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[0.21] Hooligan Labs - Airship, Submarines and More

Hooligan Labs

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Edit: Did you figure out the bugs I mentioned... Found a new issue. I put the included craft out in the water and it won't float or level out. It just sinks...

I'll have to go back and check. My stuff does float, so any screen shots or output logs posted to Pastebin would help.


Are your textures in the public domain Hooligan? I want to use your octopus on some of my sub parts. . . .

Sorry just wanted to make sure I didn't trample on your IP.

All the KSP stuff I have posted is free... But if you are going ahead with my logo you better give credit! :D

Here are some links to texture and .xcf files that might help.



I helped someone else with a "Mass Effect" mod a long time ago and he put the logo on the bottom of a Normandy-based vessel. Too bad it was taken down because of copyright concerns. :(

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The ballast tanks on the bottom are modular. The cockpit and propeller are 1m pieces in case you would rather have a Jet propelled sub. The coning tower is radially attachable and hopefully will have a KAS connector port on it for retrieving your submarines. I am not happy with how the rudder mounts turned out. Ideas for better looking pieces are more than welcome. I will hopefully add a couple of side attaching pieces such as lights, sensors, sample jars. Maybe even a robotic arm if I can figure out how Romfarer's stuff works. (Don't count on it since I don't know a line of C#) Textures forthcoming.

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Submarine progress update: Testing airship balloons and crewed vessels.

Step 1: Bringing the Deep Sea Base out to sea.


At this point the envelope works with the ballast tanks since the ballast tanks are not yet active (they are on the bottom of the upside down decoupler). Upon activation of the next stage, the envelope seemed to promptly fall to the water as was reported. I will have to create a single stage with both to investigate this problem further... Also will ask on the dev forums.

Did I mention how nice it is to be able to drop stuff in the water and it doesn't explode on impact? That alone makes this new buoyancy code really nice.

Also, that ship in the water is Jeb's original submarine. Without the new buoyancy code, it took 8 radial engines to force it under the water.

Step 2: Sinking the base.


Notice that the ballast tanks are on the bottom of the submarine, unlike previous designs. That is because those designs were mostly structure, fuel, etc. Stuff that does not float. However, as these capsules can hold crew they actually float really well. The ballast is used to make this sink.

After reaching a certain depth the Scene:raycastClosestShape error began to spam. Something is trying to use a raycast and it is not happy. I'm hoping it is the camera - I expect I to need to rewrite it anyway. At the moment the error seems to be harmless.

Step 3: Return to the surface.


One of the kerbonauts stepped out of the base to see what would happen. The result was that his (stock) buoyancy ripped him up to the surface. He hit it so fast that he shot a couple of meters into the air!

Since the jet engine was floating here it clearly did not receive the new buoyancy plugin.

To do list includes fixing the problems with the airship and getting a new camera. If possible, I will also look into adding a texture to the bottom of the ocean.

I may be able to fit in some quick code that will give nearby kerbs neutral buoyancy so they can do stuff like this...


.. And do stuff, like, say, attach KAS connectors to your submarines!

The ballast tanks on the bottom are modular. The cockpit and propeller are 1m pieces in case you would rather have a Jet propelled sub. The coning tower is radially attachable and hopefully will have a KAS connector port on it for retrieving your submarines.

I agree that this looks good - mostly proper engineering with a bit of cartoon-ness that fits well within KSP. If you did want to go down to a single rudder behind the prop you could, it is not a big deal. The size of the rudder isn't too off scale.

Only the ballasts would probably need to run my code. If the rest (particularly the conn tower) holds crew then it would float.

I could help with any C# / Unity Script questions you might have... But I am going to have to take a break from this around the end of the week and start practicing for the Indie Speed Run.

Go watch Blue Submarine No.6 and try to ignore or enjoy the story, whichever you prefer :P. These are the best images I could find as that show is a pita to find pics of the subs, amazing as they are.

I have long been a fan of the art in there. The plot is so typical mad scientist... "I'm going to create a new species to compete with humanity... and flood the planet! What better way to bring about world peace?"

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Submarine progress update: Testing airship balloons and crewed vessels.

To do list includes fixing the problems with the airship and getting a new camera. If possible, I will also look into adding a texture to the bottom of the ocean.

I may be able to fit in some quick code that will give nearby kerbs neutral buoyancy so they can do stuff like this...

What would be cool would be to remove the kerbs buoyancy completely. then add a deploying balloon, that we could use to get back to the top. We could use VNG parachute plugin idea to have a balloon instead of a parachute. As your balloons could work both ways from making us float to stopping us crashing into the ground...

