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[1.12.5] - RP-1 TechTree Kompacted [1.5.2]


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RP-1 Tech Tree Kompacted

Often frustrated with the general large and overwhelming layout of the RP-1 Tech Tree I decided to see if I could rework it into something neater.

No parts have been changed this is layout only mod, can be added and removed from a save game.

Lines to 'Blue-Sky' nodes have been removed to offer a cleaner overall look to the Tree.  The dependencies remain. Blue Sky nodes are in line with the items they unlock.

Row order has been re-arranged to try untangle as many lines as possible.




RP1 Tech Tree Kompacted on SpaceDock

Module Manager

RP-1 Realistic Progression One


This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 license.


 Buy Me a Coffee!  https://ko-fi.com/cruesoe 

Edited by Cruesoe
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am aware that the way the current Blue Sky nodes are coloured it can look weird when that research node is in progress, but looks fine when unlocked. (Due to the orange overlay applied to in progress nodes)

I'm redoing the style of the Blue Sky nodes to remove this issue.

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Updated to 1.2

  • Changed Blue Sky node icons, previous full colour icons looked strange when In Progress orange overlay was applied.
  • Small adjustment to node positions
  • Alternative larger layout included for those with higher resolution screens - see instructions included in download on how to apply



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  • 3 months later...

There are some graphical errors on the later parts of the tech tree. (the propulsion ones have parts placed by Near Future Propulsion, and the electricity ones are placed by Near Future Electrical, but the rest are normal RP-1)


Edited by Clayel
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 7/27/2024 at 1:05 PM, Cruesoe said:

Update is on its way but before I release it I would like some feedback on an idea I have been playing with.

Dated Bluesky Nodes (see work in progress image).

Helpful, not helpful, looks good, looks bad.. Let me know!



The look is definitely in style with the the rest of the tree.  What I appreciate about it is the ease of seeing what "era" of spaceflight the parts you'll have access to are from.  

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  • 4 months later...
  On 12/31/2024 at 9:06 PM, Clayel said:

I've added your mod to https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-1/wiki/Extra-Mods-to-Consider as it has been a great help to me, thanks!


Thank you. That's the main purpose I started the mod, to help unravel the complexity of RP-1.  I made it to help myself and it's really appreciated to know it helps others too.

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The tech tree is looking good!



I still see some graphical errors with the lines (and a strange arrow) near the end of the tech tree though. This is with near future electrical, exploration, launch vehicles, solar, and propulsion installed. @Cruesoe



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  On 1/3/2025 at 9:40 PM, Clayel said:

The tech tree is looking good!



I still see some graphical errors with the lines (and a strange arrow) near the end of the tech tree though. This is with near future electrical, exploration, launch vehicles, solar, and propulsion installed. @Cruesoe




I will install those mods and push an update. Clearly they add some extra nodes to the Ion engines line, I know how to fix it. 

With regard to the one strange arrow all alone, this is a result of the method I use to eliminate the parent lines to the Blue Sky nodes. I don't like it but there is nothing I have found yet to fix it unfortunately.

Expect an update to 1.5.1 in a couple of days, thanks for the report.

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  On 1/3/2025 at 9:40 PM, Clayel said:

The tech tree is looking good!



I still see some graphical errors with the lines (and a strange arrow) near the end of the tech tree though. This is with near future electrical, exploration, launch vehicles, solar, and propulsion installed. @Cruesoe




@Clayel I have added all of Nertea's mods Near and Far Future and I can't get the extra Electrical Propulsion nodes to show in my game, can you please DM me your complete mod list.

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Posted (edited)


I have isolated your issue.  As you didn't install RP1 using the suggested Express install you are missing the RP1 Express Install folder.

This folder contains a patch that removes non RO parts from the Tech Tree, it is non RO parts that are showing up in the later Electrical Engine nodes on the Tech Tree.

So the issue you have is due to the unsupported and non standard install, and not a particular mod that adds additional custom RP1 parts.

I have created and update that works and will release it shortly but I encourage you to install via the express install so you don't miss out on anything or have non RO / non standard parts.


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Ah ok, thanks. Do you mind messaging me the name, content, and location of that patch? I'm sure I can add it in to my own save.

I don't use the express install as I prefer test lite over test flight. I suppose I could make a PR to the express netkan that would allow for one or the other to be installed, but I'm not sure if they would enjoy that PR too much as test flight is currently preferred for 'balance reasons'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 1.5.1 - "More Space!" Edition

The main feedback I get about this tree is most users think the placement of the nodes is too 'compacted'.
So I have added a LessKompacted Option to the download, just pick which cfg file you would like to use. 
As for the Kompacted name, well I am kinda stuck with it now, even though RP-1 Tidier, Neater, Cleaner Looking, With Added Colors, Tech Tree would be a more appropriate name.


https://spacedock.info/mod/3495/RP-1 TechTree Kompacted


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  On 1/16/2025 at 5:43 PM, Cruesoe said:

RP-1 Tidier, Neater, Cleaner Looking, With Added Colors, Tech Tree would be a more appropriate name.



From henceforth, we’re all to be known as Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron.

Apologies in advance if you don't get the reference. :)

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I tried to download the latest version on CKAN, and I got this error message: 

  Reveal hidden contents

I've tried downloading it a few times, yet it gives me the same error. Any idea how to fix this?

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