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joe orbital


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guys do you know what joe orbital is?

here's an example:



i think theres this universe based around a space station called joe orbital, and the wars pitting the joe empire and bruh alliance but thats all i know. can anyone help explain this to me?


if so post some more joe orbital gifs

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  • 1 month later...

Made an account here just to share my findings on this post, as I have just discovered this masterpiece of a story. There is apparently a fandom detailing the lore on the Joe universe. I also made this twitter thread with over 50 gifs that I found. The lore is very much centered around and inspired by the Elite Dangerous universe, although the story contains things from dozens of different sci-fi franchises. The fandom should explain everything but I don't know if there is more to this...

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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