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Crew Transfer?


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I have a craft that has a lander and a command module.  There is a Clamp-O-Tron Sr. on top of the lander, and a Clamp-O-Tron Sr. on top of the command module.  The lander is currently connected to the command module via the Clamp-O-Tron Sr., but is attached as a decoupler through the lander's engine.  This is standard for me, and it's how I learned how to use landers in KSP1.  It looks like so:

Docking Port
Docking Port
Command Module

I have it like this so when the lander comes back to the command module they can dock.  Anyhow, in KSP1, as long as you had a docking port, you could transfer crew between craft when the craft were considered to be docked.  Even in the configuration I mentioned above, I can transfer crew between craft.  In KSP2, however, I cannot transfer crew between the lander and the Command Module in this configuration.  I haven't tried to dock yet (I needed to get a ship in orbit with 2 Kerbs in the lander and 2 Kerbs in the command module back to the ground), but thought I could just transfer crew here and go back to the surface.  The command module is the Wanderer, so it had space.

Anyone know why this isn't do-able in KSP2?  Did something change where you can't transfer crew?  Or is this a bug that should be reported?

Edited by Scarecrow71
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Similar issue with Resource Transfer.  I initially assumed 0.1 did not support resource transfer, requiring to wait for a few years to have advanced resources developed, and only THEN we would be able to transfer resource.  Fortunately the devs knew we would need to transfer fuel and even sometimes Ec. They can ONLY be transferred via the Resource Manager window located as well in the App Bar in the bottom right. 


The entire parts manager design has been a disaster in KSP2, and we only have to accept that atleast for now, KSP1 will always be better in reagrds to controls and we cant necessarily rely on KSP1 experience to know how to do something in KSP2.

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I like the resource manager, I just couldn’t find it. The parts manager is too big and not very useful though, I think they need to rethink it and maybe even find a way to get rid of it. 

I think it would work better if a right click only brought up a small pop-up relevant to that part only, and if it contained resources or crew, a shortcut to the relevant manager. But it should never be necessary to have more than one part pop-up visible at the same time like in KSP1.

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4 hours ago, Periple said:

think it would work better if a right click only brought up a small pop-up relevant to that part only, and if it contained resources or crew, a shortcut to the relevant manager. But it should never be necessary to have more than one part pop-up visible at the same time like in KSP1.

This. Don't remove it, just integrate it better with other tools and make it more user - and screen - friendly.

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