amazing.

……And I think that LuxStice, the guy behind SORRY and the Volumetric Plumes mod, is making a mod with similar functions to B9 part switch in the first Kerbal game. Maybe you can contact him to solve the "Different Part Options" problem?

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6 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

P.S. : Does this work in previous versions of KSP2? I have heard that 0.1.4 is break-saving in some ways but this very mod is truly amazing.

Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

I've not tested this mod with previous versions, but it would be surprising if it couldn't work. That said, I gave it a minimum version of 0.1.4 for both the game and SpaceWarp as those are the versions I've tested with. This means that in the state I've shipped it, it will currently refuse to work on earlier versions. If you want to try this out with an earlier version of the game all you'd need to do is edit the swinfo.json file that ships with TNO.

To try this mod with an earlier version of the game there would be at least two things you'd need to change. The "min" for the game, obviously is one, but you will need to also change the "min" for SpaceWarp if you want to try this with an earlier version of KSP2 since version 1.4 of SpaceWarp also requires KSP2 0.1.4. If you roll back to a version of the game and where you find it necessary to use a version of SpaceWarp that's earlier than 1.3 then there will be more things that would need to change and this will get a little messier.  Given all the improvements that have gone into KSP2 0.1.4, I really wouldn't recommend doing this, but you're welcome to give it a shot if you like.

  "spec": "1.3",
  "mod_id": "com.github.schlosrat.TNO",
  "author": "schlosrat",
  "name": "The Nuclear Option (TNO)",
  "description": "When solar power, batteris, and fuel cells just can't cut it, turn to TNO",
  "source": "https://github.com/schlosrat/TNO",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "version_check": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/schlosrat/TNO/main/TNO/swinfo.json",
  "ksp2_version": {
    "min": "0.1.4",
    "max": "*"
  "dependencies": [
      "id": "com.github.x606.spacewarp",
      "version": {
        "min": "1.4.0",
        "max": "*"


6 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

……And I think that LuxStice, the guy behind SORRY and the Volumetric Plumes mod, is making a mod with similar functions to B9 part switch in the first Kerbal game. Maybe you can contact him to solve the "Different Part Options" problem?

I've been collaborating with @LuxStice on this and my other mods, particularly SPARK. His volumetric (profiled) plumes in LFO are what make the ion engine plumes in SPARK a possibility! He's got a mod in the works, Patchouli Parts Manager, that I hope will make some of the things I want to do in this mod possible. As soon as that mod is ready, I plan to begin using it to help with this mod so that I don't need separate parts just to have separate configurations.

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40 minutes ago, schlosrat said:

Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

I've not tested this mod with previous versions, but it would be surprising if it couldn't work. That said, I gave it a minimum version of 0.1.4 for both the game and SpaceWarp as those are the versions I've tested with. This means that in the state I've shipped it, it will currently refuse to work on earlier versions. If you want to try this out with an earlier version of the game all you'd need to do is edit the swinfo.json file that ships with TNO.

To try this mod with an earlier version of the game there would be at least two things you'd need to change. The "min" for the game, obviously is one, but you will need to also change the "min" for SpaceWarp if you want to try this with an earlier version of KSP2 since version 1.4 of SpaceWarp also requires KSP2 0.1.4. If you roll back to a version of the game and where you find it necessary to use a version of SpaceWarp that's earlier than 1.3 then there will be more things that would need to change and this will get a little messier.  Given all the improvements that have gone into KSP2 0.1.4, I really wouldn't recommend doing this, but you're welcome to give it a shot if you like.

  "spec": "1.3",
  "mod_id": "com.github.schlosrat.TNO",
  "author": "schlosrat",
  "name": "The Nuclear Option (TNO)",
  "description": "When solar power, batteris, and fuel cells just can't cut it, turn to TNO",
  "source": "https://github.com/schlosrat/TNO",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "version_check": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/schlosrat/TNO/main/TNO/swinfo.json",
  "ksp2_version": {
    "min": "0.1.4",
    "max": "*"
  "dependencies": [
      "id": "com.github.x606.spacewarp",
      "version": {
        "min": "1.4.0",
        "max": "*"


I've been collaborating with @LuxStice on this and my other mods, particularly SPARK. His volumetric (profiled) plumes in LFO are what make the ion engine plumes in SPARK a possibility! He's got a mod in the works, Patchouli Parts Manager, that I hope will make some of the things I want to do in this mod possible. As soon as that mod is ready, I plan to begin using it to help with this mod so that I don't need separate parts just to have separate configurations.

Thanks very much for this wonderful little piece of work and the generous help! Wish you can make more better mods for all of us in the future!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to v 0.2.0, now with three brand new 2.5m-class options for your MW power production needs!

Release notes:

  • Added three new 2.5m-class reactors producing MW-class power (1000+ EC/s) in stackable (in-line) and end-of-stack (open) configurations.
    • FPS-1000: Designed exclusively for in-line applications, the FPS-1000 delivers MW-class power (1000 EC/s) in a compact 2.5m frame utilizing counter-rotating turbines for no net torque applied to your craft, but plenty of net EC! Check out the Roast and Broil settings! Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?
    • FPS-2000: For our more serious customers in need of serious power (you're one, right?), we're proud to offer the FPS-2000. Available in either stackable 'In-line' or end-of-stack 'Open' configurations, there's sure to be one to fit your needs. Warranty void if used on Flambe setting... Isn't it time you opted for the Nuclear Option?




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Updated for KSP2 0.2.0 (For Science!)
  • Fixed issues where node attach was not reliably working in the VAB for the parts in this pack. Parts should now reliably stack with top and bottom attach nodes as appropriate. There are no surface attach nodes at this time, but those may be added at a later date to support having attached radiators.
  • Fixed an issue where drag was not being applied to parts in this pack. Drag should not be correctly applied to all parts.
  • Added all parts to the Nuclear Power tech tree node
  • Added dependency on Patch Manager mod (needed to add parts to the tech tree)
On 1/13/2024 at 12:36 PM, Andrewthepika said:

How do I get the parts from this mod and SPARK to show up in the tech tree?

Install TNO 0.3.1 and SPARK 0.2.0

On 1/13/2024 at 2:33 PM, -dbv- said:

it needs an update for the newest version of KSP to work.

Please try it now

On 1/2/2024 at 10:03 PM, dolphin263 said:

Any chance this mod will be updated to game version 0.2.0?

Please try it now

Edited by schlosrat
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  • 1 month later...

Update to version 0.4.0

  • Added capability to switch between Open and Closed part variants in the VAB. This update impacts the FPS-60, FPS-400, and FPS-2000, eliminating three parts from the part picker and instead delivering the capability to choose from Open (has no top truss structure or top attachment node) or Closed (has a top truss structure with a top attachment node) in the VAB. Selecting the Open variant will be lower mass.
    • For backward compatibility, the old parts are all still in the asset bundle (so sadly it isn't any lighter), however, they are hidden in the parts picker. This means that any craft previously built with the now deprecated variants will still load and work as they have, but any new craft built will only have the new parts.


https://spacedock.info/mod/3471/The Nuclear Option

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