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What would be cool would be to remove the kerbs buoyancy completely. then add a deploying balloon, that we could use to get back to the top. We could use VNG parachute plugin idea to have a balloon instead of a parachute. As your balloons could work both ways from making us float to stopping us crashing into the ground...

Such a balloon wouldn't be too hard to make. For now, I expected that the kerbs simply float and then could navigate using their jetpacks.

Something like this, but less dramatic. http://gifs.alphacoders.com/gifs/view/255

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Could the GUI have the balance craft function when two or more balloon attached on the craft?

the CoM and CoL are hard to perfectly aligned, make the craft have some pitch.

Although user can right click the balloon to increase/decrease the buoyancy to balance the craft,

but use the slidebar or vertical speed control will reset the buoyancy make the craft imbalance again

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Could the GUI have the balance craft function when two or more balloon attached on the craft?

the CoM and CoL are hard to perfectly aligned, make the craft have some pitch.

Although user can right click the balloon to increase/decrease the buoyancy to balance the craft,

but use the slidebar or vertical speed control will reset the buoyancy make the craft imbalance again

There used to be an adjustment that would do all envelopes in the front and back, but the issue was determining what was the front and back of an envelope! It could be different for each design. So now we just have the controls for each envelope only, as specified by you.

It may be easier if you bind action keys to adjusting the envelopes. For example, you could increase the front buoyancy and decrease rear with the 1 key.

I looked through my code and I don't think there is anything that should be resetting the pitch when you adjust the slider...

float temp = targetBuoyantVessel;
targetBuoyantVessel = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(targetBuoyantVessel, 0f, 1f);
if (temp != targetBuoyantVessel)
toggleAltitudeControl = false;

It is likely that you are seeing imbalance because the control is based in % set by the slider added to the % you set for the envelope. It would require changing your pitch when you move the slider.

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Just tested an airship underwater. Works fine! Not having any issues other than the GUIs overlapping each other... I dragged one out of the way and no more problems. I'll adjust the ballast to go underneath by default.


My buddy actually has one of those! FlyBoard is the brand he has...they work using the drive system from a typical jetski. They are so hard to operate the company REQUIRES you take a 4 day ($350) class before your allowed to purchase one.

I love jet skis. I should seriously consider getting one of these things one day.

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One thing I wish to point out before the submarine mod gets too popular: fuel itself should have neutral buoyancy, but a full fuel tank should indeed sink: fuel resource unit size seem to be approximately 5l, thus the resource density of 5kg/u is that of water. My analysis of LFO resource unit size.

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I finally abandoned the project due to just general bugginess which I won't blame on any one modmaker. For a glorious few hours, my dream was realized though...until I tried to save, or just randomly got eaten by the kraken, or sometimes it even just poofed and disappeared.

The good though is that the Firespitter bomber makes a great dirigible body, the side opening doors for the carrier are perfect for airborne craft, and you only need 4 hexathingies to comfortably lift a carrier. Here's a few screenies:






In the carrier thread I posted a few also from the previous trials...yes the arrest hook/wire thing works wonders for the very short air carrier decks.

A few limitations:

- Can't save over water, bad things happen.

- Must be anchored to save - meaning land and takeoff also. Operation limited to 50m off the terrain.

- VERY sensitive to weight shifts. I was constantly adjusting the buoyancy even with a 500 ton test weight and only moving a 3 ton aircraft around the deck. Computerized assist would be awesome.

- Wonky carrier parts means that construction can't be mirrored. Kerbals still have freeze bug walking on deck, getting stuck in cracks between parts.

- Stopping is a PAIN. It takes years to slow down from 50m/s. I used 12 air brakes from Firespitter mod and it cut the time in half, but still took forever.

- Dropping anchor at >10m/s risks tearing the anchor off...then you're screwed. I started keeping spare anchors in storage.

- Despite freezing the lift factor in order to save, the whole craft will eventually settle to the ground when you aren't looking. Don't stop over uneven terrain or you might fly your scout back to a nasty surprise.

- Cool factor is still a 9.5...thank you makers of Firespitter, carrier parts, and Hooligan for making this happen. Cheers guys.

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Ok i don't even CARE that it doesn't totally work I WANT that in the Gallery!!!! Permission to add please!

Oh np man, be sure to get the one in the carrier thread with the airplane on the deck also. Can't find it now, but it exists.

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